Transformers In Marvel Chapter 376: Do it hard

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   The light and the sacred world are covered by ashes.

   The vast sky has already become a **** color.

   The neat ground constantly bursts open, and the lava is constantly flowing, destroying everything within sight.

   On a huge mountain rushing into the sky, the blood-red huge body of San Gong sat on it peacefully. The rich **** aura and the strong power of sin crazily corroded and assimilated matter and soul.

   is gone, nothing is gone.

   Those so-called people who are still "alive" bite each other like wild beasts, swallowing the flesh and blood of their companions, one by one holy and noble mages, deformed souls, only the hunting instinct remains.

  The white robe and the spotless smile have long been a thing of the past. Some, there are only these monsters that have defiled their souls, a group of beasts soaked in sin.

   The raven was trembling, and slowly raised his head, with tears in all four eyes, tremblingly looking at everything like hell.

   She turned around abruptly and looked at Downey with hopeful eyes: "You come, you will win... No, you shouldn't come, you can't be his opponent, you will die."

   The more he said, the more flustered the raven.

  Only when you really face Sannomiya, will you know how ridiculous the thoughts of the past are? Against the Sannomiya? How could it be possible that the powerful Sanctuary of Agalas, the enduring first holy land in the universe, was vulnerable to a single blow?

   The Sannomiya didn't even really do anything, but just casually released some breath, and the Sanctuary of Agalas collapsed.

   "If I don't come, who else will come?"

   Downey raised his right hand. The golden glove might give him the only comfort.

   Raven stood on tiptoe and touched Downey's right hand in a panic: "What is this, it has a strong power, but why are there only five gems? Why are there only five and one? Why are you uneasy?"

   "There was an accident, I only got five..." Downey looked at his right arm dumbly.

   Five jewels...Easily let him reach the limit of level seven, a variety of different power systems at the limit of seven levels, can make him fight with the eighth level.

   But the most important piece of the puzzle is missing, something that can sublimate the other five gems.

   If six gems gather together, he is by no means as simple as an ordinary eighth level, and the gap between them is very staggering.

   But the enemy is the Sannomiya... the limit of the eighth level, the existence of the quasi-ninth level, is a super universe level that surpasses the ordinary multiverse level.

   is only one step away from the ninth level of the Almighty Universe, and only one step away from the omniscience and omnipotence, of the three houses.

   Although this step is more distant than the sky, it is not what Downey can imagine now.

   He can only bet.

   Turning his right hand slightly, the blue gem lights up, and a whirlpool swallows the raven who still wants to say something.

   Some of the still alive Agalas sanctuary mages saw Downey, roared, crawling over like a beast, opened their mouths, and rushed towards him.

   The red light of the real gems flashed, these people who were no doubt about the monsters expelled countless dark people in the past and were destroyed by Downey's own hands.

   "You are here, but you are late..."

   The old man was still lingering, sitting on a rock with a cane, his hair messy and his clothes shattered. In the entire Sanctuary of Agalas, there is only his seventh level, capable of resisting the third house in a short time.

   But in the same sentence, the Sannomiya, has the ability to kill the ordinary multiverse level, let alone deal with a seven-level multi-element creature.

   "It's not too late, as long as it catches up, it's not too late," Downey said flatly.

   More and more Agalas sanctuary mages rushed over and yelled at Downey.

   The twelve guardian knights behind Downey drew out their huge swords and swept them horizontally like a meat grinder. With each sword, they would bring out large intestines and chop up a large number of Mage Agalas.

   The old man closed his eyes in pain.

"It's impossible to win the Sannomiya with five gems. Even if the opponent is a clone, he is far stronger than you, and he is still the only **** with the ability to crush you." The old man stood up with difficulty and looked up at the huge Sannomiya. Body.

   "Of course, you can't win with ordinary methods, but you have to try." Downey drove the Space Gems to create a whirlpool.

   "I will send you to a place, you can adjust it there, your condition is too bad."

   The whirlpool swallowed the old man, and he was also the only surviving mage in Agalas Sanctuary.

   The rest of the others will also face the massacre of his knights.

   Twelve tall steel bodies, with powerful divine power surging all over, easily slaughter those wizards who have lost their will.

   Former comrades-in-arms, today they have to raise each other's knives.

   [Name: Knight]

  [Affiliation: None]

  [Body:?? ? (good)]

  [Height: 20 meters]

   [Energy:??? (abundant)]

   [Tinder:??? (good)]


These twelve big guys were made by Downey's dismantling of the Destroyer's armor and his own research on divine power. They are the best physical shields. Not to mention how much damage they can cause to the enemy, but facing Sannomiya may be able to barely support a few seconds.

   The twelve guardian knights, probably as soon as they were born, they will welcome death...

   On the high mountain, Sannomiya sat on it, crushing half of the mountain, and lowering his head, watching Downey's small movements with interest.

   "Infinite Gems, do you use this to deal with me? If it is the Nemesis himself, it might make you alive."

   Sannomiya spoke with a deeply malicious voice pouring into his mind, directly modifying the will. At the level of the Sannomiya, anyone who doesn't have the spiritual ability is embarrassed to meet people.

  He doesn't even need to deliberately target it. His own existence can distort the rules, and the power poured out has natural coercion and distortion on life in the multiverse.

   This is also the reason why multiple beings have a huge rejection of visitors from the realm of gods.

   Each one is the unity of all the past, the future, and the present. No matter the transition of time and space, they will never have the slightest impact on their existence.

   They entered the world of Wan Tianyi, entered the multiverse, and the uniqueness of terror directly caused terrible damage to the existing time and space. The existing time and space simply can't carry the only creature, but it's impossible to split this powerful creature in time and space, from one split to countless ones to relieve the pressure.

  Every single life is something like a virus to the multiverse.

   After crossing into the eighth level, the effect of this kind of distortion becomes even more terrifying and irreversible at all.

   The seven-level single cosmic level, which is equal to the sum of one universe.

   The eighth level of the multiverse, which is equal to the multiverse.

   And Sannomiya... the burden on the universe can be imagined.