Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 434: Arthur's death

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Another disaster is over, and to be honest, humans are a little used to it.

Humans themselves are very adaptable creatures.

After encountering Zetari, Atlantis, and Kryptonians one after another, human beings have become calmer and calmer.

Or numbness.

After the two hundred thousand criminals who followed the Kryptonians, the instruments in their brains were directly detonated after Downey controlled the Kryptonian Mothership, killing them all in an instant.

During this time, the mainstream of the world was still hunting the Atlanteans.

The oceans of the world have become hunting grounds for Transformers. Transformers of various types, such as hunters with shotguns, are hunting in the huge ocean and carrying out **** killings.

Many King Kong was killed by their prey during the battle, but there are also some, the stronger the Vietnam War, the more talent being tapped little by little.

They stand out in the **** battle.

As for the Atlanteans killed by them? No one paid any attention, let alone cared about whether it was a soldier or a civilian, a mature man or a weak woman and child who was killed.

No one cares, just kill.

Those human warships and submarines patrolling the ocean occasionally detected traces of the Transformers' activities, and they just left silently or watched their hunting feast at a distance.

The extermination of the Atlanteans has quietly become the consensus of everyone.

In the true sense of genocide, Transformers are doing such a thing.

Kill, kill all the way, and kill the people on the bottom of the sea.

No captives, no slaves, only corpses.

The hatred between the two parties is too much.

Twenty million people died or disappeared directly-everyone knows that in the modern era of such advanced information transmission, 90% of the people who disappeared in a huge disaster are equated with death.

How many relatives and friends will there be among the 20 million people? How much hatred will be brewing?

The entire human society looked at the coast indifferently, like livestock, the corpses dragged out of the ocean and then bought by major institutions to conduct various biochemical experiments.

Every corpse has research value.

The entire public opinion ignored the crazy slaughtered Atlanteans, and occasionally the media expressed solidarity, but related personnel quickly disappeared bizarrely.

The oceans of the world have become hunting grounds for Transformers, and all kinds of massacres are happily being staged.

Undersea madness, with five hundred marine warriors, wandering under the sea.

The captain slumped and coordinated with the other six King Kong, looking for the traces of the Atlanteans on the bottom of the sea, and when he found one, he killed one.

"I found it. Thirty nautical miles ahead, there is a live reaction from the people on the bottom of the sea." A King Kong suddenly reported.

The huge body of the mad demon under the sea rushed towards that direction for the first time. Behind him, five hundred warriors formed a long dragon with a cold murderous aura.


A huge artillery bombarded a sea rock, blasting a huge gap. Under the obstruction of the sea, the gravel moved slowly, but it could still explode with amazing power and flew out in all directions.

"According to the response of the instrument, there are more than a hundred remnants of Atlantis remaining in it." The submarine-crazy demon let out a low roar of excitement and shouted at his soldiers, "Kill them!"

The Transformers squad was silent, with red eyes shining a terrifying light on the dark seabed, one by one took out their weapons, and indifferently surrounded the hiding place.

Fierce energy is gathering, cold murderous intent is spreading, and the faintly audible cry of crying did not cause the slightest emotional fluctuations of these diamonds.

A figure burst out from the gap like a sharp sword, with long golden hair, a majestic body, and bloodshot eyes.

"No, you can't do this!!! Aum has paid the price with his life! The other Atlanteans are innocent!!!"

Sea King Arthur roared like a lunatic, hysterical, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

He led the tribe to run around, lingering, watching feebly as the tribesmen were mercilessly slaughtered. Those warriors desperately screaming to fight, those women and children crying and wailing...

These are his people!

He watched his people die in pieces but could do nothing.

It was like a nightmare.

Overnight, the gorgeous and powerful Atlantis ushered in death.

Destruction, corpses, and wars have enveloped everything.

He was like a bereavement dog, leading his tribe to escape all the way, but was always overtaken, and then separated a group of tribesmen to die in order to buy time for more people.

The number is getting smaller and smaller, their escape journey is getting harder and harder.

Everyone knows that they are just delaying death.

Arthur has lost too many familiar people, Mela, Gas...

Originally Arthur was still looking forward to it. Maybe which superhero could stand up and stop this extinction?

But no, no one stood up, everyone seemed to be blind and deaf.

If that guy Clark was there, he would stop it...but I don't know why, Clark didn't stand up.

Arthur looked dumbly at the hundreds of steel soldiers who surrounded him, then smiled sadly and looked back at the women and children who were sobbing.

All the men are dead.

Now, it's his turn, his new... King.

"Let them go, they are all innocent! Didn't you kill enough!!!" Arthur growled like a beast with red eyes.

The surrounding King Kong stared at him coldly, as if watching a clown.

The 36-meter-tall body of the mad demon under the sea swam over like a giant and said indifferently: "When the war breaks out, no one is innocent, including the old man who can't hold a weapon, and the baby in the swaddle."

"No matter how bad the old people are, they can make a trivial contribution. Every piece of clothing they carry is contributing to the war. The swaddled babies will inherit hatred when they grow up and one day continues to take up arms.

The six parts of the submarine madman looked at Arthur, who almost collapsed in distress.

"Arthur, the order we received is to exterminate all Atlanteans, and none of them are allowed to survive. This is not only our thoughts, but also because of the Creator's orders."

"Downey wants to completely exterminate your species, he said, no one has the obligation to pay for your stupidity. Even if there is, he will kill it all."

The submarine madman raised his butcher knife, aimed at Sea King Arthur, who had a distorted and desperate face, and issued an order: "Kill them."

Five hundred Transformers rushed forward, and the massacre was carried out, and the screams and pleadings were quickly overwhelmed by death.

Arthur was bruised and completely turned into a beast, roaring and smashing his fists. When his fist is crushed, he uses his teeth, and when the tooth is crushed, he hits with his head.

When the head was blown, only those bloodshot eyes were left, staring at him in the blood-stained sea.

Since then, Atlantis has been annihilated.