Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 415: Cybertron Plan

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"What about you, what's your plan? If you don't go with me, I can't let the raven follow you. She must follow me back to Earth. The Sannomiya is not a person who gives up easily. He has already focused on this universe."

Downey asked slowly.

The old man was silent for a while, and then said bitterly: "I won't go back to Earth with you. That's where the Supreme Mage should go, not where I should go... I'll stay here."

The raven asked in surprise: "Why, wouldn't it be better to go to the earth together?"

The little girl looked left and right, obviously a little tangled.

The old man shook his head silently.

The earth, that is the world of Gu Yi and Downey, not his world. His hometown, the Sanctuary of Agalath, is gone.

"In this case, then I won't invite you to the earth." After a pause, Downey said, "But if you think about it one day, you can go directly to the earth to find me — of course, if the time is too long, I Will come to you."

The old man glanced at Downey and nodded silently.

He knew a little bit about Downey's character, and he was not surprised by Downey's behavior.

After all, he is a single cosmic-level archmage, and he needs to be moved by himself, not to mention the personality of Downey, so he won't be attracted to him if he is stupid.

But what he didn't know was that Downey's idea was not to invite him to Kama Taj, and it was impossible for Downey to let the old man join Kama Taj.

Because Kama Taj only recruits people from the earth, it is the holy place to protect the earth.

Downey was thinking about inviting the old man to be like the planet of Cybertron that will be built, and build another Sanctuary of Agallas in Cybertron.

Now, the Transformers under Downey's command mainly follow two evolutionary routes.

One is represented by Optimus Prime and Megatron, taking the energy, body or single technology route. Either pursue a more refined and magnificent energy group, or like the Hulk Hulk, to increase the power of one's body madly, and at the same time, study the technological products suitable for individual use.

It also includes such branch routes as Sasser, desperately increasing computing power, and studying endless tangible and intangible cosmic rays.

The second is represented by twelve divine power knights, who follow the evolutionary direction of divine power like Asgard. In the eyes of this kind of Transformers, Downey is not only the creator, but also plays the same role as the king of God Odin.

So, it is also very reasonable to add some Transformers who follow the magic route in the future.

Even the Cybertron planet in the previous animation, although it is based on technology, the shadow of magic is looming. The two go hand in hand, such as Cybertron's Relic's Hammer, which is the highest combination of magic and technology. .

Of course, the planet built by Downey cannot be without Transformers who follow the magic route, such as Quintasha.

In short, in the upcoming Cybertron, each individual has many development directions, and they can study different directions as long as they want.

Even if there are more groups such as "Super Speed ​​Transformers", "Green Lantern Ring, Yellow Lantern Ring Transformers", or some technological madness to transform themselves, there will be a group of "X Gene Transformers" and "Krypton Gene Transformers". possible...

Well, maybe it's a high probability event. The number of Cybertronians will eventually be hundreds of millions. It's normal to have more scientific lunatics. As long as you have an open atmosphere and a tolerant attitude, you can do more research and change yourself. It's an inevitable thing...

CNA with X gene and Krypton gene added?

Just thinking about it makes Downey look weird.

Transformers CNA, which is similar to human DNA, is the life code of all Transformers. No one knows better than Downey how amazing plasticity and possibilities are contained in CNA.

Of course, if one of the sciences went crazy, changed his CNA and died on the spot, or turned into a deformed monster, Downey would not be surprised...

He will also not interfere. A civilization requires a lot of geniuses, but also unavoidable geeks who want to mess with things.

Even the failed geeks become monsters and lunatics in the eyes of others, but maybe many years later, there will be other Transformers who will further explore the research of the geeks and get amazing research results.

A planet that simply follows the technological route is destined to not go far, at least it is difficult to rush to the realm of gods, even the barrier of the wall of speed and power can not pass, let alone a foothold in the realm of gods that is full of crisis.


In the following hours, the Void Land was plunged into great turmoil, and the killing of Domam by Downey was well known and caused a huge disturbance.

But Downey didn't bother to pay attention to this. He summoned his twelve divine power knights together, groaning and thinking.

The raven was in a daze by his side obediently, and the puppy Cosmo continued to be cute.

Downey was thinking about whether to build the confinement in advance, and at the same time, he should also consider re-adjusting the power of the twelve knights.

The divine power knight is inseparable from Asgard's divine power. If you want to replace Asgard's divine power and replace it with Downey's own research, this is undoubtedly a huge project, which means that Downey has to create one with his own power. The new meticulous **** system.

Create God with your own body! Or create a lot of gods of the gods!

This takes a lot of time.

As for confinement, as Quintasha's warrior, he undoubtedly has to follow the magic route, but how to solve the source of magic is also a thorny issue.

As I said before, as long as the famous magician in the universe, the source of his magic power is the prestigious existence in the world of Wan Tianyi and the realm of God.

For example, the magic of Kama Taj comes from the Trinity Weishandi.

It's not that those unfamiliar magicians rely on themselves, but those unfamiliar inheritances whose source of magic power is not very good, such as the magic practiced by many magic families on the earth, and some even their own ancestors as the first After the death of the ancestors, this family was passed down from generation to generation, using blood as the entry hub to build its own magic system little by little.

Theoretically speaking, the stronger the source of magic power, the more wizards will choose this vein. Although the entry barrier is much higher than that of the weak source, the starting point is very high, the strength is stronger, and the most important thing is development. The potential is also greater.

Because the road ahead has already taken shape to a large extent, and has been personally created by the existence of the source of magic. The mages who chose this source of magic power only need to follow this path. Although the muddy ground and the ups and downs of the road always frustrate these weak and multi-element creatures, the wailing magic is too difficult to learn.

In other words, the weaker the source of magic power, the narrower the path. The wizards who choose this path may get started easily, but the prospects are poor.

Unless you slaughter the existence of the magic source and replace it, or discard what you have learned and choose another magic source.

In other words, if Emperor Weishan dies suddenly one day, the mages of Kama Taj will be abolished, and they will no longer be able to use magic unless they modify spells from other sources.

Of course, Downey is not willing to let the Transformers on his planet choose other unique gods as the source of magic There are a variety of unique gods, if they order their Transformers to do something, then these magical transformations Don't you listen to King Kong?

Especially when Cybertron rushed into the realm of the gods and the tribe was promoted to the only world, the only gods would definitely look at it with amazement, curiosity and even malicious eyes, and try to see the inside and out of the planet Cybertron. See through it all.

What if they discover that there are so many magic apprentices of their own line in this only newly promoted world?

Not yet happy to die.

It is estimated that if they want to do something, such as prying into memory, studying the only password they care about, and pushing back the secrets of Downey, these magic transformers will not be able to detect them, and everything about them will be penetrated, guided, and even controlled.

If it is worse, take it away and replace it.

It's all very possible.