Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 522: Siege

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"There was no place for me, so I had to make one for myself, and then I realized, I had a place, but I was the only one in it. I didn't know any other way to live." – Inuyasha


?Three thousand Krypton soldiers in black armor floated indifferently in space, under the leadership of Commander Hunter, silently watching five trembling enemies.

Just now, these Kryptonites were stunned to withstand the falling obelisks of the billion-ton level, pushing them out of the gravitational range of the new Krypton, and they were all in a state of confusion.

But think about it carefully, this seems to be the basic operation of a Kryptonian warrior.

After all, they are basking in the sun every day and getting stronger every day.

On the opposite side, General Deadblade's face was dark and scary, slightly distorted.

He knows the Krypton people too well. In the beginning, he was ordered to hunt down the remaining remnants of Krypton such as General Zod, and dealt with the Krypton people very often. The talent and courage of General Zod left a deep impression on him.

The arrogant and bloodthirsty General Deathblade has been sighing for not being able to cut off Zord's head with his own hands.

But the three thousand soldiers in front of me... how can Downey have Krypton soldiers!!!

General Dead Blade turned his head stiffly, his eyelids furiously looked at the sun, the yellow light seemed to foretell something.

"The Sun and the Kryptonians... Zod of Dog Day should have killed him desperately in the first place."

General Dead Blade cursed, his whole body stiffened in place.

Of course, he knew the origins between the Yellow Sun and the Kryptonians, but that kind of Kryptonians had almost become a legend. Until the destruction of Krypton, there is still no such creature that can become stronger by basking in the sun.

General Deadblade felt that these Krypton soldiers were undoubtedly similar to cloned biological weapons.

The perception ability from the demigod made the faces of all members of the Dark Order, including General Dead Blade, black as the bottom of a pot.

"You hurt us so bad!!!" Ebony Throat couldn't help yelling, his voice was terrifying, and he couldn't help shivering all over, and he, the thinnest, looked even weaker now.

He is a counselor, a Kowloon warrior!! Playing tricks and tricks is his favorite, and of course, he has to leave it to an idiot like General Deadblade to do it. There is no reason for the military division to roll up its sleeves first.

He was terrified.

"Don't be afraid, I had expected this a long time ago." General Deadblade regained his composure, and wanted to sneer, but pulled out an extremely ugly expression.

The huge sickle was horizontal, a hideous look poured on his face, and violent madness jumped out of his eyes.

"Kryptonians, it's not that they cannot be killed! No matter how strong they are, they may not be able to stop the five of us!" General Dead Blade said frantically.

"Go! Kill them!"

General Dead Blade carried his sickle and rushed to the Krypton army hysterically.

Even this group of miscellaneous soldiers can't fight, so what do you use to kill Downey?!

The other four figures were agitated immediately, but almost instantly, they turned their heads to look at the ebony throat.

"Can't wait, retreat now! Dark Night Proxima, if you don't want to die, follow me." Ebony Maw sold General Deadblade cleanly and turned around and returned to the spaceship.

The other two hesitated and followed the ebony throat. Dark Night Proxima Centauri chose to charge to help General Dead Blade.

The Deathblade General, who rushed out 10,000 meters in front of him, was almost vomiting blood, and his murderous intent skyrocketed, but Hante in front of him had already sneered and waved.

A hundred people went to snipe Proxima Dark Night.

The remaining two thousand nine hundred figures burst out like rockets. Under the irradiation of the yellow sun, they were fearless. Everyone was a Superman, moving easily at the speed of sound.

They defended the General Dead Blade's regiment, and then, nearly 3,000 hot sights were sent out, with a destruction aura that burned the space, and they all blasted on the General Dead Blade.

The hot sight that pierced the space frantically wiped out the enemy's body, severe pain hit, General Dead Blade shouted, cursed, and bloodshot, and his brain was eroded by killing intent, and he was almost unconscious.


General Dead Blade went crazy, completely let go of his reason, and raised his sickle. The cold and murderous blade drove the General Dead Blade himself to move quickly, rushing to the crowd, with a sudden wave.

With the hot sight, he brazenly disregarded his vitals and attacked.

With a flash of blade light, the two Krypton soldiers were chopped into two pieces on the spot, and the strong smell of blood dissipated, making General Dead Blade as excited as he was beaten with blood.

"You humble **** will definitely be killed by me, my General Deathblade is immortal! No one in this world can kill me!!"

General Death Blade opened up and closed, completely using the wound-for-injury style of play, taking his life to fighting the Kryptonian soldiers.

Soon, the flesh and blood on his body surface opened, the dense scars were exposed, and the blood flow continued.

But General Deadblade doesn't care!

He was beaten into the air again, and there was a sound of broken bones.

"I come!"

Hante's face was calm, roaring, wearing heavy black armor, and his deep eyes filled with the violent violent generals of Dead Blade.

Yes, Hunter is not the kind of person who is absolutely calm and sensible, he also likes the fist to the flesh.

Hunter and General Deadblade fought **** battles together, roaring constantly, you punched me with a knife, you are not afraid of death, extremely crazy.

The bones of General Deadblade were broken a lot, and the armor on Hunt's body was also shattered.

The four figures crashed into the surrounding Krypton Legion, attacked from the periphery, and shot several Krypton soldiers.

"Ha, you guys are actually back? Come and help me--" General Deadblade couldn't help uttering a cheerful roar, but it stopped in the next second.

The three figures immediately turned while moving at high speed and rushed in the other direction, as if they were just harassing them...

Proxima Diablo is still entangled with hundreds of Krypton soldiers. The spear in her hand is a weapon made by Thanos himself, and now she can barely protect herself from death.

"Nebula betrayed us and seized control of the spacecraft. We have no choice."

Ebony Throat talked freely, "Retreating, fighting to the death, and surrendering are our choices. Personally, I prefer to retreat strategically."

"It's definitely not possible to escape directly. Downey will definitely not let us go, so we might as well take the initiative to go to Cybertron."

"As for General Deadblade, let him continue to attract firepower. Let's go directly to Cybertron!"

Ebony Mouth said, directly bewitching others to run away, and decisively abandon General Deadblade.

The three of them flew to the main star of Krypton Cybertron with gloomy expressions, regardless of the situation of General Dead Blade.

The power that Downey mastered was far beyond their Thanos' mission was impossible to complete. So, let the task go to hell.

The huge planet Cybertron is vividly visible, constantly zooming in on the horizon.

Several figures rose into the air, surrounding Ebony Maw and others.

If Electro-optical Max made the faces of Ebony Throat and the others serious, Lianna's appearance changed their faces.

"Another strong man, how did Downey do it, and where did he recruit so many demigods?!"

The ebony throat roared and suddenly saw another little girl flying up below, her eyes opened, and the four horrifying blood-red eyes made them even more frightened.


The ebony throat couldn't help muttering, and a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

A certain thought in my mind is even stronger.