Transformers In Marvel Chapter 352: Destroy Dracula

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others." – Master Jiraiya


Rumor has it that an ancestor of the vampire family is sleeping underground.

That is the only ancestor of all vampires today and the source of all vampires.

But even the vampires seldom hit the idea of ​​this ancestor, let alone find a way to dig him out of the ground.

Because no one wants to find an ancestor for himself or an ancestor who can kill himself.

Perhaps in the face of Downey's encirclement and suppression, some high-level vampires used the idea of ​​awakening the ancestors, but before they had time to implement it, they were wiped out by Downey's men.

The vampire kingdom went from its peak to its collapse in just over three years. The time was too fast, and it was almost too late for them to mobilize a large amount of manpower to search for the sleeping place of the ancestor.

But Downey knew, or rather, he had a way to know.

The sleeping place of the ancestor of the vampire Dracula is in the Middle East.

"With this piece of a stone tablet, I can find Dracula's sleeping place, and then kill him." Downey raised his eyes and looked at this endless desert. The blue sky and yellow sand formed a completely different world.

He didn't have any emotional fluctuations in these sceneries, and he was still holding the black blood-stained stone in his hand.

Back then, when he killed the blood **** Dicken, he rushed directly to the altar to fight Dicken. After killing Dicken, he took away a piece of gravel from the altar stele.

Now, this gravel will come in handy.

The blood **** originated from Dracula's research and was a consumable developed by Dracula in his early years to fight against the apocalypse. The mysterious inscriptions on the 13 stone tablets all came from Dracula.

This also gave Downey a chance.

The fire source was activated, and all the secrets of the stone were analyzed in an instant, and the mysterious words remaining on it were analyzed and interpreted, tracing the location of the source, like a simple positioning instrument, and located it somewhere in the Middle East.

Countless fire particles covered everything under Downey's control. These particles went deep into every grain of sand, searched every inch of land, and then fed back all the information.

"Found... the same source of power..."

Donny raised his head suddenly, his expression cold, and the moment he raised his feet, the scenery suddenly came to one side, and people had come to a high desert pile, and under his feet, the soft sand conveyed a sense of touch and was very comfortable.

With a slight force on his arm, the gravel was easily squeezed into powder, turned into dust that was finer than sand, and scattered with the wind.

Lifting his right foot, and then, the strength of every muscle was used to the extreme, trampled down severely, erupting a terrible earthquake-like vibration!

With Downey as the center, it was like a sudden earthquake. The calm desert area suddenly broke out with terrible movement. The large areas of the ground produced amazing tremors, and even the deep ground cracked, swallowing a lot of sand, looking from a distance. , Like a natural disaster, a large area is sinking downward!

At the same time, many surrounding countries immediately issued earthquake warnings to their citizens.

"A small-scale earthquake was observed."

"There is no man's land, don't worry."

"The details are under further investigation."

The huge concussive force passed down and rushed directly to the ground. The terrifying force that was crazily transmitted was like a big hand splitting all the way down. The entire desert seemed to tremble slightly and was stunned by the straight downward force.

This force went down arbitrarily, tearing apart a large area, and also breaking open a large area of ​​the most mysterious stone chamber underground, awakening what was sleeping underground.


An unhuman voice came out, like the low roar of a monster in the deep sea, an ancient creature was awakened by Downey's brute force, full of anger, strong and burly body, slightly powerful, like a cannonball Roaring up, crashing through layers of ground, a large amount of dirt and gravel could not stop this guy at all.

"Who is disturbing my deep sleep!!!"

A violent low roar came from the mouth of a humanoid monster. The beetle-like head showed dense small sharp teeth. Rows of rows lay across the mouth. The occasionally opened lips turned into several petals. The same as those advanced vampires "Reaper".

No, it should be said that the Reaper is the same as Dracula.

The Reaper is an advanced version of the vampire researched by the Vampire King, trying to get rid of the vampire's racial flaws and taking a big step towards returning to the ancestors.

Unfortunately, Dracula is the ancestor after all, and the ancestor is so easy to copy.

"Dracula, I want your life." Downey's face was flat, and the ancient violent aura from the other party did not affect him.

In terms of rage, he is better, and in terms of strength, he is sure to kill this ancestor.

The ancestor of the vampire was just a lowly beast after all, and it was not difficult to kill him.

"Who are you?" Dracula's head began to change, and eventually became the appearance of an adult man, with correct features and the right proportions. At this time, he was looking at the uninvited guest with indifferent eyes.

"What year is it now?" Dracula looked at the surroundings again.

"I will tell you when you die."

Downey said seriously, before Dracula was angry, he showed a hideous look, brewing a violent mood even better than Dracula.

He is indeed very irritable now, very irritable, depressed, irritable, unwilling, all kinds of emotions mixed together, making Downey's heart hold a vicious anger.

Maybe it would feel better if you slaughtered this livestock in front of you. Downey speculated in his heart.

The movements of his hands became swifter, and the figure disappeared suddenly, leaving a phantom in the air. Before the phantom approached, Downey had already arrived in front of Dracula's eyes and punched fiercely in the hideous smile. , Hit Dracula's face.

The instantaneous violent and powerful force directly blasted Dracula out. The place where his fist hit his face left a deep impression of the depression of his fist, making Dracula His face became potholes and warped.

"You're looking for death!" Dracula was irritated, and grinned, showing his fangs, flashing cold light, his not-sober mind recovered, and rushed towards Downey.

The two figures collided together, and Donnie grimly slammed Dracula's body with one punch and one punch. Each punch down left a depression on the ancestor.

But Dracula's fist hit Downey and it was useless.

"Damn it!"

Dracula was surprisingly angry, and his whole body began to change to its original appearance, a human-shaped beast, with various physical indicators soaring, and a powerful vampire virus began to brew in his body.

The two collided like meteors, and the two sonic booms slammed together weakly. Then, under the collision of the two terrible creatures, they spread out weakly, making ordinary people look like a sonic boom, and it hit them both. As gentle as a breeze.