Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 447: Frog diagram warning

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The main universe, the solar system, and the moon.

The frog map in charge of the observation mission in the Milky Way, as always, took out his record of the battle between Sannomiya and Downey and admired it with intoxication.

This is the hobby of their observers. Observing and recording various major events, the more incredible the more valuable.

And what big event is more valuable than the invincible Three House Demon?

The powerful and invincible Three Palace Demon was actually deflated in the hands of a multi-element creature, and he couldn't even escape!

Although it was only a clone who died, it was shocking enough. If this news were passed back to the realm of God, it would definitely cause a sensation.

"Hahaha, Sannomiya has a dark history, and this history is being preserved by my frog chart record."

When I think of this, the frog picture is full of beauty, and I usually drink an extra drink as a reward for myself. Although he hasn't figured out the evolution of the battle, he has time to study it.

Faintly, in fact, Frogtu also has a little bit of surprising speculation in his heart, but this speculation is too nonsense and bizarre. But if it is true, can he not witness a great rise with his own eyes?

Just when the frogtuzhi was proud, a signal flashed across his instrument, a signal that was only used within their observer family.

"Huh?" Frog turned on the instrument, thinking it was those of the same race who had fled and came to him for a record.

Don't even think about it!

This is the result of his frog map's life!

The arrogance in Frog's heart was overwhelming, and he decided to disagree with the plea of ​​his fellow clan.

"Do I forgive them for 100 million years or a billion years?" Frog thought happily, and then looked at the screen with a strong sense of pride and psychological superiority.

At first glance, his face changed completely.

It was a tall monster figure, and then the picture was suddenly cut off, only the screams of the same clan came and stopped abruptly.

"It is the day of ancient destruction... he is the day of ancient destruction!!!"

A voice of severe tone shift, full of despair and infinite fear, came out of the instrument.

"This...what's wrong? What happened?"

Frogtu stared at the dark screen blankly, and flicked across the confusion for a moment, but immediately, fear surged into his heart, and he was violently shocked.

"Day of Destruction? The Day of Ancient Destruction is here?!!!"

Frog's face was pale. He knew very well that the Day of Destruction and the Day of Ancient Destruction were two different concepts.

As long as things like the Destruction Day exist in the universe of the Kryptonians, it is always possible to be born. Looking at the multiverse, there are actually a lot of Destruction Days.

But if it mentions the day of ancient destruction, there is only one end.

In the ultra-ancient era where time and space were frozen, before countless times the multiverse collapsed and restarted, the ancient Kryptonians developed a dangerous thing.

It is the day of ancient destruction that is out of control.

Destroyed countless universes, countless times are rampant freaks.

A powerful creature that even the only gods are afraid of.

Even the omnipotent universe-level life court, that indescribable stalwart existence, is quietly tracking the day of ancient destruction, trying to lock him up.

There are indeed some of the only gods who can kill the Ancient Destruction Day, but the question is...Who dares to do it? Who is willing to do it?

What about killing the Ancient Destruction Day?

Waiting for him to resurrect on the spot, and then he has learned all your attack methods, mastered the combat skills to counter all your abilities, and is immune to your attacks because of being killed by you?

What's the point? !

Killing and not killing, catching and provoking a sorrow, may not be able to catch it. Maybe before catching him, all your abilities were learned by him and a countermeasure was found, and then he took advantage of the trend and killed you.

Simply let the monster destroy wantonly, anyway, his primitive and rude destruction is far behind the speed of the birth of the multiverse.

Just do harm to the multiverse, don't come to the realm of our gods.

This is the idea of ​​some only gods.

Anyway, the multiverse regenerates infinitely, and the ancient ruin day does not play the rule set, only knowing that the damage to the multiverse is limited by destroying with fists and energy.

Frog was sluggish for a while, and suddenly woke up, "No, I have to find someone to help! This monster has killed my kinsmen and destroyed the warship that travels across the universe, and I can't escape."

Frog's face showed a firm look.

He has confidence in his heart.

In this universe of Lao Tzu, there is even the existence of the Demon of the Three Houses, so why are you afraid of an ancient day of destruction?

Well, I'm actually really scared.

Because the frog map is very clear, the Day of Ancient Destruction is very special.

Not only because of infinite evolution, but also because there is no such thing as "retreat" and "hesitation" for creatures like Doom Day. They can only fight, kill, fight, kill...

After the battle died, he resurrected in situ and then killed.

I don't know how many amazing and brilliant powerhouses in so many universes have been consumed alive in such an unreasonable way.

Well, it might be pissed.

The Sannomiya Demon, although tyrannical, but at least sensible, knows to shrink.

But the creature like Destruction Day will not, not even the strong and terrifying Ancient Destruction Day.

Injuries will only make them stronger.

Death will only make him further.

"No, I'm going to find Downey!" Frog's face was pale, and he went out in a panic, flustered and rude.

Go to Teme's neutrality, go to Teme's observation records, go to Teme's clan rules, and say that everyone will be finished with this set.

Observers are also humans, and no matter how neutral they are, they are ultimately humans.

And, to be neutral with the ancient day of destruction? Hit you to death with one punch.

"Downey must have a way, only he can avenge my people."

Unknowingly, Frog had a fascinating confidence in Downey, although he had only met Downey twice in total.

Once in the dark dimension, a group of people besieged Domam.

The second time, it was when Downey fought the Sannomiya.

The frog chart didn't even take the spacecraft, and flew directly, rushing to the earth. The blue planet was very conspicuous from the moon.

Inhumans living on the immediately noticed the behavior of the frog diagram, showing a confused look.

"A frog with such a flustered behavior...? What happened again?"

The leader of the Inhuman race, the seventh-level Black Bat King looked at the fast-flying figure of the Frog, his eyes narrowed, and he did not stop.

The alien race and the observer frog map live together on the moon and never interfere with each other. Inhumans first lived on the earth and gradually moved from the Pacific to the Himalayas, and finally to the moon.

"Let the people of the tribe on guard, there may be another major event happening."

After groaning, the Black Bat King ordered.

The strangers who just rushed to convey the order did not notice, the strange expressions on the faces of their beloved kings were fleeting.

After everyone left, the Black Bat King sent a message to a planet in the universe.

"The Observer's Frog Figure... The change... The disguise plan continues... SHIELD..."