Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 506: Anti-Superman Battlegear

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


? "Jarvis, search for survivors, dispatch the Iron Army. Hey, those mages over there, you give priority to rescuing civilians."

Tony spoke quickly, and then rushed directly to Superman in rage, knocking the latter into flight.

Stephen said quickly: "King, Nick Tims, you go to rescue civilians at a fast speed. There are still many survivors. Move them directly to a safe place. I will fight the enemy and find a way to bring him together with the one above. Metal planets are pulled into the mirror space."

"Are you **** a fan of Superman? Apart from the wrong color, your image is simply a replica of that big man. It's just that what you are doing is incompatible with Superman." Tony cursed.

The two iron men collided and a loud noise erupted. The mechanical Superman was directly hit by Iron Man, then hugged and slammed, and was attacked by a powerful energy cannon.

The full-fire Iron Man even emitted a beam of light from the energy port in his chest.

Stephen directly used powerful magic to carry out long-range attacks, and the fierce trembling energy stream vibrated directly on the head of the mechanical superman.

"Go away!!"

The mechanical Superman roared, with energy cannons and magic, electronic eyes beating, a large number of mechanical sounds rang out on the indestructible metal body, and then he quickly came to Iron Man and smashed Iron Man into the air with a fist.

With a clang, millions of tons of power hit the steel armor, and the armor was severely damaged on the spot. Large pieces of metal could not withstand the force and shattered, revealing the internal structure, accompanied by dazzling sparks.

Although the mechanical Superman has lost the ability to absorb sunlight and become stronger, to a certain extent, he does become more terrifying now.

The weakness of fear of magic has also been erased, after all, he only has the flesh and blood of his right eye.

In the air, more than 30 steel armors of different types flew, leaving a lot of sparks in the air, neatly arranged in a row.

"Sir, if the Iron Legion is already in place, do you want to attack the enemy?" Jarvis asked.

"No, save people, give priority to the rescue of civilians, give me a new armor, and I will find a way to hold him."

Tony stood up from the rubble and couldn't help feeling the damage on his chest. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He tilted his head, cursed in his mouth, and said in a deep voice:

"Jarvis, ordinary armor can't stop the opponent at all."

"Understood, sir, activate the Anti-Superman Armor." Jarvis said, "I have to remind you that the Anti-Superman Armor has not been developed and perfected yet, maybe..."

"Enough, Jarvis, there is no better choice in this situation." Tony said flatly.

Anti-Superman armor is a super armor developed by Tony specifically to deal with such powerful enemies as Superman. There is always a worry in Tony's heart, that people like Superman and Downey will suddenly go crazy.

The Anti-Superman Battle Armor was born. This was originally a very hidden thing, but now this situation has to take a risk.

As soon as Tony's voice fell, a slightly taller armor flew down and attached to Tony's body. The old armor was separated on the spot, and the brand-new armor was exposed to the world for the first time, draped on Tony.

This is a blood-red armor with a height of two meters and five meters. It is made of brand-new synthetic materials. It has a large area of ​​Edman alloy and vibration gold. There is also an "S" symbol engraved on the chest. Tony, who is angry, does not like to go. What to hide.

The action of changing the armor was quickly completed, and an Iron Man wearing a new armor appeared.

He is a more burly, stronger, stronger power system, brand-new energy circuit, more efficient output efficiency, enough to withstand the impact of a million tons of shells, internal parts more than ten times more complex, involving deep processing at the atomic level.

"My Carol--" As if the sound of an injured beast came, Tony turned his head and saw a **** man wailing like a beast not far away.

"Jarvis, help the survivors immediately, as much as possible." Tony retracted his gaze, looked at the mechanical superman rushing towards him, and then rushed fiercely.

The two steel men fought together again. This time, Tony barely remained undefeated, but the sparks that broke out from time to time indicated that his situation was not optimistic.

The defeat is only a matter of time.

Stephen uses powerful magic to attack from time to time, but for Superman, although it is a little more troublesome, it is really nothing.

Stephen wants to use the portal to divide Superman, but Superman can escape in time every time.

Tony is equivalent to fighting an enhanced version of Clark, the enemy will not be tired, will not feel pain, only endless madness and hatred.

"Where is Carl!!!" The mechanical superman roared again and again, like a madman, with a punch and kick with millions of tons of force, making Tony very difficult to resist.

"You want to find Superman? You made the wrong door, he is not here. But you, you want to stay forever."

Tony mocked, stretched out his hand, and shot it out, hitting Superman's leg, then lifted him directly into the sky, trying to take him away.

But Superman mechanically squeezed Tony's arm directly, then slammed it fiercely and hit the ground, Superman immediately rushed over, hitting Tony with one punch and one punch.

With every punch, the electronic screen in front of Tony's field of vision becomes blurred.

More and more people rushed to the battlefield, and other members of the Advancing League arrived. The US team asked with headphones: "Tony, how is the situation, who is the enemy?"

"An outsider seems to want Superman to avenge. It is probably the Kryptonians' troubles. First, a Zord. Fortunately, we had Downey at that time and killed the other party with almost no loss."

"But now? We don't have guardians anymore—oh, other mages are not bad, at least not as reliable as Downey."

Tony grumbled.

Stephen didn't say a word, his eyes were blood-red, he held his hands high, ready to use the mirror space to draw the enemy, including the entire metal planet.

This is an extremely difficult project. The magic of the mirror space itself is very obscure and difficult to understand. Even if it is Downey, he is not skilled in mastering it. Even if his magic talent is far more than Downey, there is no way to instantly transfer the entire world of war to the mirror. In space.

It takes time.


A swift figure slammed into it, and when Tony's armor was damaged again, it directly flew Superman.

The red cloak moved with the wind, and the blue battle shirt set off his strong muscles.

Superman Clark is He just went to Gotham, had a bad exchange with Batman, and rushed over as soon as he found out that there was an accident in Seaside City.

The tragic scene of the seaside city made the extremely kind Clark angry. He gritted his teeth and attacked this very similar guy mercilessly, just like a mechanical version of himself.

The scorching hot sight directly bombarded Superman's body, nailing him to the ground fiercely, and the terrifyingly high temperature only made the surface of Superman's body more black, almost unscathed.

"Carl!!! You despicable fellow, you are finally here!!!"

The mechanical Superman showed a surprised expression, resentment gnawing into his heart like a poisonous snake, swallowing his last bit of reason.

Clark frowned tightly, with anger in his eyes, suppressed anger, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"