Transformers In Marvel Chapter 293: The comeback of the Kagemusha League

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Klein jumped slightly, but he quickly slackened. The leader wearing glasses finally smiled helplessly.

"Sandra, go, I can't help you now."

"Do you want to betray us?" Sandra's face was frosty.

Klein laughed in a low voice: "Betrayal? No, you abandoned me first. In Gotham City, Master Ninja was defeated by Batman. Everyone thought he died in the explosion of the train, even me. Think so."

"In the Shadow Warrior League, none of the large numbers of middle-level and high-level people cares about me, leaving me to fend for myself. You only have the ninja master in your eyes. Why would you put me in your eyes?"

"When I ventured to follow Downey and came into contact with the secrets of the resurrection spring from the Owl Court, I learned that Master Ninja will not die, as long as there is the resurrection spring, he can't die."

"I was in Gotham City and had a miserable life. I couldn't receive any news from you, but I always have expectations of you. Waiting for one day, the Alliance will think of me again and call me."

Klein laughed gloomily, the vocal cords of his throat rubbed tightly, giving a sneer that was very different from usual. He banged on the tabletop, undauntedly with Sandra, the first-class "Ms. Siwa" in the killer world. Look at each other.

In a pair of clear eyes, there was a strong cynicism.

Sandra showed a murderous face and warned word by word: "Have you considered the consequences?"

"Are you threatening me, Ms. Siwa, threatening Tianyan will... Manager Xi? Threatening the subordinates of the Supreme Mage?" Klein laughed directly and stood up suddenly, through his glasses, his eyes flashing with chills, Staring at each other.

Ms. Siwa, the top killer in the Shadow Warrior Alliance, the absolutely high-level. Before, the humble Scarecrow had never even seen her, but when she was in a high position, the unattainable people in the past took the initiative to come to her door.

what is this? Pay attention?

No, it's deterrence.

Under Sandra's beautiful face, she suppressed her anger, and said solemnly, "Klein, don't be so excited. The alliance was really chaotic during that time, so I didn't care about it..."

Klein sneered. It took more than a year from the defeat of the Master Ninja to when Downey got him out of jail. Isn't he the ability to send a casual notice?

"Just put it straight, Sandra, what on earth are you looking for me to do." Klein lay comfortably on the chair and asked confidently.

Next door, there were hundreds of undead fighters ready. No matter how strong Ms. Siwa was, she was just an ordinary person who was proficient in fighting and killing, and she was incomparable with these serum-injected fighters.

One hundred to one, you can win no matter how you fight.

Moreover, he Klein has not been in vain all these years, and all kinds of deadly chemical poisons are hidden all over his body.

"The plan to destroy Gotham will continue. As a traitor to the Alliance, Batman must die. We need your help. This is also the order of the ninja master Lars El Gul." Sandra said.

"I won't help you destroy Gotham City. That's not what Skyeye will do. Give up." Klein was indifferent, "I know what you want to say, but Skyeye will not be my Skyeye club, as I told you. , I'm just an executive officer, and the real owner is Downey."

Klein slowly took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and said, "Believe me, if there is no order from Downey, Sky Eye will intervene in this kind of thing without authorization. Downey will kill. He has never been a victim. A good boy who hit but didn't fight back."

"He will even be angry with the Shadow Warrior Alliance. With his strength, he can easily completely bloodbath the alliance. One hundred resurrection springs are not enough for you."

"I bypassed him to help you, not only meant that I betrayed him, and even the entire Sky Eye Club betrayed him-but many people joined the Sky Eye Club for the mechanic, the new Supreme Mage Downey, you gave me Look too high."

Sandra asked unwillingly: "Then what if Master Ninja forces you to come back?"

"The Eye will declare war on the Shadow Warrior Alliance that day," Klein said powerfully.

Sandra was silent.

This is bad news, they have completely lost the scarecrow. And reality tells her that if the pressure continues, the behemoth will really do it. They have never been a charity.

It's a natural organization that kills people.

The terrifying volume is crushing to the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

Ms. Siwa stood up slowly, without saying a word, opened the door, and left.

Return without success.

Klein, this little person of the past, has grown to the point where they are somewhat powerless.

Sandra got on the elevator, looked at the layers of capable personnel, and stared at her elite soldiers coldly, and sighed weakly.

Outside, the sky began to rain, and Ms. Siwa was like an ordinary passerby, silently holding up an umbrella, walking on the street, and looking at the bustling streets of New York City.

In her eyes, it was full of sin.

She walked several streets one after another, came to a corner, and said to the ordinary people waiting there: "Thank Klein is no longer ours."

The man's face changed slightly, and he made a slashing movement: "Want me to go..."

"No, the main purpose now is to clean Gotham City. Klein and Skyeye will postpone the matter. Master Ninja will let me explain."

Sandra looked at the misty sky, and walked in the rain, slowly disappearing into the endless crowd.

For a top killer, hiding yourself is the most basic ability.

Behind her, there was a low scream, which seemed to be deliberately heard by her sensitive hearing. Sandra's footsteps are still stable, without the slightest change.

In his heart, Klein, who was gentle on the outside, had a higher appraisal for his harshness.

"The cowardly scarecrow, even if he becomes the executive officer of the Sky Eye Society, he can't change the nature of his character and put an end to the slightest accident? It is too cautious. This is a direct means to warn the Kagemusha Alliance, as I deter him 'S the response?"

The connector of the alliance was killed.

But it doesn't matter, the manpower assigned by the League of Shadow Warriors in New York is not the only one that is unlucky.

With a smile, Sandra rejected a salesman who stepped forward and walked in the rain with a charming smile.

Drops of rain floated on the umbrella, making a dull sound.

The famous top killer in this underground world is thinking about plans for Gotham City.

This time, Gotham City will be destroyed, Batman will die, and no one can stop them.

The elite of the League of Shadow Warriors will never be able to stop a little Batman.

Just like Europe, which was ravaged by the Black Death in history, and London, which was burned to white ground, Gotham City could not escape the fate of destruction.