Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 507: Parallax Magic

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Carl, my family died because of your father, today I will let you die too! Pay for my wife and children!!"

Mechanical Superman is already crazy. He rushes to Superman regardless. Two survivors of Krypton who are very similar in size fought together. Each impact has dozens of times the speed of sound, and the distance of kilometers is instantaneously crossed. The resulting power aftermath is even more terrible. .

Every shot will cause a shock in the air, and the burst of sound waves will make ordinary people's ears bleed.

"Another civil war among the Kryptonians."

Tony slowly flew down from the air, his armor became a little embarrassed, the surface was worn out on a large area, and a few places were directly deformed by being beaten.

Tony scanned the situation of the armor, and sighed helplessly. It seemed that more advanced armor was to be developed, at least stronger than the semi-finished product he was wearing now.

The pressure-bearing structural parts are still too poor, and can only barely maintain the undefeated in a short period of time at the level of Superman.

Mongo had seen enough of the excitement, nodded in satisfaction, and directly ordered the slaves in the war world to attack, and he himself had to do it himself.

"This planet is Downey's home planet? It's too primitive." With a grinning smile on the corner of Meng Ge's mouth, he jumped out of the war world and landed on Earth.

Meng Ge was very proud, with an inexplicable sense of arrogance. It seemed that watching this primitive and backward planet scream in his own war was a very pleasant thing for him.

Mongo's favorite thing to do is to watch the planets collapse under his war world, and now, the earth is no exception.

What about Downey's home star? It's gone anyway, this planet is simply undefended in Mongo's eyes.

He brought thousands of slaves to the earth, and then he did not hesitate to fight with Fulian and others.

Slaves from various species in the universe have fierce fighting power. They can become slaves for the pleasure of Mongo in the war world, and they must be the best on every planet.

And the number is also large.

The huge war world is floating in the outer space of the earth, and a new round of strikes can be carried out at any time.

In a very short time, the earth was forced to usher in another crisis, which directly caused the death of 7 million people, and the number will increase further.

Fierce fighting broke out, and nearby military members also came to join the war, but suffered a one-sided slaughter and struggled to sustain it.

The fighters that mankind is proud of appear to be extremely backward in front of these alien visitors, and the movement of the fighters is even more rigid, and it is easy to be overtaken and destroyed by the slaves of the war world.

On the contrary, the role of missile cleaning is even greater, but we must also worry about the reunification of the fighting and the survivors who are constantly being rescued.

Hal Jordan raised his head frantically, his eyes already covered with bloodshot eyes. He looked at the chaos around him, looked at the prosperous coastal city not long ago, and felt that something in his heart was broken.

Carol, his childhood sweetheart, is probably also dead, right? That woman with an independent personality, but a woman who cared very much about him...


Hal shed tears and roared sternly, his voice hoarse, and his vocal cords were broken, none of which could conceal his inner despair and anger.

Why, why must it be a seaside city?

why! ! !

A slave noticed him and rushed towards him with a cruel look.

Immediately, a steel armor blasted the opponent by one shot, and then came to Hal.

"Sir, you need to get out of here." The steel armor pointed to the other side, and groups of survivors were gathering and being sent away by Wang and others using a portal.

Hal didn't speak, his eyes were cracking, the wound on his body that had just barely condensed cracked and more blood shed, directly turning him into a blood man.

A burst of yellow energy suddenly flew from outer space, and then directly to the seaside city, to Hal.

"Hal from the earth, I feel the great fear in your heart, accept me, you will gain the power of revenge."

This yellow energy directly penetrated into Hal's body. In a trance, Hal seemed to have heard a passage with a strong bewitching, and made him feel an indescribable greater fear.

But he couldn't take care of it anymore, resentment and fear drove him to accept this unknown thing for the first time.

The yellow fear combined with Hal, and the emotion of fear attached to Hal, exerting an influence quickly, distorting Hal's emotion and will.

Yes, don't think it's a good thing to be targeted by a parallax monster. The parallax monster will suppress the will of the host and use the will of the parallax monster to act instead.

"Vengeance, no matter what you are, revenge!!" Hal was like a beast.

"As you wish, Hal, I am very happy to help you." Yellow Energy, no, it should be said that it is a parallax monster billions of light years away.

The voice was full of ecstasy.

The Parallax Monster has reason to be happy. It has found an excellent host, which is definitely the best host he has come into contact with in 10 billion years.

The power of fear fermented, a little bit soaked in Hal's soul, modified Hal's will, and pretended to increase Hal's strength, allowing him to instantly possess powerful strength from an insignificant mortal.

The yellow emotional energy leaked directly, and the parallax monster swallowed Hal's fear. This was simply delicious and the greatest enjoyment.

Hal's body has changed, becoming more burly, height suddenly jumped a lot, yellow energy diffused to the surface of the body, forming some new attachment organs.

A Hal who maintains his human form but is constantly changing appears.

The parallax monster has found its favorite host, and this body will become his puppet, and it will be transformed into an extremely tyrannical warrior.

The parallax magic was born.

For an instant, everyone present felt the fear that suddenly appeared from deep in their hearts. This sense of fear came out suddenly, and the secrets in their hearts seemed to be suddenly unearthed by mysterious forces.

Parallax Mohal kicked on the ground, his consciousness became blurred, his mouth grew wide, and the square teeth of human beings were constantly changing, transforming into the sharp and long teeth like beasts.

His lips also disappeared a little bit, widening the whole mouth, exposing the long sharp teeth in the mouth without any cover, adding a bit of hideousness.

Most of the humanity disappeared, and the will of the parallax monster took the upper hand.

This is just a little bit of the power of the parallax monster. When the parallax monster body and Hal are combined, Hal will be replaced, and a complete stereoscopic parallax monster starting at level 7 of combat power will truly be born.

"Sir?" Jarvis's voice came through the steel Everyone couldn't help but glance at him. The yellow energy almost made the fear in their hearts continue. A burst of energy is unheard of.

Some people even speculate that he is a mutant. After all, mutants are most likely to wake up when emotional changes are severe, and the extinction plan of the Sky Eye Society has just begun. At this stage, it is only a large-scale dissemination of genetic medicine and injections of volunteers.

"Damn you all! To bury the millions of people in the seaside city!!!"

The parallax demon roared, and more yellows of fear poured out of his body, pursuing the slaves in the war world as if there was life under his control.

The hundreds of slaves closest to How were arrested on the spot by fear and then killed on the spot.

The fear energy turned into countless yellow sharp blades, smashing the corpses of these slaves on the spot, frantically cutting them into thousands of pieces. (https:)