Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 485: Omega mutants

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


There has been an uproar on the earth, the whole world is in fierce debate and tearing apart, and public opinion is even more chaotic.

Downey sent an invitation to mutants all over the world.

Have you been unhappy on Earth?

Are you discriminated against because of your identity?

Or are you eager to venture into the vast and mysterious universe and starry sky?

No problem.

As long as you are a mutant, you can apply to join, and after an inspection, you will obtain the official resident status of Cybertron.

"This, this...this is digging the corner of the earth! Downey is trying to kill all the mutants on the earth!"

"Is this weird? He is a mutant himself, and he has the power of a god. To be honest, if I were a mutant, I would be tempted."

"I'm not a mutant. I'm already tempted. Do you want me to try? Maybe it's over..."

"Then have you received the invitation letter? Only mutants will receive the invitation letter secretly. If it weren't for the celestial eye to vigorously promote it, it might take a while for this matter to ferment.

People are talking about it, and there are praises, and of course, there are verbal abuses, and there are mixed praises and criticisms.

However, this big deal really shocked the world.

Build the planet! Tens of millions of interstellar immigrants!

"Hey hey, your focus is wrong, the point is that our guardian is about to leave!!! Next time a powerful enemy strikes, who will protect us?"


"If it is a weak chicken like the Zetarians, I think it can be solved by the Avengers and the newly established Justice League of the Kryptonians, but if it is like Atlantis and the monsters that appeared in the solar system the other day... …" Some people have lingering fears.

Superman is trying to build a coalition of independent actions and doesn't want to be controlled by SHIELD like the reunion. This has been exposed by those who are caring - of course, Tianyan will do it.

The public opinion of the earth is extremely torn apart, ordinary people, mutants, some people agree, some people oppose, but more people fall into silence, they hesitate, are confused, and don't know how to choose.

Many mutants who have undergone physical mutations walked out of the darkness of the city. They looked down at their tattered clothes and the moldy bread that had just been turned from the trash can in their hands. They gritted their teeth and held the invitation letter in their hands. Going to the special stronghold established by the Sky Eye Society.

People with this kind of body mutation have been miserable, very miserable. They are not like other people of the same race, maintaining the appearance of ordinary people, as long as they don't use their abilities, they can camouflage well.

From the moment they awakened, they were aliens, without rights, food and clothing, no jobs, and no studies.

There is nothing but a bad life.

When Downey reached out to them, they would grab it without hesitation. Even if the front is unknown, it is enough for them to fight.

After all, in their eyes, Downey is the most powerful mutant, a trustworthy guardian, and their compatriots. There is no need to trap them like poor creature who has nothing.

"At least it's better than me continuing to live."

A tall beauty with a full body, holding a mobile phone in her hand, slowly came to the place mentioned in the message, where some people have already queued up.

They are all mutants.

Many people looked at her in astonishment, revealing puzzlement.

A mutant with no body mutation? She obviously can pretend to be an ordinary person very well, why should she venture into the universe?

"Everyone holds their heads in their hands and is not allowed to resist!"

At this time, a team of policemen showed up, drew out their guns and pointed them at these mutants and office workers, and issued a warning, looking very nervous.

A group of undead soldiers in black windbreakers appeared, blocking the panic and cowering mutants, and sneered and confronted the police.

"When you take out the toys in your hands, you must consider the consequences." A big man said blankly.

Several other undead warriors smirked, eager to try.

firearms? Ha ha ha, unless it is a machine gun that can directly blast them into dregs, ordinary small pistols are useless at all, and their self-healing ability can quickly recover.

They are powerful fighters who have been loyal to Downey and the Sky Eye Club and have been injected with the advanced serum.

Some cars on the side of the road suddenly deformed and turned into Transformers of different sizes. Various rugged weapons were assembled in an instant, and they pointed at the police indifferently.

"That's my car! My car is deformed!"

A passerby carrying something stared wide and shot.

Everyone's expressions changed. They knew that at this moment, Downey was staying here.

