Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 576: Antimatter universe

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Don't Count the Days…Make the Days Count! MUHAMMAD ALI


? In the vast multiverse, hundreds of millions of universes are born and die out at all times.

   Every moment, in countless parallel universes, all kinds of joys and sorrows are staged, and the life trajectory of countless people is different from that of the double body.

But in the multiverse, there is one of the most special universes-the antimatter universes, with a diameter of 32 trillion light-years, which is big and scary. Compared with the antimatter universe, the main universe is 93 billion light-years in diameter, just like an ant. same.

   All other universes can be called the "positive matter universe", but the anti-matter universe, which is different from all other universes, is the opposite of the main universe, and can also be understood as the dual body universe of the main universe.

   There, it is ruled by the mighty Mobius.

   At the same time, there is also Senistor's target.

   "I will go back and take revenge. I will kill all the guardians myself."

   Senistor was full of hatred, and slowly walked off the spaceship. The humiliating scar on his bare back irritated him deeply.

   "Hehehe, my friend, I will help you achieve your goals."

   The burly weapon master let out a cold laugh and looked at Senistor playfully.

   Senistor walked forward indifferently, stepping on the ground of the planet Kovalon, "You have been watching me."

"We are not monitoring you. I am just monitoring the idiots on the OA Star. Saving you is just a coincidence. And I am really curious about how you, as the former leader of the Green Lantern Corps, will avenge them. "The weapon master roughly closed the door of the spacecraft.

   Senistor's pace paused and then walked casually, but he thought quickly in his heart. In an instant, all the secret knowledge and information he had absorbed in the past were turned out.

   There are rumors that the planet Kovalon is the dual planet of the OA star, maybe it is true...

   The Green Lantern Corps in the main universe and the planet Corvallon in the antimatter universe are mortal enemies. It is no secret that the two sides have fought blood for countless years.

   The Green Lantern Corps often fight against the army of the Kovalon Star, and Senistor has also participated in it. And he turned from an archeologist to a Green Lantern because he took advantage of the weapon master.

  The weapon master sneaked over from the anti-matter universe, and then fought with a Lantern, trying to seize the Green Lantern to study it, but was intercepted by Senisto, and he was defeated by Senisto.

   Since then, the weapon master has been paying attention to Senistor. He has mastered superb crafting skills, the spacecraft he made can not even be noticed by the guardians, and he can easily travel between the two universes.

   "I will save you, you need to pay me." The weapon master squeezed a hammer and said indifferently.

Senistor did not hesitate to take off the ring on his left hand and threw it to him, saying: "This ring has been locked by those guys and cannot be used. It is given to you. With your ability, you can study a lot. Something comes out."

   "Not enough."

   "I will provide you with information about the Green Lantern Corps and the confidential information I have."

   "Not enough."

   The weapon master sneered, his sturdy arms burst into blue veins, and he seemed to be ready to do it at any time.

   He is not a philanthropist, of course, he needs to ask for sufficient benefits. And what Senistor had handed over was not enough.

   Senisto suddenly turned around, his eyes gloomy and cold, the former green light leader looked at the weapon master with a cruel expression.

   For a long time, Senisto retracted his gaze and said indifferently: "I need your skills. You build a brand new ring for me, and I will give you one of them."


   The weapon master suddenly grinned, and the rigid atmosphere instantly eased.

   A thick slap was slapped on Senistor's thin shoulders, and the weapon master showed his teeth: "It would be better to say that earlier? You always know what I desire. At least it is not a useless green light ring.

   "I need you to create a yellow lamp furnace and a yellow lamp ring for me, and I will learn from this green lamp ring," Senisto said non-committal.

   The weapon master's face moved, and he was surprised: "Yellow Lantern Ring? This thing has never appeared before, your appetite is not small."

   "But you have a big appetite. Is the yellow light ring that restrains the green light ring wrong with your heart?"

"makes sense..."

   The weapon master sneered and withdrew the hammer weapon in his hand.

  He is the most outstanding master equipment maker in the entire antimatter universe, not one of them. As long as there is a green light ring as a specimen in hand, coupled with the knowledge in Senistor's mind, the two of them can work together to create a ring of fear.

   The most troublesome part of creating a green light ring is how to connect the emotional spectrum with the ring. For this, just refer to the green light ring in your hand.

   "Come with me, go to my equipment room, let's do it now." The weapon master glanced at the gray sky and said.

   Senisto asked, "You don't need to report to Mobius? He is your master."

"No, Mobius doesn't care about such trivial matters. He hates others to disturb him. Many self-righteous fools don't know this, and they were killed by Mobius." The weapon master chuckled in a low tone. Revealing strange emotions. UU Reading

   Mobius hasn't paid attention to irrelevant things for a long time, and no one knows what he is preparing in secret.

  The weapon master is also curious, but he knows better that sometimes it is better to pretend to be stupid, and the person who can pretend to be stupid can live longer.

   Thinking of the yellow lantern ring that was about to be born in his hand, the weapon master itched in his heart, wishing to do it right away.

   He enjoys the achievement of creating powerful weapons, but he also enjoys the process, which is why he can become the strongest master of equipment manufacturing.

   Seini Storm silently remembered this information in his heart, and indifferently followed the weapon master into his equipment manufacturing room.

   He wants revenge, as long as he can accomplish this goal, everything else can be abandoned.

   Green Lantern Corps? Then he will personally build a Yellow Lantern Corps, build a Senisto Corps!

  He will lead his army to kill him to get revenge!

   The magnificent curtain slowly opened, and the flames of revenge were burning.

   A legion equipped with a yellow light of fear, the green light legion of Tianke, is enough to help him complete his revenge.

   "After building the yellow lamp furnace and a sufficient number of yellow lamp rings, we will return to the main universe to catch the parallax monster," Sisto said.

   "The parallax monster? Is it necessary?" The weapon master didn't care.

   "If we don't grab it, others will grab it. Some guys are always restless. Whether it's useful or not, please hold the parallax monster in your hands first." Senisto whispered.

   "Whatever you do, besides, I will not participate in the war. I am only responsible for manufacturing equipment. The dispute between you has nothing to do with me."

   The weapon master snorted and waved his hand.