Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 577: Welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"The answers you seek shall be yours, once I claim what's mine." – Thor


? In a certain asteroid belt, the parallax monster is lying down comfortably.

   Its long and narrow golden body, lying lazily on a large asteroid, the dazzling yellow brilliance blooms unscrupulously, dyeing a large area with bright colors.

   Bug-like body, huge wings spread out on the back, flat on both sides of the body.

   The Parallax monster is one of the ancient creatures in the universe, and it is a strange creature condensed by countless fears. It is born with powerful strength and can lure the huge fear deep into the heart of all beings.

   Where it is, it will inevitably bring endless fear.

   Suddenly, the eyes of the parallax monster suddenly opened, the huge body stood up, and the swinging tail inadvertently swept away a large number of asteroids.

   In those cunning eyes, humanized surprises and surprises were revealed.

   It sensed the breath of Hal Jordan, which surprised it!

   The parallax monster has never encountered a life that matches him like Hal. If it can occupy Hal's body incarnate as a parallax monster, it will have terrifying power in an instant.

   Starting at level 7, it is enough to fight face-to-face with God King to the end.

   "Hal, Hal..."

   The parallax monster flicked its long tail excitedly and emptied a large area of ​​asteroid remnants. It was so excited, its eyes widened and looked in one direction.

   In that direction, you can feel Hal's breath.

   "If I occupy Hal's body and control the growing fear in Hal, I won't have to hide away!"

   Parallax's strange eyes widened round, full of longing.

It also clearly remembers that a few months ago, it patiently waited for the opportunity to capture Hal not far from Cybertron, but was unlucky enough to be discovered by a passing **** king. It only glared at it, and it had to leave in embarrassment and hide here.

   The existence of the **** king level, can't provoke it.

  Although it will not die, or it can be reborn as the incarnation of fear, it does not mean that it will not be enslaved. If a seven-level existence catches it back as a pet, it will be over. You can't bite your tongue and kill yourself, right? It is reluctant.

   The cunning parallax monster needs a host with a perfect fit and unlimited potential.

   Acting in the name of a parallax demon, it will be powerful enough to be unscrupulous.

   "Just catch Hal Jordan..."

   The parallax monster longed to stick out his tongue and licked the teeth that also exuded golden yellow. The gloom and cunning in his eyes were fleeting, and he immediately got up and swam quietly in the direction of Hal.

   The long and narrow body is like a swimming fish in the sea of ​​stars.

  The aura became stronger and stronger, and the mark on Hal's body was like a campfire in the dark, which could be clearly smelled by the parallax monster hundreds of millions of light-years away.

  The closer the distance, the more cautious and careful the movements of the parallax monster.

   It's easy to capture Hal but beware of being besieged by the Cybertronians. If a large group of demigods embraces it, it is better than parallax monsters to kneel.

   "Hal, Hal..."

   The parallax monster was flowing with Harazi, slid, staring at the front with round eyes, carefully hiding his tracks, and slowly leaning over.

   It can feel it, and Hal is not far in front of it.

   It straddles one galaxy after another, quietly bypassing the huge battlefield of the Cree and the Scroo people who played out the dog's brain. Just as the parallax monster was proud of his own caution and caution, suddenly, the sound of conversation came into its ears.

   "Look, Hal, I'm right, the parallax monster is a stupid bug, it will definitely appear."

   A white light flashed, and Downey suddenly appeared in front of the parallax monster with Hal Jordan.

   To the 100-meter-long parallax monster, Downey looked extremely small, but those satisfied eyes seemed to be looking down at a big bug.

   Hal with a gloomy expression raised his head and looked at the parallax monster coldly, with a complex expression on his face.

   His hometown of Seaside City was destroyed by the attack of Mongo and Superman, and 7 million people were killed. Only a handful of people, including him and his childhood sweetheart, Carol, survived.

   Carol still died physically and was resurrected by Donny with a serum. He is now living in the new world and continues to be a professional white-collar worker.

   But this still can't smooth the scar on Hal's heart. His friends, brothers, parents, and relatives are all dead.

   This makes Hal's character also produced a huge change.

   This might not be one of the important reasons why the parallax monster coveted him.

   "Catch it, will you give me strength?"

   Hal asked expectantly and nervously.

   He is not a mutant. Even if he has the X gene in his body, he is too late to awaken now. He cannot be sure of his specific ability and his potential is almost zero.

   Mutants are a group of stern strength levels that are horrible. The upper limit of each mutant's strength seems to be determined from the moment of awakening or even the moment of birth.

   Except for the four Omega-class, other mutants have their own limits.

   "Of course, Hal, I never lie to myself, and you are a resident under my command, I don't have to lie to you."

   Downey smiled and spoke mildly. He had always been tolerant of his own people and never cared about the extravagant etiquette and language.

   "In the cruel universe, powerful ability and perseverance give you the ability to protect the people you cherish."

   "On the earth, ability can be roughly summarized as making But as you can see, it is unreliable at all. Only strength is the real ability."

   "I will catch the parallax monsters, and I will give you the powerful weapons that I create with my own hands, and give you the ability to protect your lover and destroy the enemy."

   Downey pointed to the awkward parallax monster in front of him, regarded it as nothing, and talked to Hal cordially: "You have been controlled by this thing, you have experienced the feeling of power, and I will give you the same power."

   Hal lowered his head for a moment, then stared at the monster in front of him.

   The voice of the parallax monster sounded in Hal's head: "Hey heh, Hal, come on, turn to me, we two join hands, no one in the universe is our opponent...including Donnie by your side!"

   "You and I can work together, you can easily kill Downey, and then you can do what you want, without accepting charity."

   Bewitched by the parallax monster, he desperately drew Hal, and at the same time looked at Downey with fearful eyes.

   Fusion of Hal can kill Downey, but if it doesn't merge... it feels like it will be unlucky.

   In the parallax monster's senses, Downey's strong spirit is bottomless, and it stabbed his brain with a dull pain.

   Hal silently thought for a while, then looked at Downey who was waiting quietly, with respect in his eyes, and said, "I hope to get strength from you."

   Downey grinned: "I am very happy to empower you, Hal. You have the power to instill great fear in others. Welcome to join the yet-to-established Yellow Lantern Corps."

   Dangerous gaze cuts the parallax monster like a knife, making the parallax monster agitated, and then shakes his tail abruptly, turning his head to escape.