Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 416: Zod is coming

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Never doubt the harsh environment in the realm of gods.

There is the world of the only gods, and the blessed lives under the major sole gods are born in large numbers, each of which is born with great secrets and potential.

Even the family members of the weakest chickens in the realm of gods have surpassed too many multi-element creatures in the multiverse. After all, they are tainted with the precious mark of the only god.

Even though the only gods usually don't bother to care about some messy things, it is inevitable that those talented and ambitious only favors will do something.

Many of them have amazing talents.

Downey had no doubt that they could even catch some Transformers alive after researching, and they could really do something about it, and they and even the only **** behind them could reveal their secrets.

Such as genetic structure, life forms, etc.

The sole gods are very, very rare, and each of them is an eternal existence. I don't know how many times the multiverse has restarted, how many billions of years have passed, and no one can be born.

In other words, every single **** is a precious treasure, whether it is captured alive or killed and devoured, it is comparable to the greatest treasure.

There has never been a single **** exactly the same, and no single **** is willing to reveal his secrets, but every single **** is very interested in the secrets of other only gods. Maybe he can find something and let himself go further.

Although the only gods are noble, but they are also three-six-nine-class in strength.

Just like the ancient royal family on the earth, there are rice worms that eat and wait to die, and there are brave and invincible generals who can fight on the battlefield.

Although equally noble, one hand is enough for a general to kill a rice worm.

Top worlds, apocalyptic stars, new creation stars, heavens, hells, underworlds, underworlds... this is still on the surface, and some special realms lurking deep, hidden in the corners of the realm of gods, watching everything .

In the future, Cybertron will surely impact as the only realm, but a new and only eternal world will inevitably be subjected to various unkind temptations.

If you can't stop it, it's over, you can't even escape.

Quietly thinking for a long time, until the raven was impatient and shook his arm desperately, and Downey came back to his senses.

All kinds of thoughts are mixed together, especially the study of divine power and magic power, which is a huge project, which is so huge that it makes people dumbfounded.

But no matter how hard it is, we must do it.

"Let's go back, back to Earth."

Downey stood up suddenly, turned his head and nodded to the old man as a farewell. Then, in the expectant gaze of the Raven and Cosmo, he pinpointed the location of the earth, opened a portal, and took the lead.

The raven and Cosmo, who was wagging their tails, kept up.

"I will come back to see you!"

The raven's eyes were reddish, and he shook his hand to the old man, and then jumped into the portal.

They will see each other again, and since Downey said so, it must be okay. Although she and Downey didn't know each other for a long time, she was very confident in Downey.

What else can't be done by someone who can beat the Sannomiya?


The earth at this time is not peaceful, even turbulent.

Everywhere on the earth, especially on the European and American coasts, you can occasionally see the remnant mess and ruined buildings.

Under the leadership of their ambitious new king Aum, Atlantis did cause huge damage to the land. More than 22 million people died directly, and more people were injured.

The coastal areas are mostly large cities. A single New York City has more than 20 million people. To be honest, only 20 million people have died in this global crisis. It is already very surprising.

But the shocking numbers made everyone fall into a long silence.

The more I look at it, the more I realize my insignificance and humbleness.

The fierce battle that broke out in the Atlantic, whether it was the Legion-level battle between Transformers and Atlantis, or the demigod-level battle that broke out between Clark and Orm, greatly shocked the world.

Everyone woke up completely, from the words of peace, stability, beauty, etc., completely awakened, and many people were shocked to discover that the world is not peaceful at all.

Even if the aliens (Zitaris) invade strongly, it turns out that even the bottom of the sea is inhabited by a real Atlantis, and it still wants to destroy the human Atlantis!

The results of it? They were saved by the alien that they had ostracized in their daily lives—superhumans.

If it weren't for those superhumans who killed Aum, if it wasn't for the Transformers to block the Atlantis army, they would all be drowned and killed.

Quietly, people's eyes on other superhumans changed slightly.

For example, the attitude towards mutants has been reversed.

At least, compared with those undersea people with strange bulges or even scales on their bodies, and strange aliens, mutants and superhumans at least emerged from humans themselves, right?

Such a comparison undoubtedly gave many people a touch of comfort.

Only in the face of a crisis can you truly understand what you need, and can truly see what you can't touch normally.

In fact, the attitude of ordinary people on Earth towards superhumans is originally polarized, especially those who have been saved directly and indirectly by superhumans. Many people even worship superhumans enthusiastically, putting on silk stockings at night. Rushing out to be a chivalrous man and fighting righteousness often ends up being treated as a criminal first.

After encountering two successive invasions by Zitari and Atlantis, public opinion around the world has finally been reversed.

But unfortunately, there are more people who are grateful and agree with, and a very small number of people who hate hate it even more.

But in reality, there is no time for them to remember, hate, or even counter, and new crises will follow.

A huge spacecraft, with a diameter of 100,000 meters, looked up and looked like a flying continent. They spanned a distance of 70,000 light years and lasted a month before finally reaching the earth.

In front of the space window, General Zod, a majestic and domineering man, seemed extremely excited at this time, even a little fanatical.

He took a deep breath, his eyes hot.

"This is... the yellow sun?"

General Zod stared at the blazing sun, exuding golden light, shining in the universe.

At this moment, General Zod's eyes revealed deep desire and... madness!

"This is the Yellow Sun!"

General Zod took a deep breath. The pores of his body were opened. The cells of his body and even his genes began to roar and roar loudly, greedily absorbing the radiation emitted by the yellow power began. The skyrocketed, the cells shriveled and full, the whole body trembling slightly, the madness of longing for the whole person to be thrown into the sun, the feeling of embracing the yellow sun, even the determined Zod could not help but tremble slightly!

Behind him, the remaining dozen Kryptonians also had red eyes, and the skyrocketing energy made them almost unable to help release the hot sight they hadn't used for a long time!

With crazy and even hysterical gazes, looking at the sun like a lunatic, there is an impulse to remind them, rush out, rush in!

But the Kryptonians' super orderliness made them not act rashly. They turned their eyes to Zord, looking forward to the general's order.

"No wonder, no wonder Joe El is going to send his son to earth, no wonder he is going to send the Code of Life into his son..."

Zod whispered,

"Joe, he wants his son... to become a god!"

"Become the existence of Rao, the **** rivaling Krypton!"