There are rumors that although Downey no longer likes to move millions and tens of millions of violent soldiers as he did at the beginning if Downey really wants to, he can turn the whole earth into a fortress of war.

Some people estimated Downey's growth trajectory and found that it was very possible.

The situation at this time illustrates this point.

Downey is supervising the earth in his own way, and these war machines that transform at any time are the best interpretation.

No matter the threat or the warning, it didn't matter anymore. The important thing was that Downey showed his determination.

If you dare to block the way, you will die. Whoever dares to jump on this knot will die.

This murderous performance shocked many people. Soon, the police received the order and retreated decisively.

The registration of mutants proceeded smoothly.


"Elizabeth Braddock." The tall beauty said calmly, after thinking about it, and adding, "The nickname is Lingdie, that's how I call myself."

The office worker looked up at her in surprise, and continued to ask: "Occupation?"



The office staff asked a few more questions, and finally said seriously: "Then Ms. Elizabeth, are you sure you want to accept the invitation from Downey? If you are sure, I will register your personal information and upload your information to the central government. database."

Elizabeth nodded and resolutely said: "I'm sure."

The office staff nodded, showing a gentle smile: "Okay, ma'am, you can leave."

"Am I approved?"

"No, we will conduct the next round of review. If you pass, we will find you, issue you a residence permit for Cybertron, and grant you citizenship, and then immediately proceed with immigration."

"About how long will the results come out?"

"Soon, one week at the latest, because we have to make sure that you are not a scumbag. Mr. Downey needs a mutant, but no garbage." The office worker said kindly.

Just after Lingdie turned and left, her information was highly encrypted and finally transferred to Downey's hands.

At this time, Downey, very rare, appeared at the global conference of the United Nations, beside him, Professor X and Magneto were also there.

This is a surprising scene.

"What happened?" Professor X asked Downey in a low voice when he saw Downey staring at the phone intently, looking at the people coming and going around, as well as those guarded and complicated gazes.

"Good thing, professor, a very good thing."

Downey smiled and said: "Just now, a mutant with Omega-level potential submitted an immigration application to us. Her information has been listed as an S-level file. Except for a few people such as me and Klein, nothing. People can see it."

"Really?" Professor X's eyes lit up.

Magneto was even more excited, his face trembling with folds, and he trembled: "Omega-level potential? A compatriot as powerful as you and Qin? Where is she?"

"She is safe. Besides, let me emphasize that I am not an Omega level. I can be promoted to a demigod by other methods. My X gene has only four levels, just like you."

"That's not important." Magneto waved his hand nonchalantly.

Downey smiled and said nothing.

It seems that both the professor and Lao Wan have misunderstood the potential index of "Omega-level" and equated Omega-level mutants with demigod-level mutants.

This is not the case.

Wanda and Qin are both Omega-class mutants, but their ultimate strength in the future is not the demigod shown now.

It starts at level 8, destroying the level of the multiverse in minutes.

The most rare thing is that Lingdie is very similar to Iceman Bobby. They are both Omega-class mutants with great potential but no uncontrollable external forces.

Wanda was affected by Chaos Magic, and Qin was troubled by the power of Phoenix, which caused them to explode every minute in a very short mood, rushing forward uncontrollably in strength.

And like Lingdie can only tap a little bit of potential to become stronger. Although it takes a little longer, it is stable and controllable. It is not as easy to be controlled by power as Wanda and Qin. Become extremely crazy.

"It seems that I need time to meet Lingdie, to break her potential bottleneck first, and change her potential index from a quasi-Omega level to a real Omega level."

Donny squinted, watching the opening of the conference, thinking.

Iceman Bobby is directly an Omega-class mutant, so he can grow and guide him slowly. And Lingdie, she is only a quasi-Omega class now and needs an external force to help her break the bottleneck.

Downey, this is the external force.

A mere demigod is far from the upper limit of Omega-class mutants. So far, no mutants beyond the demigods have been born on Earth, but they will soon appear.

Because of "Omega", the original meaning is unlimited potential and immortality. (https:)

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