Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 412: 55 Open Domam?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The horrible fluctuations dissipated little by little, and the restless time and space also subsided little by little.

This small-scale change seems to have caused the tremor of the entire void in an instant, but it is very, very subtle.

After a deep sleep, Downey had successfully promoted to the sixth level, only one step away from the seventh.

The duck quacked, full of fear.

The dog in the space suit also whimpered and shivered.

Downey restrained the fluctuations, let the restless cells in his body become silent again, and then safely settled on the collector's seat, it seemed that everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

But Schiff, who was sweating profusely, looked at the hole made by the collector when he was thrown out, and her stiff body, telling her that it was true.

The guardian of the earth in front of him has become even more terrifying.

"What are the Asgardians doing here?"

Downey asked flatly, as if the host was asking the guest.

Schiff smiled bitterly, and said: "We are here to find out about your news. The Void Land is a well-known chaotic zone in the universe, so it is also the most well-informed place. In addition, God King Odin sends you Asgard and Thanks from the entire Nine Realms, you saved us."

Downey was thoughtful, with a playful expression. He looked at the female warrior Schiff, as if he could see through her thoughts in an instant.

This puts even more pressure on Schiff.

Downey knew Asgard's thoughts too well. He was just worried that he was too strong and broke the delicate balance of the Nine Realms.

God King Odin, but always worried that Downey would do something to Asgard in the future.

But Downey had no interest at all. His idea had always been to build his own planet and then rush to the realm of gods.

If before, this was still a dream, now he has the ability to build a planet.

The time has come to build Cybertron.

Downey crossed his hands and looked at Schiff who was hesitant to say something flat on his face: "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

"The Infinite Gems, are you still in your hands?" Schiff hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Broken, except for the soul gem, which flew away on its own, and nowhere else, the other five gems were broken during the battle between me and Sannomiya. From now on there will be only one soul gem in this universe." Downey said.

Schiff subconsciously didn't believe it, but looking at Downey's plain expression, she nodded helplessly.

What Downey said, how she would believe it.

Schiff even wondered if Downey was on the same level as Odin now, or how could she put such pressure on her and make him frightened...

Even more terrifying than Odin gave her, the terrible feeling of absolute suppression...

After pondering for a while, Downey asked, "How is the earth now?"

"Very bad. A war broke out not long ago. Atlantis declared war on the land, causing tens of millions of deaths..."

Schiff briefly recounted the situation of the battle. She didn't know much, but when she was using the Rainbow Bridge, she could see through the gatekeeper of the Nine Realms, Heimdall, told her.

Afterwards, Schiff left anxiously.

Although she still doesn't believe that there are five broken Infinite Gems, after all, it is the top treasure in the universe. Although the enemy is Sannomiya, she can see that Downey is safe and even further, she really suspects that Downey has hidden it. .

After Schiff left, Downey sat in his seat thinking.

On both sides, there are a large number of display cabinets. There are various creatures in the cabinets that are bound. These are treasures collected by collectors. Although a lot of gems exploded due to the previous power, the collectors still slowly Collect most of them.

These collections looked at Downey with expectation and pleading, eager for Downey to save them and return them to freedom.

Downey slowly got up, went straight to the dog in the space suit, then smashed the glass with a punch and carried it out.

This is a dog from the earth.

During the Cold War of the last century, the Soviet Union launched a space capsule containing a dog into space in order to experiment with manned technology in space. The first dog on earth to go into space was the one in Donny's hands.

After a long time of wandering, the dog was eventually collected by collectors and kept as a rare treasure-thrown into the exhibition cabinet.

Don't underestimate this dog named Cosmo, with his tongue drooping and his tail wagging desperately. It looks cute, but in fact, it has a genetic mutation after cosmic radiation. It has a super high IQ and speaks human words. , And has telepathic technology.

"Stupid dog, stupid dog, it's shameful to be cute!" In the display cabinet next door, Howard Duck couldn't bear it anymore, cursing, and then looked at Downey with expectation.

"Nice dog, I'll take you back to the earth. It happened to be the silly dog ​​that you accompanied my house..." Downey murmured, licking the dog's head, and not breaking the Cosmo who is desperately selling cute.

In fact, it wasn't that Cosmo didn't want to speak, but it was really afraid in his heart. It wanted to use its spiritual power to penetrate into Downey's heart, but instinctively told him that he would die if he did so.

The terrifying soul that was as deep as a bottomless abyss made Cosmo frightened, so it simply pretended to be silly, especially when it heard the words "return to earth", its tail wobbled even more cheerfully.

Downey patted Cosmo's dog's head and stepped out of here, not looking at the various creatures on either side.

Cosmo is from the earth, and he can teach the Krypton dog well, he has a reason to take it away. As for other things, why? He has no intention of being a saint.

When they came outside, the twelve big guys who had already sensed the existence of Downey, through the fire, conveyed the emotion of joy to the source of the fire, and were noticed by Downey.

These twelve knights who followed the route of divine power had been around pretending to be dead all these days, pretending to be scrap copper or iron or something, quietly waiting for Downey's awakening.

In my mind the fire source jumped slightly. Since Downey had the unique characteristics, he has become more sensitive to the fire source. It is not that the fire source has changed, but Downey has become different.

"Let me see your memories..."

Downey patted a knight casually. All the memories of their twelve big guys were all taken over by Downey.

He browsed as fast as a book, and the more he read, the darker his face became.

"The great Domam?"

"Savior of the universe?"

"The man who is in the legendary and Sannomiya five or five?"

"And... the master of the Supreme Mage Downey? Downey the despicable coward?"

At the end, Downey's face changed completely, with a hint of sneer and sorrow.

It seems that during the time he was sleeping, Domam, who had been chasing him all the way, was carrying out a great new business...