Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 512: Take hal

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


? Hal suddenly fell silent.

His torn face, stained with blood, was stiff and silent.

Downey said peacefully: "Hal, I have done what I can do. When I know that the earth has been invaded, I will come back as soon as possible. You can't expect me to do more, and again, I don't owe you. On the contrary, you owe me."

Downey looked at this young man who had suddenly become decadent and numb and said lightly: "Many people have died, and I have lost many relatives and friends. This is why I have always used cruel methods to treat my enemies, just like you. As you did just now, you killed Superman and did a great job."

Suddenly, Hal raised his head, seeming to be touched by a certain idea, like thunder and lightning.

"I want power, I want to have stronger power! That fearful thing, you took it away!" Hal said excitedly and slumped his wrists with difficulty. "You know what I want if I have that kind of power. , Can change everything!"

"That's nothing, I can give you more, as long as you follow me, I will help you resurrect Carol. She is the person you care about the most, isn't she? Your father died in a flying accident, and your mother died of bed sickness. , All you have is Carol, your childhood sweetheart."

Downey issued an invitation.

Hal Jordan, originally supposed to be the greatest lantern man, is also the lantern man with the most inestimable potential. He has been a parallax demon, a Green Lantern, and a Blue Lantern.

Howl has the potential to obtain citizenship of the Cybertron Galaxy.

Even with Carol, who is suitable for the purple lantern ring of love, Downey is not at all disadvantaged.

Carol kept the corpse, and Downey discovered it early in the morning. Although it was incomplete, it was nothing. Downey had a lot of ways to continue his life.

Hal's eyes widened, then he nodded his head heavily: "As long as you can bring her back to life, I am willing to pay any price, as long as I can..."

He whispered to himself like crazy.

Clark opened his mouth, but Downey glared at him, Clark hesitated but still did not stop. He is not worth what to say.

Everyone knows that maybe Hal, who has a huge resentment and will be blackened at any time in pursuit of power, is a better choice to be taken away by Downey.

At least Downey could suppress Hal firmly and guide Hal in the direction Downey wanted to see.

So far, Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern of the Green Lantern Corps, has completely disappeared, and some of them are just new Cybertronian residents.

The huge portal opened, and the golden sparks flickered continuously, which was extremely beautiful.

"I know what you want to say, but I won't resurrect more people." Downey glanced at the people who wanted to talk but stopped. "Today I resurrected them, and there will be a crisis tomorrow, and there will be more people. Ask me to resurrect more people. If I can't do it, I will endure more insults."

Downey beckoned, dragged Hal, who was so scarred and breathless, and threw it into the portal. Before leaving, he said to Tony, Clark, and others: "I used to be the guardian, and I have fulfilled my duties and obligations. No one can ask me to do more. I don't owe the earth, but the people of the earth owe me."

As soon as the voice fell, Downey had disappeared in the portal, and the huge war world in outer space and a certain corpse in the ruins were transported away by Downey.

Standing in the ruins of the coastal city, Tony and others suddenly felt a little dull.

"It always feels like you did something stupid." Tony took the lead. "I have always opposed his leaving, but he is not a person who can listen to persuasion. Even if it is his dream to leave the earth, how many of them are behind the scenes? We are pushing, you know very well."

Clark was silent, picked up Superman, and then flew back to Metropolis without looking back. He was in a mess, feeling that something was clearly wrong, but he didn't know how to save it.

Another crisis came to an end, the casualties of seven million people, and the complete destruction of a large city.

Soon, the news spread throughout the earth, and more and more people joined the fierce debate.

"Donnie clearly has the ability to save some civilians, why not do that? I have to doubt Downey's intentions."

In a TV show, an expert questioned.

"Shut up, Downey doesn't owe Seaside City anything. He has no obligation to do so." Someone retorted him.

"Isn't he a superhero? Isn't he a guardian of the earth?"

"Then is he your mother? He is not! So you shut up, no one has that obligation except your mother!"


Downey was helpless about the terrible things on earth and simply stopped thinking about it.

On this trip to Earth, Domam took the initiative to tell him. Hearing the news that Superman and Mongo had joined forces, Downey hurried back to Earth immediately, but he was still a step late.

"Dommam, you will act on Cybertron in the future. Without my permission, you are not allowed to return to the dark dimension without my permission." Downey ordered. After speaking, he pulled out Dommam and threw it into the plug at will. Somewhere on Botan.

Downey returned with the war world, directly positioned gravity, and transformed it into a third satellite.

As for the slaves inside, they were killed by Downey long ago.

The all-metal structure of Cybertron Planet, with varying shades of light and dark, and the numbing King Kong is undergoing frantic construction. At every moment, a large number of metal buildings are being built.

The peculiar purple plants began to be planted everywhere, and genetic scientists even developed more kinds of vibranium plants, which began to spread on Cybertron in a large area.

They also launched a research and development plan for Edman alloy plants, but it will take some time to have a finished product.

"This is the main planet of Cybertron, and there are two companion satellites. You can travel anywhere you want to live." Downey pointed to one of the two moons in the sky ~ ~ bright moonlight Sprinkled on the ground, covered with a layer of silver gauze, "That one is the mutant planet named'New World'. It is a human being on Earth, and you can live there. If you don't understand, please directly ask Ultron, an intelligent life. , He is everywhere."

"As for your lover, one week later, go to the Academy of Sciences to lead her. The scientists are already working on reviving her."

Howl stared at the engineering planet in shock. The entire metal planet was engaged in giant construction. One after another, super buildings starting from a kilometer high rose from the ground and piled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Transformers are moving in a dense number of ants to build infrastructure at a speed that makes humans ashamed.

Their huge size is indeed as small as ants in front of the jaw-dropping buildings.

"Hal, I am optimistic about your potential, but I don't want you to be overwhelmed by hatred. Appropriate hatred drives you forward, but if hatred is everything in life, it will only turn you into a total monster."

Downey patted Hal on the shoulder: "Don't let me down, I will arrange a task for you soon, which is the most suitable task for you."