Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 435: You can't lie to me, I don't trust you

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The basement of Tang's Manor is a laboratory that belongs exclusively to Downey.

At this time, Clark's body was placed here, and Sasser and Knockdown didn't ask Donnett to call over as an assistant, busy in the laboratory, preparing to withdraw from the life code in advance.

During this period, Clark woke up several times, confused, and subconsciously touched his head. He always felt that he had been having nightmares. In his dreams, a nasty guy hit him on the head again and again at the moment his consciousness converged, he was knocked out by Downey again.

In the dim basement, without sunlight, Downey has been using magic to weaken Clark and curb his self-recovery ability.

On the test bench, when Downey knocked Clark out again, a soft laugh came from his side.

At some point, the little girl was already sitting on the experimental platform, her two little feet without shoes dangling, and the immature but full of-charm little face was looking at the basement casually.

"I don't understand you, I always make some very simple things so complicated."

The little girl chuckled her mouth and said.

Downey ignored her, just glanced at her indifferently, and continued to observe every cell in Clark's body.

These cells, just like truly independent lives, breathe one after another, exuding a sense of rhythm.

"Sasser, start the stripping device and knock down, you are responsible for transferring the cells, remember to separate from the third that was stripped out before," Downey ordered.

The fire source jumped slightly, and countless fire particles began to gush out. Each particle looked like Downey's eyes, observing the world in another way.

In an instant, in the entire microcosm, there were countless Downey eyes, and Downey saw all the various particles that existed in that space.

These fire particles immersed in Clark's body, pulling the special cells inside little by little.

That's right, not every cell in Clark's body contains the Code of Life, and even those cells that contain the Code of Life also have the ability to self-replicate. Even with this part of the Code of Life, a backup is also reserved.

After the original cells die, those backup cells will spontaneously activate internal information and restore the lost part of the life code.

In Clark's body, this kind of scene is constantly being staged, and every life code has countless cells to back up.

This is a huge project.

There are many words of military doctors knocking down. He exclaimed: "It turns out that it is, it is really magical. The Life Code actually engraved itself into every cell of this Kryptonite... I still think, that someday he gets injured. Bleeding is not a life code that sheds all over the place."

"So we must find a way to ensure that the transplanted cells will not die. As long as one dies, it will cause an avalanche failure, and we can only start from the beginning." In the one-eyed shock wave, the red light reflected Clark, whispers.

Even if they have preserved all the cells containing the life code, they must converge into the life code as soon as possible, otherwise, over time, the backup cells in Clark's body will spontaneously restore their life code, and the cells they obtained will be abolished.

Even if Downey's ability to find and strip the most complex task containing the cells of the Code of Life can be accomplished without effort, a fusion of the Code of Life is a huge project.

This is a compilation of the genes of one billion people. Different combinations of genes will trigger more than one billion gene chains. It is an astronomical number. If you want to splice a little bit of a complete life code, you don't know how much energy it takes.

And also to ensure that none of these cells die.

"Let's get started, hurry up. With our brain's computing power, it's not as difficult as imagined." Downey ordered.

The huge instrument began to operate, and Downey also looked solemn, searching for the cells that contained the code of life through the fire particles.

Those are coded cells, and those are backup cells. It is an impossible task for ordinary people to distinguish them because they are almost exactly the same.

But for Downey, who can observe the deepest part of the cell, it is not difficult.

Cells with a large number of the most complex and sophisticated sleeping gene fragments are the code of life cells, and the cells with only a few virtual projections are backup cells.

"Is this important to you? Kryptonian genes are nothing more than absorbing sunlight. Isn't it a big deal to you?"

The little girl looked curiously for a while, seemed to lose interest, and said something.

"It has nothing to do with you, either shut up or leave," Downey said calmly without looking up.

"Is your temper always so bad?"

"At least that's the case for you. I don't have a much cold with a familiar guy."


Sasser and Knockout paused and looked at Downey.

Downey was muttering in the air.

Knocked down with a look of consternation, is there something wrong with the Creator's nerves? He just wanted to talk, but he was not low in wisdom, and he immediately shut up and looked at Sangbo without saying a word.

It is impossible to have a problem in the brain, but that is the creator, not a mortal.

Sasser's huge one-eyed gleamed rarely, which showed that his heart was not at peace.

Sasser does not produce emotions such as surprise, fear, and boredom. All his thinking is based on mathematics and logic. In his cognition, there are only two kinds of judgments that are "logical" and "violating logic".

There is no doubt that Downey's behavior now seriously violates logic.

The shock wave flickered one-eyed, and he had the natural ability to perceive all rays. At this moment, he mobilized a lot of computing power to explore the electromagnetic spectrum, X-rays, infrared rays, and chaotic radio waves, but there was nothing around Downey. Things.

Downey was talking to himself.

"You are noisy."

"Leave if you don't want to see it."

"I have no interest in what you said."

Downey talked to the air and seemed to be having a serious conversation with someone.

The red light in Shockwave's eyes became brighter, and countless speculations flashed through his mind.

Consciousness? or projection? soul?

Shockwave took a deep look at Downey who was still talking to himself, kicked and knocked out in a daze, and continued his work.

He is a smart man and knows what occasions and what to do. At the same time, the whole body is on guard, ready to do it at any time, just waiting for Downey to send a signal.

For seven hours in a row, Downey finally stripped all the cells, brought them together, and carried out more critical splicing work.

This process is very cumbersome, but fortunately, everyone standing here is simple, powerful calculations and mechanical actions are making this process advance rapidly.

In another twelve hours, Downey used fire particles to splice the last piece of genes, and finally restored the complete life code.

A group of genes contains a huge complex but distinct gene pool. UU Reading

"Do as I say, I can make you more perfect, there is no need to entangle this kind of boring gene fragments. Even if you want to transplant these Kryptonian genes, it is of no use to you now, it will only make The pure you become filthy."

After the little girl had finished speaking, seeing that Downey was always a little ignorant of her, and not angry, she still smiled.

She is very patient. If one day is not enough, it will be one year, and if one year is not enough, it will be ten years. For a hundred years, she has had time.

But this time, Downey finished his work, ignoring the shock wave and knockdown that watched him, for the first time, looking directly at the little girl.

This was the first time he looked at a little girl face-to-face.

"Have you moved?" The little girl's eyes narrowed with a smile, and her feet swayed leisurely.

"Don't waste time, I don't trust you." Downey looked at her seriously, looked at her cute face, and suddenly whispered, "Did you coax Thanos like that back then? A kind-hearted guy, step by step guides into a twisted monster."