Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 578: Catch the parallax monster

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Being alone hurts worse than pain." – Monkey D Luffy


? Downey grinned slyly and drove the chair to rush forward. With a flash of white light, it instantly appeared above the parallax monster, smashing it down like a hill.

   Amazing energy fluctuations erupted, venting on the parallax monster. The long and narrow body of the parallax blame suddenly bends down and was smashed by Julisheng, screaming sternly.

   The parallax monster twitched its tail, made a stern cry in his mouth, and slammed down at Downey, but as soon as the invisible barrier appeared, it easily blocked the parallax monster.

   Downey slightly raised his hand, and with a shot, the entire Mobius chair burst out with a strong brilliance, and dozens of terrifying energy waves roared toward the parallax monster.

A powerful prop that is enough for mortals to enshrine the gods, the chair of Mobius has great lethality, but in Downey's hands, Downey, who is in charge of the source of fire, can perfectly control the chair of Mobius, and the overload burst out. All the energy.

  The creation from the ruler of the vast anti-matter universe, only in the hands of Downey can he exert his full strength.

  Because this chair has its own consciousness and is very selfish, ordinary people sitting on it are slaves under control. When things are wrong, the chair will decisively choose to run away.

   can be in the hands of Downey, as Downey's seat, it has to do its best to squeeze every trace of its energy, every circuit, and every piece of material. If he doesn't do this, Downey will definitely erase his will.

  Because Downey is happy to use the chair as a dead object, not a living thing.

   "You can't run!"

   Downey grinned, his eyes shining brightly at the parallax monster struggling with energy.

   The white rays of light blasted out one after another, each of them was enough to crush a planet, carrying hundreds of millions of tons of powerful power, surrounded by all the parallax monsters, and blasted on it one after another.

   The golden yellow is shrouded in white light, and occasionally from the cracks that burst open, it can barely capture the trace of golden yellow.

   screaming continuously.

   "Follow me back to Cybertron, I will give you limited freedom, otherwise I will die!" Downey said in a cold voice.

  The huge power of fear rises, and the rich yellow fear permeates, infecting everything around.

   The parallax monster roared, enduring the severe pain, glared at Downey with a hateful look, then furiously attacked and rushed towards Hal.

   "Hal, merge with me, you can kill all the enemies blocking us! No one can stop you! Don't you want power? I can give it to you!"

   The voice of the parallax monster sounded from Hal's mind.

   A brilliant spark suddenly appeared, swallowing the expressionless Hal.

  Hal looked at the parallax monster, raised the corner of his mouth, and sarcastically said: "When we meet on Cybertron, your experience will also be mine...bye."

   The portal swallowed Hal, teleporting him back to Cybertron.

   The parallax monster made an angry howl, the sound spread, and the strong sound wave was silent in the vacuum, but it contained terrifying lethality.

   "You are not the black bat king, a hundred calls are useless."

   Downey sneered, looking at the tattered body of the parallax monster, examining it.

   The special sound waves of the Black Bat King can spread in a vacuum, and considering that the Skrews and the Cree are almost out of their minds, the Inhumans will never rest in peace. It will be sooner or later to join the war to beside the Cree.

   At that time, the horror of the Black Bat King will be seen by the entire universe. The low-key over the past years does not mean that the Black Bat King is timid.

   "Tell me what you want from me."

   The parallax monster stared at Downey with spiteful eyes, and Downey's figure was reflected in the large golden pupils, "Your strength is far beyond me, what else do you want from me?"

   "It's nothing, just think that Cybertron will be more lively with one more bug, you are very suitable." Downey said.

   Enter Cybertron, there are now two dogs, a duck named Howard is going around, and another bug is nothing.

   Not only is the parallax monster, but the other six lamp beasts are also within Downey's hunting range, the ion shark of OA star, the blood bull of Atoshitas, and so on.

   "You will pay the price," the parallax monster said bitterly.

  The huge power of fear burst out, and all rushed towards Downey. At the same time, a strong emotion of fear emerged in Downey's heart.

   "You have no chance to make me pay."

   Downey sneered, suppressing the inexplicable fear in his heart, and then rushed forward violently while driving the Mobius chair, knocking off the parallax monster, and making its broken body even more fragmented.

   One after another powerful energy waves formed an indestructible and powerful barrier, blocking the parallax monster layer by layer, cutting off the body of the parallax monster bit by bit like cutting flesh.

  'S broken body turned into wisps of yellow energy, about to dissipate, but it was locked by Downey's hands and crushed little by little.

   Emotional energy is substantive, and it is also energy. It is too simple for Downey to crush the residual energy.

   The screams of the parallax monster were getting smaller and smaller, and Downey was cold and didn't mean to stop at all.

   Gradually, the parallax monster can't hold on anymore.

   " Enough, I surrender, I will return to Cybertron with you!!" The voice of the parallax monster sounded in Downey's mind.

   "Just choose to go back with me, I will honor my promise, but now I change my mind."

With a twitch at the corner of Downey's mouth, the energy wave suddenly increased. He smashed the parallax monster's dilapidated body to nearly half on the spot. Then, Downey dragged the energy prison, directly opened a portal, and returned to the plug. Planet Botan.

   The only remaining body of the parallax monster changed into a smaller body shape again, dying.

   In front of Downey, the parallax monster has no room for resistance. When it appears because of greed, it is doomed to end.

   Cybertron, Hal Jordan is waiting patiently.

   In the air, a prison composed of white light blocked the parallax monster and suddenly appeared in front of Hal.

Downey sat on the chair and looked at him calmly: "Hal, I will find a way to control fear from this thing. I will give you a yellow lantern ring. You will gain strength and gain a strong guard card. Roll's power."

   Hal had a look of excitement, and his entire face was flushed like a paralysis. He nodded excitedly: "Thank you."

   Downey waved his hand, and then directly gave the fear lamp to the Academy of Sciences, where several demigods acted as guards to guard against the parallax monster.

   The parallax monster will survive as research material until its last value is squeezed out.

   "All you have to do is wait, Hal, wait for the inevitable result."

   Downey smiled faintly, and then turned around, "The yellow light problem is solved, now I have to intervene in the green light..."