Transformers In Marvel Chapter 292: Ha ha ha ha, it smells so good

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Master Crypto/ was very angry. As the senior gene owner of Krypton, no one except Joe El could hold it like this.

Let alone weak people on Earth, even on Krypton, under the apocalyptic red sun, the physical fitness of those Kryptonians is greatly weakened by the red sunlight, but their physical indicators are far stronger than the strongest people on Earth. Many.

The vast majority of those strong Kryptonians could not resist it rushing forward at will.

The Kryptonian dog opened its mouth wide, revealing its grinning teeth, and wanted to roar to deter this stupid female creature.

"Wow! Bow!!!!"

Wanda was very considerate and put the second sausage into the dog's mouth while stroking the dog's head with his hands desperately.

"Wow, the hair is so soft, but why is it so wet? Is it splashed with water, poor little guy..."

"Hey, hey, Wang! (It's fragrant

The Kryptonian roared menacingly and ate the sausage happily.

The arrogant Krypton dog has a little more recognition of the female creature's senses, but is it a pet?

it's out of the question.

It is impossible to be your pet in this life, it is to find Joe El's offspring on the earth and become his pet.

Lord Crypto is a pet of the El family, not your pet of the Down family.

It wanted to struggle, but was held down by Wanda lightly: "Don't move, boy, I'll take a shower when I go back."

This random slap pressed it firmly in his arms, making it depressed and broken.

It felt the threat of terror on Wanda.

This is not an adjective, but a real threat like a needle. The chaotic magic of Wanda always flows in her body. Holding the Krypton dog at close range, the brewing magic has caused a huge impact on the cells in the Krypton dog Of suppression.

Every minute and every second, a lot of energy is lost.

Fortunately, the magic power is not kryptonite, it will only weaken the cells and will not kill them in large quantities.

But this also makes it extremely fragile, just as fragile as other dogs on the planet.

Master Kripto howled towards the sky, full of unwillingness and anger, and then, lying in Wanda's arms with peace of mind, enjoying the dog's life.

The tail began to waver desperately and then stopped again.

"What a weird dog." Wanda looked down at the little white dog in confusion but didn't take it to heart. She only thought the puppy was tired and lacking energy.

"When Downey comes back, I will be very happy to see a white puppy in the house, right?"

Wanda Miami arched the little white dog with her face and waited with joy for her man's return. She didn't worry about Downey's danger. With Domam as a servant and time with gems as a weapon, she could retreat without help.

As for her, she just needs to stay at home and wait for Downey to come back.

Without knowing what he thought of, Wanda's mouth curled up, and an intoxicating blush appeared on his face.

The super soldiers hidden in the crowd faithfully fulfilled their responsibilities, looking at everyone on the street with veiled eyes.

Each of the super soldiers that will come out these days has been injected with the most advanced research product, which is the latest research of Bacchus factor and the beauty team serum, which can retain the regenerative ability and possess super-physical fitness.

Moreover, these soldiers have undergone harsh and cruel training, and each of them is a strong and loyal master of fighting and firearms, enough to deal with most emergencies.

Wanda took the dog and returned to the Tang Manor all the way. Various veterinarians and pet care staff were already ready and immediately greeted him to carry out a precise test on the strange little white dog.

"Miss Wanda, this dog is very healthy, healthy, and even out of character." A medical worker said with a smile.

"That's great. Starting today, this dog will be the beast of the Tang Manor Garden!" Wanda announced loudly.

Everyone is smiling, looking at the happy mistress.

But when the medical staff turned around, their smiles gradually faded. Several people exchanged vague eyes several times. After leaving Wanda, they immediately pressed a button to report the situation to a higher level.

"What's the matter, when you press this button, you should understand that unless it is a sudden and major event, you will be severely punished."

"That dog, there is a problem, and the problem is very big." The leading medical staff whispered, "According to Mr. Downey's instructions, this kind of thing is enough to mobilize the power of the Sky Eye Society to investigate."

"What's the matter?" On the other end, Klein stopped his work and asked.

"Miss Wanda brought back a little white dog. We went through a precise test and found that it is not an ordinary dog ​​at all. Its muscle density is very scary, and the activity of blood cells is terrifying, and ordinary people are like hot dogs. Water and the dog's cells are almost like volcanoes. But for some reason, the activity frequency is very low."

"This is obviously a genetic organism of a certain organization. It is impossible for an ordinary stray dog ​​to have such a powerful body."

The medical staff remembered the picture of the needle just now and tried their best to put the needle in. It is also very likely that the dog has deliberately relaxed its muscles.

You know This medical staff is also a reformer, and he almost didn't even get into the skin of a dog...

This is very problematic.

Klein was silent for a while, rubbed his forehead, and said, "I understand, don't alarm the dog. You just pretend that nothing happened. Find a reason and isolate the dog to avoid it. Hurt Wanda."

Hanging up the phone, Klein dialed a number again and ordered the people there to thoroughly investigate the origin of the little white dog.

"No matter which institution I am in, I will investigate it! The corpses lying around Tang's Manor still seem to be unable to let the **** converge. No matter who it is, it must pay the price!" Klein said, cold Hung up the phone forcibly.

The leader of the Tianyanhui held his face cold and put his hands together.

"Why, something is in trouble?"

Opposite Klein, a tall woman was sitting.

This woman had long black hair that reached her waist, and she was wearing a black coat. She talked plainly to Klein, who was becoming more and more authoritative as if she were reminiscing with an old friend.

"Sandra, you shouldn't come to me." Klein sighed.

The long-haired woman frowned without a trace, obviously dissatisfied with Klein's response. She stretched out her callous hand, across the air, and no dded at Klein's brow, as if pointing a gun at Klein's head.

"It seems that the leadership status of the Sky Eye Society makes you forget about it, forget your background, and forget your background."

"When you came out of that place, you have been marked by the organization in your entire life. Never try to get rid of it."

"Scarecrow, don't forget, you are a member of the Shadow Warrior Alliance. You used to be, you will be in the future, and you will always be!"