Transformers In Marvel Chapter 294: Death of the Demigod

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The harsh environment of the different-dimensional space is a doomsday scene at this time.

The earth cracked crazily, shattered into willful shapes, and was still collapsing at an astonishing speed. The acid rain in the sky no longer fell, but the magma in the core of the ground erupted drastically, causing the entire space to be filled with pungent and toxic substances.

These poisons are fatal to ordinary people.

For those demon mutants, it also has a huge impact. After a short time in this space, most of them will die.

This small space that has existed for many years has come to the end of life, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

And the owner of the space, the red devil Asazuo, also fell to the ground with scars, letting the blood flow out of his whole body, he was no longer qualified to move a finger.

Downey and Domam, the two demigods, had nowhere to escape.

He, who is proficient in space abilities, was confined to this small area and passively faced it.

Scarred, a large number of bones exposed on the body, blood flowing like a stream.

"Enough, I surrender!" Asazuo took a breath and shouted, "I obey your orders and surrender to you!"

"It's late, I said I changed my mind." Downey smashed the head of the Red Devil with one foot, like a watermelon, bursting open with a bang, with great visual impact.

The red devil Asazuo, a few thousand-year-old monster, the mutant most likely to rule the earth after the Apocalypse, was killed by Downey.

Other demon mutants have also been slaughtered by mechanical insects a lot. Those guys who have been thinking and fighting styles for thousands of years are not opponents of mechanical insects with amazing defenses.

Of these powerful demons, there are only two hundred people left, like a group of chickens, surrounded by mechanical insects, each body is covered with scars, and their faces are full of emotions of fear.

More people have long since become icy corpses, with broken-arm corpses everywhere.

Mechanical insects don't care about **** feelings, any attack can smash the devil's body.

"Living people go with me, dead people... leave the body here and bury it with the world."

Downey looked at the remaining guys indifferently, and calmly retracted the previous "researching the corpse" words, and ordered the remaining guys to take action.

The remaining demons breathed a sigh of relief, but looking around, it was inevitable that they were a little bit sad.

The demons who fought on the earth are the only ones left with them.

Even if it was defeated by an angel mutant thousands of years ago, it was only expelled. It had never been so miserable, and it was almost extinct.

"You should be grateful, I can obviously destroy you, but I gave you a way out." Downey sneered at the group of panicked demons.

Just now, these people were clearly clamoring to kill Downey. But in front of the blood and the corpse, each one became a good baby.

Especially the corpse of Asazuo was lying there, making this group of people even more frightened.

Sure enough, no matter where you go, strength is what determines everything.

Poor Zach shrank his neck like a quail, trembling in the crowd, looking at Downey like a death god, his eyes filled with a deep sense of fear.

Downey's cruel and cold-blooded methods left a deep impression not only in the eyes of Zach but also in the eyes of others, which could not be erased in this life.

Domam looked at Downey from the side and muttered to himself, but he seemed to be heard by Downey. The latter glared at him, and Domam shut up decisively.

Even as proud as Domam, he had to admit that Downey, the thief he had not even looked down on not long ago, was maturing at an astonishing speed.

From means to xinxing, he is more and more like a qualified guardian.

Although becoming a supreme mage is not Downey's ultimate pursuit, what he longs for is to build his own planet and wander in the universe.

The collapse of space has further intensified, and the space cracks that can be seen everywhere have begun to appear densely. The power of time and space has begun to be disordered and spread crazily from the edge of the land. The scene of the end of the world is everywhere.

Even if the world is not so small, it is the end of the world. Even if Downey is involved, he will have to kneel unless he uses the power of the gem of the time.

"Go, get out of here."

Downey said in a deep voice, and Domam followed behind him silently. The mechanical insects carried several mutants in their hands and followed Downey out of this space in the buzzing sound.

Whether it was Asazuo or other existences that were rampant for a while, they all turned into corpses, and along with this space, they were destroyed forever in the explosion.

The malignant tumor of the earth, as of now, has almost been cleaned up.

The most threatening Domam became his servant. The lurking Red Devil was killed by Downey, and a large part of the external threat was removed.

The next step is to wait for the arrival of the Kryptonians or Zetarians with peace of mind and open the door to new horizons for the people on Earth.

Of course, during this period, Downey will also try to build a planet.

Even if this so-called "planet" might be a larger asteroid, it was already enough to please Downey.

Some inhabitants of Cybertron will also appear one after another and continue to expand the area of ​​the new planet.

This is a new beginning, and also the beginning of an unknown future.

The universe is extremely dangerous, even Cybertron during the period of complete victory will face all kinds of enemies.

Downey can stay on the earth. After all, the earth is the center of many major events, but he will never want to own his own planet in his life.

Building his own planet has been Downey's obsession for many years. If he is weak for a lifetime or halfway is killed by someone, he will not let it go if he has the opportunity.

To this end, Downey spared no effort to train Doctor Strange, which is to let Doctor Strange grow up as soon as possible and take on the responsibility of the Supreme Master.

In that way, Downey was relieved of a heavy responsibility, which was the responsibility of the rise and fall of a civilization, which was too heavy.

The portal expanded rapidly, and Downey led people into the dark dimension, randomly found a relatively intact planet, and threw two hundred demon mutants on it.

"From now on you guys live here, this planet, and the neighboring planets, just toss about you. If you behave well, I will never mind taking you back to Earth. "

Downey casually pointed at Zach, who had a complicated expression, and said, "You, what is your name? Forget it, it doesn't matter. From now on, you will restrain the two hundred people. What happened? One trouble you."

Zac struck a sharp spirit, did not dare to lift his head, lowered his head humbly, and said in a trembling voice: "I will respect your will, my lord."

Downey nodded non-committal.

To be honest, the loyalty of these demons is really hard to reassure people. Downey even considered that he should study a way to control the soul of people.