Transformers In Marvel Chapter 351: Finally, kill someone for you to practice

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Getting dumped always makes a man stronger. But then again, men aren't meant to pursue happiness." – Master Jiraiya


Down's Manor, Downey sneaked back here without disturbing anyone.

Many people's eyes were attracted by the Battle of New York, but this did not include the people from the Tang Manor who participated in the war. Many people returned, silent, and even walked cautiously.

Downey walked in quietly in a secluded hut in the large manor and closed the door gently.

Inside the dim room, there were bursts of suppressed coughing.

"It's not like your temper. When have you been so careful?" The old bartender coughed, his face was haggard, his cheeks sank deeply, and his eye sockets were also sunken in black.

His hand covering his mouth was like a skinny skeleton.

"Hmph, you didn't need to be careful about this kind of thing before, but now it doesn't work anymore. I'm really worried that if I use a little force when closing the door, it will shock you to death."

Downey hummed twice, waved his hand quietly to the dark place, and dispersed the undead soldiers who were guarding him, dragged a chair to the hospital bed, and sat down on his back.

In other words, pretending to be a big horse gold knife, not caring.

He wants to make the atmosphere the same as before, but that is already impossible.

Downey stared in a demigod manner, the old man's body had already declined to the extreme, and it was still declining, probably not going to last a few days.

Essence is being lost, and the light of the soul is steadily disappearing with the body.

Probably, it's not far from death...

A hint of complexity flashed in Downey's eyes, "I said, old fellow, really don't think about it anymore? As long as you nod now, even if the **** of death **** comes from the realm of gods, I can **** you back from him. ."

The old bartender sneered and shook his head silently.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and you can never retain a person who wants to die.

It's useless even if you are capable of the sky.

There are too many ways to save the old bartender, super serum, time gems, cloned limb reconstruction technology... As long as the soul is completely annihilated, as long as the timeline of the old wine is not collapsed, everything is possible, but it is a price. That's it.

But the old guy felt he had enough life, and he couldn't help it.

"We have known each other for five years..." The old bartender coughed hard.

"Who knows, I never count this kind of troublesome and meaningless things." Downey's tone was a bit irritable to hide. He really didn't want to face this kind of thing, but he had to face it.

"Hey, it really hasn't changed..." The old bartender gave Downey a playful look. This increasingly stable young man could still vaguely see the shadow of the impulsive guy, which made the old bartender's eyes flashed with nostalgia.

Five years, a lot of things have happened. The old bartender is not impressed by the destruction of the vampire kingdom, but one day five years ago when he was in a bar and was kidnapped by a foolish egg who broke in with carelessness.

"By the way, there is one thing I want to tell you." Donny paused, "I promised you that I will help you kill all the vampires in the world, it may not be done."

The old bartender tilted his head and looked at him in a little surprise. This made Downey's heart more upset and there was a fire, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make it out.

This inexplicable emotion was stuck in his chest.

"Steven that idiot did a stupid thing-Stephen is a late-moving mage of Kama Taj, I am very optimistic about him-he resurrected his brother, but his brother became a half-blood vampire. "

Downey briefly talked about the cause of Victor's death. Before he died, he was bitten by an advanced vampire.

As a result, Stephen pulled back Victor's soul, and he created the weird body of a half-human half-vampire.

To some extent, Victor looked like a blade, but it was undoubtedly that the blood of the vampire in his body had the upper hand, and he could not rely on the blood of humans to resist the blood of the vampire.

Before the blade was born, he became a daywalker. Vampires and human blood are closely combined. He also desires blood, but after biting a human, he is not contagious at all.

But Victor can't, it is easy to be controlled by bloodthirsty, and spread the virus.

Downey still needs to observe, Victor is a strong-willed guy, and there is also the shelter of Stephen, the next supreme mage, there is no absolute reason to kill.

The old bartender grinned, revealing a mouthful of gums that were almost missing: "He is an innocent child. As long as he doesn't bite, there is no need to harm him."

With a hum, Downey stood up, stood like a mountain, in the dim, looking at the old bartender. For some reason, standing in the dim environment, I felt a little relieved.

It's only a little bit.

"In this world, there is still a pure vampire alive. I will kill him now. It is for you to practice it."

Without waiting for the old bartender to speak, Downey turned and left with a sore nose. He opened the door with a loud bang, which seemed to be mixed with deep depression and anger.

He wanted the old bartender to live, but the old bartender lived enough to die.

Downey didn't look back. He could instantly know the old bartender's expression as long as he wanted to, but he suppressed himself not to do unnecessary actions, like an ordinary person, walking, opening the door, and closing the door irritably.

He knew that the old bartender was watching him silently all the time, and then he showed an unknown complicated smile.

This made Downey feel more upset.

Outside the house, many people came and stood quietly.

Wanda walked up, showing a look of questioning, but Downey just shook his head silently, let the others disperse in a low voice, pulling Wanda, and between steps, a portal formed.

In the next second, the two had arrived in the house where they lived.

"I'm going to kill a guy, you stay here." Downey said, rummaging through the cabinet and found a dusty stone.

This is a very strange stone and it is covered with black blood stains. If ordinary people hold it, in a daze, they may feel that the stone is alive and watching him.

But this little trick didn't work for Downey.

"I'll go with you." Wanda hesitated and said.

"Let's talk about it after you become a demigod. Level 4 is not safe at all. There are many troublesome guys lurking in this world. Don't do it at will until you become a demigod." Downey said.

"Then you worked hard every day before you became a demigod? Why can't you do it?" Wanda suddenly became angry and asked loudly, with grievances in his eyes.

"Because I had to work hard at that time, people all over the world know me, and what I have to face is the whole world."

Downey became calm, holding Wanda's cheeks with both hands, slightly hard, making her little face wrinkled, "And now, you are my world. I don't want you to have any problems. I have lost too much. Many relatives, I will soon lose another one. I sincerely hope that the person who can keep walking with me is you..."