Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 486: Host Ultron (1)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"There's no meaning to a flower unless it blooms." – Ino Yamanaka


"Professor X, I protested to you on behalf of the Global Security Council. You violated Article 13 of Chapter VII of the agreement between us-the use of brain wave amplifiers without government permission."

A little pawn, sweating profusely, glanced nervously at Downey, who was sitting on the representative seat, and then at the ferocious Magneto. The whole person was not well.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, but wiped it more and more, trembling, and said words of condemnation.

Professor X kept smiling: "This sir, I didn't use that dangerous instrument without authorization."

"You must have used it, otherwise how can you accurately find mutants in the world?!" A representative could not help standing up and shouting.

Then Downey glanced at him coldly, and the man persuaded, and sat down anxiously.

The many representatives present all looked uneasy and sweated on their foreheads.

Representatives like Tony and Superman also looked solemn and were silent because they didn't know what to say.

The entire United Nations General Assembly fell into dead silence.

This is Downey's first time attending such a global conference, wearing formal clothes, sitting quietly and listening to the report.

But even if he didn't do anything, that kind of breath like a wild beast if there was nothing, caused tremendous pressure on everyone present.

The cold eyes told the high-ranking officials present: sitting here is a monster who can eat meat, not a good gentleman.

Downey slowly got up, glanced at the people he suppressed and couldn't speak, and said lightly: "For me, finding mutants is not a problem. I can locate them easily."

But in fact, the professor did this thing. The professor screened the mutants around the world, and then got their location, and then Downey ordered the sky eye to be dispatched.

If there are electronic devices, Downey will send messages by himself. For those living in backward areas, Tianyan will send someone to the door directly, or Downey will directly activate a nearby machine to come to the door.

Naked digging behavior.

"Listen, I am not interested in paying attention to the game between you. My purpose is very simple. As long as the mutants around the world are willing to follow me, I will accept them together."

Downey's eyes moved, and all the shooting and recording equipment present were controlled and cut off by him.

"After I have selected, I will distribute a potion, a genetic potion that can suppress mutants, and eliminate mutants all over the world. From now on, no new mutants will be born."

Downey's voice was flat and passed into everyone's ears: "There will be no new mutants on the earth. Those mutants who refuse to leave the earth with me and continue to stay on the earth don't need dozens of them. I'll die of old age."

"Your headache has been a long-term problem, I will help you solve it permanently."

After speaking, Downey turned and left. His face was indifferent, no joy or anger could be seen.

For the rest, the professor and Lao Wan will naturally deal with them. One dove and one hawk, these two cooperating guys can easily deal with them.

Because Downey was not requesting, but notifying.

Those who are willing to go with him will take them away, and those who do not want to go can continue to stay on the earth. Those ordinary people with X gene will be suppressed after being exposed to genetic medicine, and they will never be passed on to offspring by means of selective genes.

The X gene is just one of the many genes in the gene chain, but it has the linkage effect of leading the entire gene chain.

Downey's genetic medicine is to directly shield the X gene, eliminating all possible awakening of the injection. Not only that, the offspring they give birth will no longer have the X gene in their bodies.

Beyond two generations, mutants will disappear.

In a few decades at most, when the mutants left behind on the earth die of old age and sickness, and there is no X gene in the newborns, the group of mutants will disappear completely.

Does the earth hate mutants?

Very well, Downey cut off the emergence of new mutants from the root, and directly erased the X gene from the complex links of human reproduction.

"I just hope you won't regret it in the future."

Downey walked out of the United Nations building and listened to the fierce doubts and surprises of those people a few hundred meters away, with huge mockery at the corners of his mouth.

Yes, mocking.

For ordinary people, mutants are indeed a scourge, because many tragedies occur when ordinary people awaken to mutants. Uncontrolled forces and violent emotions have caused great losses.

Although very helpless, although the proportion of tragedies is small, this situation does exist.

Coupled with the uncontrollable Omega class like Phoenix Qin, a little carelessness is simply a disaster.

But from the perspective of a civilization, mutants are not the greatest wealth.

An Omega-class mutant, as long as it is well guided, it can simply make the earth civilization dominate the universe.

Downey believes that many people have noticed the great value of mutants, especially in the past few years of constant crisis. The value of superpowers can be imagined. Downey himself is a member of superpowers and has saved the earth several times. .

But the inertia of the entire society, as well as the guys who are blinded by the gains and losses of the interests, will not pay attention to this, and Downey is also happy that they are pretending to be confused.

"You will regret it, and the earth will regret it."

Downey stepped out of the building, he had already given the best choice, and no one had any reason to stand up and stop-because the whole process was voluntary.

If you are willing to leave the earth, you can; if you don't want to, keep staying, Downey won't slaughter them; as for the injection of genetic medicine? It is aimed at ordinary people who have not awakened, and the next generation in ordinary life, and they are not mutants who endanger the living.

No one really can say anything.

And Downey just took away the mutants, isn't there Kama Taj? Many enemies of the earth have been eliminated by Downey one after another. Can Kama Taj and the new Supreme Master solve new problems?

Many people have this idea.

They have, there are the original Zhenglian, Kama Taj, there are many folk alliances, there are many inherited magic families...

It's really enough to deal with villains below level 7, and it's hard to say if you go up.

Downey opened a portal and walked in slowly. The next second, he appeared in a laboratory.

The laboratory of a generation of Ant-Man Hank Pym.

Of course he didn't come for Pim, he came for the thing that was about to be born.

"It just so happens that there is still a host artificial intelligence missing on my planet Cybertron."

Downey walked into the laboratory quietly, and he ignored the various high-end instruments and giant ants climbing all over the floor.

A careless ant was holding a sandwich in his mouth, crawling forward, and hitting Donny.

The two-meter-long ant looked at the stranger in confusion, and then crawled towards the interior of the laboratory casually.