Transformers In Marvel Chapter 255: The death of Casillas

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Before the Joker terrorized Gotham City, he worked as a laboratory worker. He quit his job to support his pregnant wife and became a stand-up comedian.


The super-powerful teleportation magic from the Sanctuary of Agalas directly penetrated the space, skipped countless galaxies in an instant, shuttled through the massive dimensions, directly centered on the earth's coordinates, and searched for the closest dark dimension of space.

The strongest wizard group in the universe in the Sanctuary of Agalas reached the dark dimension along the solid transmission channel.

The sacred magic that has terrible lethal power to the dark power, and the power of the dark dimension burst out a terrible shock wave at the moment of contact, and the raging raging wave is transmitted in the space, which is perceived by many people.

"They are here... the legendary group of strongest wizards in the universe, the wizards of Agalath Sanctuary..."

Seeing the dazzling light suddenly appearing in the dark dimension, Downey's eyes brightened and he muttered.

The Sanctuary of Agalas is a helping hand for Downey's high hopes, not only because of their strength but also because of their reputation and character.

The magicians of Agalas Sanctuary not only have a wealth of knowledge but also have moral qualities that amaze countless people.

Any mage who can enter the sanctuary of Agalas has impeccable character.

"The time has come. As long as there are these mages, it is only a matter of time before the dark dimension is captured. The most important thing is whether I can seize the core of the dark dimension and become the new master of the dark dimension."

Donny squinted, looking through the sight of the Transformers on the front line, he saw Casillas surrounded and protected by the freak and dark monsters, as well as the shocked and panicked face of the opponent.

"Who is it, who is it? This kind of magical power that has such a powerful lethal power against the dark power..." Casillas was really panicked this time, looking at the wizards who came out neatly from the beam of light, a little surprised fear.

He has been trained as the first disciple of Kama Taj for a long time. It stands to reason that his mind and wisdom are all on the line, but when he really faces the enemy of overwhelming power, he will inevitably feel a sense of panic.

The enemies here are unexpected, powerful, mysterious, and holy.

The use of the word "holy" in the dark dimension is simply synonymous with a great crisis.

The ruler of the Sanctuary of Agalas personally led the team, leading his large group of wizards, and did not hesitate to hunt down the demon.

As I said before, the Sanctuary of Agalas is an open and tolerant place, and the most terrifying thing is that it recruits mages from the entire universe! As long as you pass the test, you can get the most basic qualifications.

Over time, how many terrifying mages will accumulate in the Sanctuary of Agalath? Countless sparks of wisdom collide with each other, and how many powerful magical secrets can be researched?

The hideous power of the most magical holy place in the universe is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Tens of thousands of mages form a peculiar magic formation, and the common magic increase makes everyone's magic power increase.

The uniformly large-scale sacred annihilation spells are terrifying to the devil's lethality. They don't need to be hit directly. They only need to be irradiated by light. The devils will scream and turn into black smoke Evaporate.

"Destroy the darkness!" The old man held up his hands and led the wizard group of the Agalas Sanctuary to hunt down the evil spirits.

Some wizards even use space spells to specifically attack the black hole vortex that summons the devil, destroying and sealing spells are constantly being staged.

Even if Casillas desperately used spells, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed of destroying the seal.

Casillas panicked.

There are too many opponents, and too powerful! The old man in the lead is also at the seventh level, and it is impossible for him to resist it!

"What a terrible wizard group..."

Downey floated in the air, watching the wizards of the Agalas Sanctuary clear out the blank space every time they attacked, and exclaimed.

"Kama Taj doesn't have this kind of momentum, right...Can you get a thousand mages, including the rookie mages?" Downey asked the king who was fighting ahead.

"One thousand...If I can make up five hundred, even if I lose." Wang was a little depressed, and he was jealous when he saw the momentum on the opposite side, but Kama Taj really didn't have that many people.

The physique suitable for learning magic is overestimated, and Kama Taj is not open to the whole universe like the Sanctuary of Agalath.

"This is the reinforcement you are talking about? It's so powerful!" Wanda opened her beautiful eyes, because she was afraid of the chaotic battlefield, so she could only try to stay by Donnie's side.

Seeing the powerful combat power of the Agalas Sanctuary Mage Group, the little witch is also full of yearning and longing.

"I also want to learn that kind of magic," Wanda said.

"You can't learn it. If you want to learn magic, you can go directly to Kama Taj. Your talent is amazing. I think Gu Yi will also like you very much." Downey glanced at him following him like a kitten. Wanda glanced at it and said lightly.

As for the reason, he did not explain.

Downey looked at the opposite side coldly, the fire source in his mind was beating rapidly, controlling the battle of every Transformer. In the tightly guarded portal in the rear, a steady stream of machinery was transported in and became his latest combat power into the battlefield.

The number of enemies was reduced at a rate visible to the naked eye, and they suffered terrible suppression and destruction.

"Don't pay attention to the Agaras Sanctuary, our target is Casillas only, we must kill this bastard! He has mastered too many secrets of the earth, leaving him with endless troubles!"

Downey looked hostile and suddenly raised his head. The gaze that had always been plain suddenly became a bit more fierce, staring at Casillas from a long distance like a poisonous snake.

A hint of chill rose from Casillas' spine.


In the army guarding the rear, dozens of peculiar Transformers came out immediately, with bright colors and tall bodies.

In the aftermath of many people, these more than a dozen Transformers began to assemble one after another, climbing up one by one, with their limbs being assembled together.

The combined Transformers are war weapons used by Downey to rush into battle.

Hercules, Huntian Leopard, was fearless.

The height of each is close to fifty meters, and the super-high rocket ejection ability gives them very strong maneuverability. In just a few seconds, he crossed the battlefield and appeared in front of him.

Each one is a terrifying killing machine, which can be called a human-shaped fort. Numerous barrels extend from them, destroying all enemies blocking the road, and rushing in the direction of Casillas.

It was like a signal, the signal to hunt Casillas was launched and everyone received it.

Especially the mage of Kama Taj, I don't know if the power of hatred is greater or the stimulation of Agalath Sanctuary is greater. They all screamed at Casillas as if they were beaten up with blood.

"Casillas, the shameful traitor, die!" Mordo roared with red eyes.