Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 446: Day of Ancient Destruction! ! !

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Just kidding, how could there be anything in the blood domain?"

After the initial consternation, the observers smiled and shook their heads.

They have the best knowledge of the danger level of the blood realm. Their race's job and hobby is to observe and record various changes. Therefore, compared with other people, they have a lot of dealings with the blood realm.

Second only to the family of monitors who are good at extracting energy from the blood domain.

"It may be that a certain energy engine malfunctioned, which actually caused the entire warship to shake."

An observer immediately got up, walked to the console and kept tapping.

Other observers relaxed and continued to chat with drinks.

Is there something in the blood? Don't be kidding, this is blood!

The scope of the blood domain is far wider than the sum of countless universes! Even if there is something, the chance of them bumping into it is almost the same as the only item found when they go out.

As a ditch between the universe and the universe, the blood domain itself is also a huge tomb. In the long years, I don't know how many reckless and powerful men have been strangled.

I don't know how many geniuses of the universe, thinking that they are striving for the hegemony of the universe, they rushed into the blood to explore, only to be stuck by countless viscous energy, and then strangled to pieces.

The way to shuttle across the universe is to construct a transmission channel directly. It is too difficult and very dangerous to shuttle through the blood domain.

"Hey, did you find out, which part of the battleship has a problem?" someone shouted.

"The battleship broke through a hole...something has come in!"

"Damn, he is very fast!!! He is here...!"

boom! ! !

With another loud noise, the entire battleship was like a small boat in a storm, making violent turbulences, and the strong shock made all observers stunned.

"Is there really something?"

"It's probably the guy who accidentally broke into the blood zone, and luckily found our warship."

"No!!! The enemy is..."

Roar! ! !

A low roar that stunned the soul, with an indescribable fierce aura, like a roar of a monster standing at the top of the food chain, causing all observers present to raise a bit of chill.

A guy with a height of five meters rammed all the way and easily smashed through the super battleship that the observers were proud of. The defensive facilities inside the super alloy and the battleship, in front of visitors, were almost like paper, and they shattered at the touch of a touch.

A large number of powerful weapons bombarded the intruder, but the most effective was that white smoke rose up and then was smashed.

The breath of an ancient beast, with a sense of ancient times that is completely different from that of the current era, this five-meter-tall humanoid monster roars from time to time, seeming to vent. Each roar is comparable to the explosion of countless antimatter bombs. The energy easily destroyed a large area of ​​warship structure.

Every roar can cause extensive damage.

Within a 10,000-meter radius of the explosion, there were horrible golden energy fluctuations, visible to the naked eye, and it could directly cause the destruction of the soul particle level.

This terrible monster came straight to the main control room.

The observers got up one after another, and many of them were still confused. Some hapless guys poured drinks on their heads in the tremor.

"Day of Doom! We hit Day of Doom!!!"

The observer manipulating the battleship was horrified.

"What? The thing that the Kryptonians studied? Which universe Kryptonites accidentally threw this thing into the blood domain!"

The observers are so knowledgeable, and there are people who scold at the moment.

This kind of unexpected event, although it is very frightening, but within the controllable range, it is the confidence of the observer.

It's a big deal to take the escape capsule and run away.

On the screen, the figure of the Destruction Day just appeared, the door of the main control room was blown away with a punch, and a five-meter-high deformed monster rushed in.

This is a deformed big guy.

Under the gloomy skin, there are explosive muscles that are more exaggerated than Hulk's body. Those huge muscles contain the power to destroy the universe.

The most shocking thing is that most of the body surface of this Doomsday is covered with a layer of bone spurs, like a new alternative skin, sticking to him obliquely one by one.

The translucent stratum corneum is slightly muddy, with fearful energy fluctuations.

Looking up, the face with flat facial features on the day of destruction seemed to be pressed horizontally by some external force, lacking recognition, but it looked extremely ugly.

The observers were stunned, and before they had time to launch a counterattack, the observer manipulating the battleship slumped weakly on the ground, his face pale.

"The energy index exploded! It was the day of ancient destruction... he was the day of ancient destruction!!!" Screaming like a drake, changed his tone on the spot, sharp and piercing, containing huge fear and despair.

"Ancient Destruction Day?" Some observers did not have enough knowledge reserves and did not react.

The Day of Destruction is nothing but a powerful and well-known thing. There will always be such a thing in many universes, but it shouldn't be so gloomy, right?

No one cared about the reaction, because the day of destruction had already rushed over.


With one punch, this powerful and unspeakable Doomsday only punched, and all observers in the battleship were instantly beaten into flesh.

There is no other trick, just a fist.

With one punch, the prestigious observer was wiped out.

Those guys who didn't understand the concept of "Ancient Destruction Day" had no chance to understand, they couldn't hold on to a single move and died.

After a moment of silence, the entire warship seemed to react, humming in low voices, piercing metallic sounds, and beginning to break apart, and then, centered on this day of destruction, it was torn in half on the spot.

A huge battleship, comparable to a planet, was smashed in half by an ordinary This monster left the battleship and stood in the **** area with its flesh and blood, terrifying viscous energy Surge in, trying to restrain him, and then kill.

But the blood domain energy that made the observers heard the discoloration, in front of this monster, just like it did not exist, attached to his skin and bone spurs, without causing the slightest harm.

The monster seemed to be a little impatient, his muscles tightened, and the energy immediately agitated. He stared in the direction of the main universe, and his small eyes-relative to his head-actually produced a strong feeling of greed.

It seems that there is something attracting him in that place.

With another low roar, this monster moved. It moved easily in the endless blood, moving faster than the observers' warships!

Like an unstoppable blade!

He is the day of ancient destruction!

There is no one of the strongest biological weapons born in the multiverse throughout the ages!