Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 454: Think too much

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


From the rear, Su Rui looked at the enemy legion that was surging over, with a terrifying expression on his face.

From her perspective, the Wakanda floor plan enlarged on the screen is being besieged by a torrent of dense steel, and the outermost protective shield is the first line of defense, dragging the footsteps of a large number of Decepticons.

"Open a door and take the initiative to let them in." Su Rui said calmly, and then the old king repeated the order.

The protective cover on the front was partially opened, and the Transformers who were obstructed there rushed in, and more than a hundred mechanical insects flew in quickly.

In an instant, these Transformers raised their weapons for long-range attacks, energy cannons and kinetic energy weapons that far exceeded Wakanda's specifications, and instantly caused casualties in the phalanx of Wakanda's army.

No way, weapons made with vibrating have limited damage.

For ordinary people of flesh and blood, a sonic weapon can bring down a large area.

But for these steel bumps, the effect is mostly weakened.

Although some weak Transformers can also be seen being overturned by the enemy's artillery fire, they quickly got up on the spot, enduring the pain and charging.

And every shot of the Transformers can cause a lot of casualties.

Even if many Wakanda warriors lifted their robes and opened small energy barriers, it was useless, because many Transformers threw bombs over the small energy barriers by throwing them by hand.

The Wakanda people endured the death of the soldiers, waiting for the opportunity, and waiting for most of the Transformers to be assembled to the front with the protective shield opened.

Unfortunately, things did not develop as Wakanda expected.

"Damn, are they all blind and stupid?! Why don't they move to the direction of the gap, but most of the enemies are still squeezing the shield?"

Techara at the front was dumbfounded and gritted his teeth severely.

That's right, only the Transformers in that part of the opened gap came in, and the other areas, as if they hadn't seen it, were still competing with the protective cover.

At this moment, some of the diamonds were shredded by the protective cover. Some people with tenacious vitality but lost their lower body crawled hard but coldly with two steel arms, firing attacks from time to time.

Looking around, the Wakanda people feel cold.

"What's the matter, is their commander a lunatic? Why don't you mobilize your troops and hit it to the front?"

The hearts of Wakanda's army are floating.

According to common sense, it should indeed be gathered to make a breakthrough in one breath, and it can also reduce losses.

But these robots just don't do it.

"It's too late, brother, I'm going to turn on the instrument." Su Rui gritted his teeth and glanced back at the old king with a pale face, and then pressed the button after a brief operation.

An instrument similar to a radar slowly rises from the ground, aiming at the front direction, where there are the largest number of Transformers.

Well, compared to other areas, there are a lot of enemies that are still competing with the shield, and there are indeed the "most" enemies in front of the opening.

About thirty thousand.

"If we don't do this, we will have no chance at all!" Su Rui gritted his teeth.

This instrument is a powerful weapon that she has researched and turned over. It is specifically aimed at Transformers. She originally wanted to wait for all the enemies to gather together before using it. For this reason, they did not hesitate to use the lives of many warriors to survive the first batch of enemies that broke in.

Unfortunately, it seems that the enemy has seen through their attempts, and would rather carry out the original attack plan with more casualties and more time wasting.

If they didn't use this instrument, they wouldn't even have a chance, and the 30,000 robots that rushed in were enough to destroy their tens of thousands of fighters.

"The black panthers of the past, I, Tichaka, affirm the blessing and protection of your ancestors..." The old king prayed in a low voice, his face was gloomy and terrible, and a hint of panic appeared in his eyes.

Wakanda, it seems really hopeless.

"start up!"

The giant radar device trembled suddenly, and then sent a noisy figure to the 30,000 Transformers. Then, an indescribable suction force came, which seemed to directly destroy the life core of the Transformers.

"The device that forcibly affects the core of life is theoretically the most effective for these living robots." Su Rui sat in front of the console and said in a low voice.

That's right, it's only useful for live Transformers. Others tacitly didn't ask why it was useless for puppet Transformers.

Because if that one comes, they don't even have any hope of comeback.

Su Rui avoided the eyes of the elders of several other tribes, glanced at the old king if nothing, and immediately staggered after staring at each other.

"It's time to make a decision." The old king felt bitter in his heart.

Outside, the giant radar exerted an amazing effect. The 30,000 Transformers pouring in from the gap instantly fell halfway, but those powerful individuals were still resisting, and some were still attacking nonchalantly.

The core of life affected by radar is actually the fire on the chests of Transformers.

This device is a big killer developed by the cosmic wisdom Su Rui, specifically for the living Transformers.

If Downey had come in person, this thing would be useless, because it would be instantly activated if it did not break away from the scope of machinery.

Sure enough, this weird scene shocked the Transformers in other areas, and all the attacks came to a halt for an instant.

"Shockwave." The red light in Megatron's eyes flashed, and he called the name of Shockwave.

"Detected high-frequency oscillating rays, my master, this is a powerful device for fire fighters, which can directly cause fire damage." Shockwave said indifferently.

Now, for many fighters attacked by that kind of strange device, the "Tinder" column in the status template has changed.

[Tinder: Damaged (continuously exhausting)]

Megatron sneered, his expression unchanged.

When the Wakanda breathed a sigh of relief, the Transformers' offense became even more frantic, and the rhythm suddenly accelerated.

Hun Tian Leopard has no time to find Hercules to settle accounts ~ ~ stuffed head and rushed forward.

All the Transformers seemed to be crazy, and they killed the Wakanda people, they crashed into the crowd, and carried out a large-scale killing.

Under Su Rui's control, the radar quickly turned and attacked the Transformers in other areas, but could not take care of the entire battlefield.

"It's time to make a decision, father!" Su Rui moaned her lips, shaking a little.

She saw Techara being caught by Hercules and slamming on the ground frantically. After a long time, the internal organs would be shattered.

Tichaka took a deep breath, her face pale.

"Give the order, everyone retreat, retreat towards the forest behind, keeping a little bit of Wakanda's hope, this is the king's order!"

After saying this, Tichaka could hardly hold it, and fell to the ground.

"Retreat? Thinking too much, don't even think about running today." A faint voice came, making the people present like an ice cave.