Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 456: Zhenjin Mine with Terrible Reserves

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Wakanda ended in an alternative way.

The entire Wakanda was surrounded by Transformers, staring at it.

The death of tens of thousands of soldiers and Su Rui's surrender gave Wakanda a chance to breathe.

"A great choice, Su Rui, your wisdom is always satisfying." Downey said flatly.

Just a few seconds ago, Su Rui chose to succumb, willing to take refuge in Downey and work for him, and also willing to leave the earth with him to go to the unknown universe and starry sky.

Downey wasn't surprised that Su Rui made this choice because it was the only way to save Wakanda.

A way to save Wakanda only by paying for the gold mine.

Since then, a man with cosmic wisdom was accepted by Downey and became a member of his command. Although Su Rui's popularity is not high or even low, this must not conceal her excellence.

A top ten top wise man on the planet is of great value to the planet Cybertron.

Don't underestimate this "top ten", this is the total ranking that includes Marvel DC. In countless major events, the strong are important, but those with top-level wisdom have made no little effort, at least for the heroes. Pointed out the direction of hope.

Even Tony Stark can't make it into the top ten.

But Su Rui can.

Although Su Rui was crushed by Tony Stark in terms of courage, tolerance, vision, courage, courage, and sacrifice consciousness, her scientific research wisdom is truly top-notch.

Downey only needs her scientific research wisdom. If even the scientists have to go to the front line desperately... It is estimated that Cybertron will not be far from extinction.

Downey did not allow this to happen, relying on his quasi-only god's confidence, and relying on his knowledge of many secrets in the world of Wan Tianyi and the realm of gods.

"Then, all Wakanda people's Zhenjin mines will belong to me from now on, and these minerals will all be the property of Cybertron and my property."

Downey stood up with a calm face. He lowered his head and looked at Su Rui's still tear-stained face. If you change to someone else, you might pull her up very closely, and then wipe her carefully.

The method of buying people's hearts is simple but very useful.

But Downey just walked past her flatly, without any extra movements.

Because it is useless for people like Su Rui, she is too smart, so smart that she can think and calculate things that ordinary people can only think of in months or even years.

This is the terrible cosmic wisdom.

The earth has survived crises again and again by relying on a group of intrepid people and a group of universe-level intelligent wise men.

Similarly, a super smart person, knowing the time and the situation, Su Rui will agree, she does not have the kind of death consciousness and the courage to block everything that very few people have.

"I want the super serum in your hand--the one with the highest configuration, and I want to resurrect my compatriots." Su Rui wiped his tears on his own, breathed a sigh of relief as he dared not say a word from beginning to end. Elders, there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

"No problem, I will give you as much as you want, and I will give you the chemical equation, and if you are not satisfied, I will develop it myself."

Downey said lightly.

"My people need a stable life..."

"I will arrange for people to contact and allocate a large number of business shares to Wakanda. From now on, Wakanda does not need to avoid the world because the Zhenjin Mine you guarded is gone. If it is not open, you will not be able to feed these people."

"I want to leave some vibrancy..."

"This is impossible."

Downey refused, "Wakanda doesn't even want to leave a piece of gold. This is my purpose here. Whether it's your weapon, your house, or the mutated plants that have been guided by the gold mine, these They all contain the vibrating element, and I will take them all away—oh, the clothes you wear can create an energy barrier? There are also vibrating materials. Take them off and I want to take them away."

Downey naturally gave orders, asking all Wakanda to not think of a piece of gold left.

A piece of vibrating gold allows him to create a powerful King Kong warrior.

The vibration metal's ability to absorb and release energy will greatly improve the survival rate of the Transformers on the dangerous battlefield. Don't forget, the Transformers are all metal bodies.

It is no exaggeration to say that vibrating used on Transformers is far more efficient than using it on humans.

The palm-sized vibrating gold, after the transformation of the cultivation warehouse, can create a powerful reproducible body that can be used by warriors for a long, long time.

Even a type IV body like Megatron needs vibrato.

Therefore, Wakanda doesn't think about leaving a place related to Zhenjin and Zhenjin.

"I just dig the ground three feet, and I will never let go of a vibrating element." Downey said, pointing to his head, "My ability can distinguish all the microscopic particles here, and everything is related to vibrating. Everything from now on is the property of my planet."

"Even a stone must be squeezed out of two taels of oil."

Downey was firm and firm, without the self-esteem of a demigod at all.

Ignoring the dumbfounded Su Rui and others, Downey flew directly, crashed through the roof, and landed at the nearest entrance to the mine.

By the way, he beckoned, put some rocks on the roof of the broken building into his hands, and nodded in satisfaction.

There is also a little vibrating element in this stone.

The entire Wakanda contains a little vibrating element to a greater or lesser extent, including the peculiar surrounding scenery and plants that have been genetically mutated by the radioactive energy of the vibrating mine.

These are all his.

Even if the land is scraped, there must be no grass left. Here is the best treasure on the planet Cybertron. For Cybertron, nothing is more precious than the huge and rare minerals.

It is estimated that... the entire Wakanda will be dug out... The big deal is to dig a pile of mud from the bottom of the sea to fill the vacancy.

As a conqueror, he has done his best, and Zhenjin is the best fortune.

Especially Zhenjin Mine with such amazing Now, let me take a look at the reserves of Zhenjin Mine..."

After conveying the news of the in-situ repair to Megatron, Downey closed his eyes, and the fire source immediately soaked into the ground, feeling the wonderful vibrating gold.

But for an instant, Downey opened his eyes suddenly, showing a hint of surprise.

"This reserve is too amazing..."

When I closed my eyes again, the fire energy quickly descended, and everywhere was the purple ore and the soil that was dyed purple.

And every moment, this purple is spreading outward, transforming more ordinary soil into a substance similar to Zhenjin Mine, although the process is very slow.

Zhenjin Mine itself possesses a kind of radioactivity, transforming the environment and biology of Wakanda.

The raw material of the heart-shaped grass used by the Panther royal family is a strange plant that has been transformed by the radiation of Zhenjin Mine, and the effect can match the super serum of the US team.