Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 455: Choose, Su Rui

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The cold voice sounded faintly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

A man dressed in black suddenly walked out from the front door, pinching a guard with each hand.

During the step, the upright and burly body exerted a little force, and the steel-like palms squeezed, crushing the necks of the two guards.

The corpse was thrown aside casually, and behind the open ornate door, a whole corpse was exposed.

A figure like a demon, no different from ordinary people, walking slowly step by step, as if not doing a murder, but walking in the sun.

Su Rui's face was pale, but she was the fastest to react. He picked up two energy guns and quickly turned around and fired several shots at Downey.

The hit on the surface of Downey's body did not cause the slightest harm.

"You devil!" The old king tremblingly clutched the king's scepter and rushed over with a low growl.

Even if he is old, his body contains the power of heart-shaped grass, which is far stronger than ordinary people.

With a snap, Downey raised his hand and pressed it precisely on the old king's head. With a lightly swipe down, Tichaka landed on his head and slammed to the ground. The huge force immediately left a blood stain on the ground. .

The step that was just lifted, as calculated, lifted and fell, and then lifted and fell, easily and freely across the Tichaka who fell behind him.

The head landed on the ground, leaving a long blood stain on the ground.

Downey came to Su Rui in a hurry, watching the futile shot and shouting of despair, and slowly stretched out his hand to pinch Su Rui's neck.

In the noble, elegant and magnificent hall, no one dared to move, shaking, looking at Downey.

It's like watching the devil.

"When did you come in?"

"You devil!!!"

Tears overflowed in Su Rui's eyes, like a madman, dropping his guns and beating Downey severely.

Suddenly, Downey let go of her hand, and Su Rui fell to the ground, clutching her neck in pain and coughing.

"Very interesting, did you know that you accidentally created a very troublesome thing."

Downey took the seat of the king unceremoniously, with the soft touch and the fur of the lion king under his butt.

When he raised his hand, everything in Wakanda was controlled by Downey, and all attacks stopped.

Regardless of the Wakanda who was fighting in the tragic and **** battle on the front line, or the Transformers who were slaughtering wildly, they stopped at the same time.

The Transformers received the order from the creator and stopped their hands frantically.

But the Wakanda people were horrified to find that all the weapons in their hands were invalid, even if they desperately pulled the trigger, it would not help.

Everything about that giant radar was successfully received by Downey.

The more I looked at it, the more surprised Downey was.

Some research made Downey amazed.

"A weapon that can affect the fire... using metastable ion impact? It is also mixed with some research on metal bodies. Although it is very rough, it is really useful for miscellaneous transformers."

The flames of Transformers, to put it bluntly, are the human heart, the energy core that provides power, and all energy transmission must be circulated through the flames.

The human heart is very fragile, and the fire is also not perfect, otherwise the Transformers who were slashed into the chest would not die.

Tinder has been hit hard, and its vitality is as tenacious as Transformers.

But this is only for those miscellaneous soldiers who are not even Type I.

They are really miscellaneous soldiers, just like ordinary people who don't even have first-class combat power among human beings.

A brawny man who has been training all the year round, proficient in some fighting skills, coupled with a firm will, and a stable mentality of an old dog in battle, can barely support a level of combat strength.

The miscellaneous soldiers in Transformers, but relying on their innate advantages-a steel body far more powerful than a flesh and blood body, and their own powerful weapons, make people look terrifying.

In fact, their status in the Decepticons is really the lowest level of cannon fodder, and the value is almost zero. The resources to create a Type I fighter are enough to pile up hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers with different combat strengths.

As long as Megatron is willing, it can be mass-produced at any time. As long as Downey is willing, the machinery that can activate the whole earth at any time. Those cheap cars, mobile phones and watches used by humans are all miscellaneous.

That is to say, some super heavy trucks with good materials, or large industrial mother machines in factories, may be able to qualify for Type I.

Originally, Downey just wandered around randomly, wanting to see what surprises Su Rui's cosmic wisdom could bring to him, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Although it is very rough, considering Su Rui's age of 18 years old, it is already very impressive, at least when Tony Stark was 18 years old, there was no such talent.

Downey lowered his head and looked at Su Rui who was holding Tichaka and trembling with tears.

It is worthy of being one of the smartest people on the planet in Marvel.

Perhaps a few people such as Richard of the Fantastic Family can match her.

And Tony Stark, who is extremely popular and dramatic, is indeed inferior to this seemingly fragile girl in wisdom.

Now she is just a girl who has never seen the world, like a frightened ostrich, hugging her father and crying.

"He's not dead, I'm already merciful." Downey said casually, staring at Su Rui with a pair of eyes, and there was no emotional change.

That's right, he just came to turn around. By the way, when I look at Su Rui, he is really careless and casual.

"Even the slain guards and warriors outside, I still have a way to resurrect them, and make them stronger and have a long lifespan. You should know that I have a substance that resurrects life in my hands." Downey said.

"Like that book? It's no different from ordinary people, but it's actually your puppet?" Su Rui hugged his unconscious father, and the complex emotions of resentment and panic were revealed in Su Rui's red eyes.

"Is this important?" Downey sat on the throne and said flatly, "The people who were resurrected by me have powerful regenerative capabilities, a life span of at least a few hundred years, a complete memory of their lives, and some emotions. I have not changed my emotions, except that the resurrected people must obey my orders."

"But until now I haven't used this book to ask Little Spider to do something. Little Spider is going to college quietly. I paid for his school funding. You know him. It's more difficult for my family. Those institutions of higher learning are like vampires that will absorb the blood of their family."

"Without me, their family would not be so relaxed. Every year there is leisure time to travel and enjoy the happiness of family playing together with a lot of remaining scholarships. These are all given by me. It is the little spider from beginning to end. Come beg me."

"Do you know how many people can't afford higher education because of poverty every year? What do you think are higher education institutions in Europe and the United States? There are always very few people who can get corporate and school funding. It is not a minority who are driven crazy by huge academic loans every year. Go rob, go to be a chicken."

"I gave them new choices and hopes."

Su Rui was silent.

Downey was rare and patient, ignoring the elders with different looks next to him, only paying attention to Su Rui.

"I give you a chance to join me. Follow me to aliens and build a planet of our own. Your wisdom is worthy of me to recruit you."