Transformers In Marvel Chapter 375: I'm late

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   Terror came, with deep malice in the huge eyes.

   Sannomiya Demon, has come.

   When he appeared, everyone on the earth who had touched the resurrection spring couldn't help uttering a scream.

  In an instant, the Owl Court was hit hard. Some of their proud undead claws died on the spot, most of them fell into a coma, and the gene chain began to collapse. Death is only a matter of time.

   Even some of the early fighters of the Sky Eye Society who were injected with Dionysian Factor were also affected and lost their combat effectiveness.

   The worst is the League of Shadow Warriors and the ninja master Gul who has been in direct contact with the resurrection spring.

"what happened!!!"

   Master Ninja pinched his neck in pain, his eyes protruding and bloodshot. Just as the Batman opposite him stared suspiciously, his head burst open, and his body was also annihilated by the mysterious particles in his body.

   Resurrection spring water is something of Sannomiya.

  Everyone who has been in contact with this spring water will be affected by him. Cell destruction and gene collapse are even more terrifying than the most vicious poison in the world.

   This is the power of evil, from the power of the Sannomiya.

   You must know that the Great Devil's Sannomiya, even in hell, is a strange species, with the most peculiar existence.

  He was born in the darkness, in the age before the emergence of the multiverse, the world where all dimensions are integrated into one.

  In the ancient age before the multiverse was born, an evil core was born at the intersection of all dark and evil.

   This core was used by careerists and sent into the belly of a woman, who eventually gave birth to a baby. This baby is Sannomiya.

   They longed to control the baby, but as soon as the baby was born, they killed everyone present and slaughtered the entire planet.

   When he was six years old, the third house had already wiped out the entire planet, stepping into the interstellar world, and everything he passed was destruction and despair. But precisely because of this, he was targeted and arrested by an organization composed of a group of divine envoys.

  The mission of the envoys is to collect darkness and destroy darkness. They call the evil power accumulated over countless years as the "heart of darkness."

   As a result, they did something stupid. They sent the Sannomiya into the Heart of Darkness, trying to kill the powerful Sannomiya with evil.

   But this fulfilled the third house, he swallowed the power of the entire dark heart, and easily killed the envoys.

   Sannomiya Demon is the most powerful existence among the demons of hell, and it is also an existence with strange origins. Among the demon species, no one is more powerful than the Sannomiya.

   This is a quasi-ninth-level existence that came out of evil and darkness, crushing countless ancient gods and using endless corpses to establish his position.

   At this moment, the strongest demon descended into a tiny universe, and the entire universe was covered by his blood-red eyes.

   Sin and sacred light collide with each other, but it is not what people expect, justice triumphs over evil.

   On the contrary, justice was crushed all the way, and the souls were wailing. In an instant, countless bodies collapsed, turning into the purest blood mist, and permeating it.

   The blood mist was swallowed, and the huge ferocious head showed an expression of enjoyment, which made people hairy, and produced fear from the soul.

   The rules of the universe are distorted, and all the cognitions that people rely on for survival have produced terrible distortions.

   This universe is dying at an astonishing speed. Every minute and every second, terrible diseases are happening, and the universe itself can't help but reject it.

   But this weak force is ridiculous to Sannomiya.

  Agalas Sanctuary, countless mages gathered together, roaring, roaring, activated the strongest magic circle, squeezing all their power.

   But this is even more trivial in front of Sannomiya.

   The head hanging down from the Sannomiya covers the sky, and six eyes full of sin and blood, looking down at the Sanctuary of Agalas. The terrifying coercion from the realm of gods smashed the proud things of the mages of the Sanctuary of Agalas.

   Their souls, their self-esteem, their pride, their hopes were all easily wiped out by Sannomiya.

This terrifying demon, the strongest great demon since ancient times, looked at the Sanctuary of Agallas, watched the countless elite wizards die in pain, and watched the sacred and bright world. Under his distortion, gradually Become gloomy and hideous.

   Light is crushed by darkness, justice is defeated by evil.

   On the top of Sannomiya's head, those two sharp horns that seem to be able to pierce the multiverse, symbolize his identity as the supreme demon.

   A body that is as red as magma and more like blood. Just a little bit of exposure makes people think that he can crush the entire universe and easily destroy countless worlds.

   The breath full of sins, covering, breaking the rules, shattering the foundation, and spreading out at a terrifying speed, distorting the hearts and souls of the lives within the range a little bit.

   At this moment, countless people kneel down, hold their hands high, their eyes are blood-red, with a sense of pilgrimage-like sacredness, howling frantically, eager to give everything they have to their master.

   "I found you, my little daughter..."

   The voice of Sannomiya came from the endless blood, and the big scary red giant hand covered it and grabbed the shivering tiny figure.

   Raven, this is his daughter, the warrior he values ​​most, at least much better than his three trash sons.

   The raven's face was pale, and the blood of the demon all over his body boiled uncontrollably and became hot. The four blood-red eyes opened, and the extreme demon aura began to exude.

   She looked around blankly. The figure who had taken care of her in the past died without resistance. They couldn't even resist the breath leaked by Sannomiya. The heart was twisted and the soul was extinguished.

   They became crazy, the noble morals and pure hearts disappeared in an instant, one by one was filled with blood, attacking people around them frantically, biting like a mad dog, dripping with blood.

   She was dizzy, her body limp, and her four eyes were staring at all of this blankly.

   Everything... is in ruin.

   The figure high in the sky, the nightmare figure, overtakes her, tears her support completely to pieces in front of her, playing with her heart as if being eaten by a maggot.

   began to stagger, a sorrowful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his face was covered with tears. Those tears fell to the ground with a slap, followed by a sizzle ~ ~ corroded the earth.

   The petite body was trembling, cold, and fell down.

   I really want to fall down forever.

   But a warm arm supported her.

   "It's not the time to give up." A flat voice came, without the slightest emotion, but at this moment, it was more comforting.

   The raven turned his head in confusion, the blue whirlpool slowly closed, and the golden gloves were bursting with light of different colors in the eyes.

   blue, green, yellow, red, purple, five colors.

   What is even more dazzling is that there is a hollow depression on the back of the golden glove, which is completely different from the other five places filled with gems.

   It seems that the last piece of the puzzle is missing.

   is also the most critical and deadly puzzle.

   "The devil...every time I see you, it always makes me feel sick from the bottom of my heart."

   Downey raised his head, the black figure looked at the sky arrogantly, his face indifferent. He held the raven with his left hand and clasped his right hand tightly.

   Twelve huge figures came from the vortex, and the fluctuations of divine power flowed through them.

   Downey lowered his head slightly, looked at the raven with a complicated expression, and said softly: "Sorry, I'm late..."