Transformers In Marvel Chapter 254: Sanctuary of Agalath

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Marvel was the first comic book company to give an African American his very own comic book.

In June 1972, Luke Cage made his first appearance as himself in Luke Cage: Hero for Hire Issue number one. In the comic, he takes on the name of Power Man and takes on heroic jobs for a fee.


In the vast universe and stars, in addition to the boundless three-dimensional world that people recognize, there are many weird and strange dimensions intertwined and a large number of temporary and semi-permanent small different-dimensional spaces derived from them.

Occasionally, there are visitors from different universes wandering between the universe.

The wonderful degree of this universe is beyond imagination, and too many miracles have been born.

In this vast world, when it comes to magic, some people think of the two most recognized holy places.

One, it is said to be a remote planet from a remote galaxy, and its popularity is relatively low, but the ruler there is a ruthless character. In the past, it killed a large number of powerful beings, many even famous people, but they were all affected by that. One was killed, and the corpse became the other's spoils.

It can be said that the place called "Kama Taj" on the remote planet was killed by a single shot by the ruler of that place. The woman named Gu Yi was rumored to have exerted the power of magic to the extreme. Can tear large areas of space and destroy indestructible time.

But Kama Taj is worse than other places after all.

After all, Kama Taj relied on the fame of his life in ancient times. It was built from the corpses of countless evil creatures hated by other planets. Various powerful magical mysteries were also used by the ancient ones. Respected by life on other planets.

The other holy land is the real magic holy land.

Strong, tolerant, open, rich, prosperous...

It seems that all beautiful words can be used to describe this sacred place without any sense of disobedience.

The number one magic holy land is...Agalas Sanctuary.

In the endless years, the second-ranked magical holy land has changed more than once, but the Agalas Sanctuary has always occupied the first position, praised by countless universe beings.

Every life who comes here, regardless of background, strength, or temperament, will be shocked by the prosperity and openness of life here and will be impressed by the gentle but serious temperament of the wizards here.

The Sanctuary of Agalas is a combination of all beautiful things, the highest achievement zone on the side of all magic, and a rare sacred pure land in the universe.

At this time, in the holy and glorious Sanctuary of Agalas, the wizards who like to wear white robes are doing their own things.

But in this place, there are petite figures in black clothes walking slowly, seeming out of place.

Her deeply bowed head, dressed in black, looked very dazzling in this place where every little piece of land exudes a noble atmosphere.

I don't know if it is an illusion, some powerful wizards can even feel the disgusting... demonic breath from the petite figure who passed them by.

It comes from the atmosphere of the evil world full of sin and darkness.

But everyone who walked past her was an impeccable mage, and the gaze that looked over was not disgusting, but with pity that could not be concealed.

It seems to be aware of the pity of the people around her, the people who are covered under the black robe have their heads lowered deeper, and in the wide sleeves, the hands containing the power of the devil are deeply clenched, and they even tremble from time to time.

She slowly walked up the high platform, step by step, all exuding pure magic. This made her feel that every second she was in this world was a tarnish to this sacred world.

There is no strife, no death, no bloodshed, no hatred, exhaustion of all beautiful words, it is impossible to describe here.

She loves her, but she doesn't belong here, she is a natural symbol of sin and disaster.

Slowly, she walked to the highest point, where the ruler of the Sanctuary of Agalas was quietly waiting for her.

"We have some things to deal with. It may take a while." The old man, who has always had a peaceful smile on his face, looked at her peacefully with the same pitying eyes.

"Where to go? Oh, yes, I have caused you a lot of trouble, and I should leave, otherwise, he will find it..." She whispered, not even daring to look up at this place. The whole body was trembling slightly.

"You think too much. If I wanted to drive you away, why did I risk accepting you in the first place? What a silly boy..." The old man laughed dumbly and patted the latter on the shoulder affectionately. "The holy magical atmosphere here makes you very Don't feel comfortable, bear with me for a while, and when we come back, I will help you expel all the demon powers and give you the purest magical physique."

"Raven, you will always get rid of the shadow of that devil and become a powerful magician."

The old man used his calm words to comfort the girl named Raven with demon power.

"Where do you want to go? Can I follow?" The raven raised his head, revealing the face with four blood-red eyes.

The girl named Raven has four scarlet eyes without pupils, which is a symbol of a pure demonic physique. If the raven can be in the **** world, it may be the next great demon with unlimited potential.

"Earth is a very far away place, we go there to drive out the darkness." The old man's expression gradually became serious, "We will join forces with the Venerable Kama Taj to kill the master of the dark dimension."

"Will it succeed?"

"Of course, my child, Agalas Sanctuary, Kama Taj, Eternal Fort, if this can't kill that guy, then the universe would have been swallowed by darkness."

The old man is very confident, representing three powerful magic inheritance forces joining forces, UU Reading will surely be able to kill Domam.

Dommam, who left the dark dimension, is a great demigod. As long as they can suppress or even cut off the connection between Dommam and the dark core for a short time, they can kill Dommam.

As for the use of powerful sacred magic to cut off the darkness, Agalath Sanctuary is best at it, otherwise, the raven would not look for them when desperate.

He still remembered that when the raven first came to the door, many wizards felt the pure demon aura. They thought it was the devil who came to take revenge, shouting one by one to expel the devil.

They were silent when they saw the raven standing on the edge of the sanctuary, with blood and tears in the four eyes and a trembling petite body.

It is too risky to accept the raven.

Because it is the father of the raven who is chasing the raven crazily across the universe, the **** devil named "San Gong".

The strength of the Sannomiya is...multiverse, and it is the "only" born to ignore time, surpassing almost all creatures in the entire multiverse.

But the Agalas Sanctuary did just that. They accepted the raven, tried everything possible, spent countless precious materials, and tried to get rid of the devil's breath and blood in the raven's body, with little effect.

"I have found a way to purify your body, this time, it will definitely succeed."

The old man walked slowly, raising one hand slightly, and magic filled with a sacred aura suddenly appeared, and magic light began to burst out from multiple places in the Sanctuary of Agalath, together forming a white transmission channel.

The body of the raven shrank into a ball, trembling slightly, and reacted immensely to the magic of the divine light.

"Don't be afraid, boy, when we come back, everything will be fine."