Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 513: Cosmos Mercenary Center

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"By changing nothing, nothing changes." —Tony Robbins


? The entire planet of Cybertron is the third planet in the Cybertronian galaxy.

In addition to the artificial planet Cybertron, there are a total of twelve planets of various sizes.

There are thirteen in total, which exactly matches the number of the thirteen Yuan ancestors.

"The Thirteen Yuan ancestors are about to wake up. Let the staff of the war center arrange relevant plans. Every planet must be seated on an ancestor. As for the names of the planets... just follow the ancestors' names." Downey Ordered.

"What should I do if there is one original ancestor left?" Tong Tianxiao asked.

"Put him directly on Cybertron - or throw him into the war world. Anyway, the war world has no master."

Downey waved his hand, calm and gentle.

The thirteen ancestors are the thirteen powerful Transformers created by Downey's painstaking effort. Downey directly extracted the most original and inestimable gene fragments from the source of CNA and continued to put them together.

I don't know how many billions of failures have occurred.

Every section of the gene chain is extremely complicated, and a slight mistake will lead to a collapse. I have to start all over again. God knows how many times Downey has failed, and only found the thirteen most successful ones. In addition, Downey has lost a lot of fire. The provenance was initially created.

They started as a demigod, and they spent a long time sleeping in order to break into the genetic chain and body, and to make their consciousness grow more perfect.

The provincial eldest fellow woke up, and it turned out to be a bunch of idiots...

Downey felt that the thirteen guys were about to wake up, and they had to do something for them anyway. To be honest, Downey also looked forward to the state and future of these thirteen ancestors.

He started as a demigod, and he is simply the son of the tall, rich, and handsome of the universe, the clock of luck, the son of the plane...

I don't know how many hundreds of millions of lives worked hard to break the barriers of mortals but failed for various reasons.

The demigods are the junction from mortals to gods, and this threshold prevents many amazing lives.

Thanos is just a demigod. Now, Downey, regardless of the noble nature of his only deity, is still stuck on the threshold of the top demigod. It is also difficult to advance further.

As a result, the thirteenth ancestor started as a demigod. If it spreads out, it is estimated that a large number of people will vomit blood and rush to Cybertron with knives to come to Cybertron with red eyes desperately.

Downey was sitting on the Zhenjin Mine's mine. This huge mine had already been directly moved by Downey. He stood up, the wind screamed, took a deep breath, condescending, like a god, with the pride of the Creator, looking down, feeling, smelling a strong smell of construction from the air.

"Well, the pollution is quite serious..."

Downey murmured, taking another breath, disgusting.

"Who isn't so particular?" Downey looked up in the wind direction, and a guy named Hercules was doing his best.

At a height of 42 meters, he directly picked up a building and walked away. Every step on the ground can cause the painful whine of the metal ground-that is the reason why the metal ground is overwhelmed.

"Who is the strongest on the Cybertron demolition brigade?"

"Of course, it's my Hercules!!!"

As a group of excavator forces, Hercules is good at construction, and what he is best at is violent demolition.

Did you see that building? Hey, hard, get up.

Then the building was broken by the waist, hitting a bunch of unlucky engineering teams in King Kong.

Whispering curses and complaints sounded, and Hercules was rejected again.

"Outrageous, it collapsed?"

"No, it's still a chemical plant!... It's actually directly affiliated with the Academy of Sciences? The lunatic Shockwave might be studying something terrible."

"Hook, you kid quickly show off your talent's skills."

The hook, which is responsible for the head and shoulders, paused, seeming a little shy, and immediately opened his mouth, spraying a lot of green.

Hooks have artistic elements, they like to engage in art and prefer to spray green on others. It is said that Huntian Leopards have lingering fears about Hooks now.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence, and all King Kong present fell into weird silence.

Downey watched this scene silently and shook his head.

"The world of war not only exists as a fortress of war but also has better value..."

Downey thought about it and then took a step forward, the portal opened, and in the next second, Downey appeared inside the war world, in the center of the huge Colosseum.

This is where Mongo watched many slaves fighting and fighting, and it was a place of entertainment.

"It's better to be the center of the cosmic mercenary." Downey narrowed his eyes and had to say that the world of war couldn't be more suitable.

This was originally a war fortress. Mongo has worked so hard for so many years. The various facilities inside the planet have been built and perfected long ago, including various canteens, prisons, and Colosseum.

Natural place.

Downey has the heart to make this a paradise for mercenaries and bounty hunters at the core of the universe. It just so happens that some inconvenient matters within Cybertron can also be distributed by way of task entrustment.

The satellite under Downey's feet will become an alternative cosmic center.

what? What do you say about collectors' emptiness? What does that have to do with Downey?

If it doesn't work, rob the collector back.

Anyway, the old man had already guessed that Downey was special, which meant that he had deliberately met him. When Downey's sleeping was picked up by collectors, the collectors specially built an expensive sleeping cabin for Downey to help Downey gather up the messy information collection.

The fifteen old guys of the Cosmic Presbyterian Church are best at saving their lives. They will never offend anyone easily, let alone set up unnecessary enemies.

This is the secret that they can live to this day.

Downey is a risky investment for collectors and hopes to be rewarded.

Embracing the thigh of a single life, what are you looking for? Safety is definitely the first.

Secondly, it is the realm of gods.

The beings who live in the world of Wan Tianyi do not have enough reliable guarantees at all. Maybe some bigwig will wipe out the multiverse with a twitch of Then someday think of it, and then restore it.

What if someone misses it?

Undoubtedly, in the realm of the gods, although the strong are everywhere, the gods are not as good as the dogs, but at least there is no need to worry about being erased like ants.

As long as the thigh that you hug is thick enough to protect him, that means permanent life and indestructible safety, and you can have a lot of time and resources to do what you want to do—as for the lack of resources? With endless life, even if you save a little bit, you can save it sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Naturally, Downey knew the collector's plan, and he didn't mind accepting the collector as a member of his planet.

It's just an old guy with a collector's addiction and superb emotional intelligence. There is no problem.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Downey will be more at ease when he robs the void.

The collector is going to be unlucky. The treasure that he has collected for more than 10 billion years is estimated to be unsafe because a fierce wolf once again descended on his territory.