Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 433: little girl

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Quiet air, without a trace of fireworks.

Downey lay lazily on the lawn of the Tang Manor, holding Wanda in his right hand, quietly looking at the blue sky, sniffing the smell of grass.

This is a way of leisure that he likes very much, as always, lying on the lawn.

If it were before, it is estimated that not long after lying down, there will be a grumpy old man who came out with a gun and yelled and abused Downey and damaged his lawn.

But the old man had been gone for several months, and he could no longer hear the familiar abuse from that guy.

Only by lying on the lawn can Downey rarely enjoy a little peace and tranquility. Especially when he was relieved of his responsibility as the guardian of the earth, he should also give himself some time to enjoy the sunshine and tranquility.

"I'll pour you a glass of water." Wanda pattered Downey and got up and went back to the house.

Next to him, Crypto drooped his ears listlessly, lying on the ground, sniffing the ground from time to time, pulling the ground twice, and then lying on his stomach weakly.

It was the new friend, Cosmo, still wearing that conspicuous space suit, desperately shaking his tail, and spinning around Crypto, as if he wanted to make friends with this dog.

But no matter how hard it tried, even the ability of telepathy that Downey didn't know--it though Downey didn't--was used, but Crypto still didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Downey squinted at first, listening to the barking of dogs and the sounds of all things, and then closing his eyes.

When he opened it again, there was an extra figure beside him, at some point.

The dog barking disappeared.

The wind disappeared.

The scent that is peculiar to the fragrant grass, which is not very pleasant but reassuring, has also disappeared.

As if the whole world, for an instant, only Donny himself was left.

Oh, and this little girl next to him.

A very strange little girl with long black hair and a delicate face of melon seeds. On the left and right cheeks, there are also mischievous things like painted stickers.

Downey thought it was a raven at first. The little girl entered the Tang Manor and saw nothing new. In less than a day, two small ponds had been blown up, and seventeen chopsticks and eight knives and forks were broken. I ate more than 20 brands of cigarettes and still yelled that they were unpalatable.

Some people persuaded her, but the little girl in Raven didn't believe it, not saying that cigarettes were used for eating, it was probably broken by Constantine's unscrupulous teaching, and it became a weird custom. To these, Downey just smiled and didn't care.

Downey glanced at the strange little girl with one eye open and then closed it casually.

"Who are you?" Downey asked.

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be only these three words left, with echoes, quiet and terrible.

The little girl stared at him unblinkingly. The black pupils seemed to contain huge suction, making everyone who looked past her desire to embrace her.

"Did you know that you exude a very special aura, you are different from everyone else." After waiting for a while, seeing that Downey was not interested in talking, the little girl said.

The voice is very soft, but every word clearly enters Downey's ears. The sound was like a whisper as if whispering directly to his soul.

Once again, Downey opened one eye and glanced at her indifferently, "You smelled wrong."

"You can't lie to me." The little girl chuckled, covering her mouth.

"You got it wrong."

"You can't hide from me."

"You are blind."

The little girl's face changed slightly, she couldn't see the anger, but with a hint of...surprise?

She tilted her head and thought, it has been a long, long, long time, no one dared to scold her.

Still, use this most straightforward and direct way.

"You are very courageous." The little girl said flatly.

Downey rolled over, the chill in his eyes was fleeting, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

This girl... didn't make him feel any hostility. This was something that made her scalp numb. Downey had never felt this kind of feeling, this kind of tranquility, the peace in her heart that was so deadly silent that there was no ripple...

It is a deformity.

It seemed that the person sitting next to him and talking to him was not a living creature.

Seeing that Downey ignored him, the little girl showed more surprise in her eyes and suddenly became interested in this man.

"What is your name?"

"You're weird..."

"Don't you ask who I am?"

The little girl asked Downey like a gun.

Downey just glanced at her indifferently, looked at her quietly, and for a long time, he said, "I don't want to, I'm not interested."

The little girl smiled, did not speak, stood up directly, and ran calmly, step by step, very smoothly.

Downey looked at the opponent's back, his face is suddenly gloomy, and his eyes became extremely dangerous and terrifying, until this time, his will and body seemed to react, and he should be ready to face the powerful enemy.

The hairs stood bluntly, and the muscles tightened extremely slowly.

There was no response from the plot gems embedded in his chest, the same as before.

The fire source is still the same as before, slowly jumping and burning.

"... Downey? Downey? Don't scare me!" The familiar voice went from far to near, and Downey blinked and everything returned to its original state.

In front of him, Wanda was looking at him worriedly, with a steaming glass in his hand.


Cosmo came out with a little frustrated cry, and it circled Cripto, screaming, wanting Cripto to play with him.

This call annoyed Kripto, who kicked Cosmo and dropped his dog's hair all over the floor.

Wanda looked at her lover anxiously. In just a few seconds, she felt that Downey seemed to be far away from him, and her eyes were terrifying.

It seems... is facing a huge threat.

"It's nothing, it's just thinking about the research for a while, it will be very troublesome." Downey hugged Wanda hard, leaned to her ear and said something, and took a bite of her earlobe.

"What is the life deprivation code?" Wanda's ears were red and he blinked his big bright eyes.

"Yes, it is a troublesome thing to strip one billion gene templates out without harming that descendant of Krypton."

Downey smiled Yu Guang glanced at the heartless Cosmo, angrily yelled at Crypto, and put on a duel posture.

In an instant, he calculated all possible actions that Cosmo could make, including the distance of movement, the frequency of jumping, and the frequency of wagging his tail, and then compared it with the current Cosmo.

no problem.

What he experienced just now seemed to be illusory, it was his imagination.

Downey understood that he was special and that he had become a candidate for the new sole **** and had been noticed.

What is this, temptation? Win? Still sharpening the knife, ready to harvest?

After pondering for a while, Downey smiled in a low voice, and after staying with Wanda Wen for a while, he refocused his attention on the upcoming experiment.

He should come and come. Even if he uses plot gems to cover himself, he might reveal something, which is impossible.

"The thing at hand is more important, as for the other...hey!"