Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 523: killed

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I'm here purely by coincidence." – Arisu Sakayanagi


? "Kill them."

Lianna, this queen of the border of **** is not a good temper, or else she wouldn't rule that terrible place.

With a wave of her hand, powerful black magic was used, and the sticky magic power was mixed with an extinct aura, turning into a huge deformed monster, roaring towards the enemy.

The raven opened his hood, chuckled, and stretched out his hand, his scarlet eyes bloomed, and the richest demon aura exploded. The power of the purest demon king inherited from hell, plus the saint of Agallas The knowledge of the domain gave the raven great strength.

I don't know, I thought this girl who likes dogs is harmless to humans and animals, but she greatly underestimated her terrifying magic skills.

She seldom takes shots, does not mean that she will not take shots. Raven doesn't like killing people, but never forgets, her father is Sannomiya.

According to the original trajectory, the Raven was going to be the queen of hell, becoming the number one warrior of the Sannomiya, and destroying countless universes.

"We are going to negotiate! We, Obsidian Five, want to negotiate with Lord Downey!!"

Ebony Throat's face was blue, screaming, soaked in a cold sweat.

Lianna and Raven ignored them and continued to do it.


The black dwarf growled and blocked an attack with a hammer.

"Kill? Very good, Black Dwarf, I order you to attack and kill the three guys on the opposite side, Superstar, we will also go."

Ebony Maw quickly ordered.

The black dwarf didn't work well, so he didn't think much about it. When Ebony's throat asked him to go up, he took the hammer and went up. The black dwarf held the hammer fiercely and rushed at the three of them with a roar.

The eyes of the ebony throat flickered, and besides fear, he seemed to be calculating something.

The superstar didn't move at first and looked at the ebony throat coldly. After Ebony Throat started her hands, she did it.

Three to three, it stands to reason that they can win, but if one of the three is the ebony maw, who is full of stabs, it will be discounted.

If you include the mindless black dwarf, you have to make a discount.

The melee broke out, six demigods fought in outer space, and a fierce energy aftermath erupted, triggering huge spatial fluctuations.

The more he hits, the more the ebony throat sinks.

They had already lost, and Ebony Maw was thinking of stopping the fight, but there was no chance of surrendering.

"Roar!" The black dwarf was knocked into the air, and Max turned into a large amount of electric current. Every time he shot it, he could trigger a flash of majestic lightning like a natural disaster.

The Raven and Ebony Maw fought fiercely, and Ebony Maw quickly whispered: "I have always admired Lord Downey especially, this time I came to surrender."

The raven was slightly startled, and his movement was stagnant.

Ebony Throat smiled with joy.

But the raven suddenly laughed, "Donny told me you are the cunning one, tell me don't believe what you say."

"Only a dead ebony throat is a good ebony throat."

The raven stretched out his palm gracefully, the dark blue skin, the slightly changed pointed nails, the dark power suddenly erupted, swallowing the ebony throat.

On the other side, the superstar used his best but was shocked to discover that his abilities were not effective for Lianna.

"I can ignore my psychic abilities. The old man of Charles can't attack my psychic defense even if he wears a brain wave amplifier."

Lianna flicked her body, and magic armor appeared on her body, with horns and scales attached to the surface of her body, a soul blade appeared in her hand, grinning, and slashing toward the panicked superstar.

Lianna Tianke superstar, with the same level of psychic ability, meets Lianna, and there is no way to fight back.

"Save me--" The superstar let out a scream and looked helplessly at her fellows.

Unfortunately, they are all entangled.

Everything happened between the electric light and Flint, the superstar was split in half with a knife and was divided on the spot.

The white hair was soaked in blood into a dirty color, and the desire to survive in his eyes turned into resentment and despair.

The superstar wouldn't die so fast, as long as he cooperated with the other two and quickly avoided Lianna.

Unfortunately, there is no if, in just a few seconds, the superstar is dead.

On the other hand, Max is weaker but has a strong life-saving ability. Against the black dwarf, he can maintain an unbeatable situation.

Ebony Throat was trapped by the raven, and every second passed extremely hard.

At the other end, Proxima Dark Night was also besieged by the Krypton Legion.

Proxima Diablo could easily defeat any Krypton soldier except Hunter, but unfortunately, the Kryptonians were not interested in playing heads-up with her, and they swarmed and were beaten to death.

It's miserable.

General Dead Blade had no time to take care of the death of his lover. At this time, he was plunged into a frenzied battle.

Gradually, he suppressed Hante, and cut large swaths of flesh and blood on Hante with a sickle.

"Hahaha, kill you!! You can't be my opponent of General Deadblade!!" General Deadblade shouted hysterically.

Flesh and flesh fluttered over his body, revealing white bones, but he didn't care at all. Hunt's injury undoubtedly made him more excited.

Hante suddenly retreated to the distance and said solemnly: "You are right. I am not your opponent. To show my respect, I decided to fight you in a group."

After speaking, and beckoning, the Krypton soldiers gathered around, sneered, and rushed toward General Deadblade together.

Each supersonic movement speed, and skillful use of thermal sight, can hit a force ranging from 10,000 tons to 100,000 tons with a single punch.

General Dead Blade was shrouded in dense attacks, unwillingly roared and screamed, and was quickly blasted into fleshy flesh, leaving only the sickle floating in the universe, and was grabbed by Hunter.

"A hundred soldiers died." Hunt looked around, his eyes stern.

"If you let Master Domam take action, you don't have to kill these soldiers."

Dommam emerged from the darkness, scornful.

"A soldier who has not experienced blood will never become an elite," Hunt whispered.

Hante took the sickle with a cold face and flew towards the main star of Cybertron.

Downey ordered him to take the sickle back. It was a good experiment.

"Lord Downey's artificial **** plan, seems to need this sickle?"

Hunt thought, faithfully fulfilling his duties.

Dommam snorted coldly, cursed uncomfortably, and then, with bad luck, killed the black dwarf, and quickly killed the black dwarf.

"It's all the same kind of stuff. Downey is not easy to deal with, and the group of people under his hand is not easy to deal with. Not long ago, the old stuff from the Agalath Sanctuary also came, and those robots... Is that the day of Master Domam's early days??"

Dommam lamented.

The only remaining ebony throat, trembling all over, the face like an old tree, completely wrinkled into a ball, huge fear emerged, and the body could not stop shaking.

The raven knocked him flying and then swallowed it with magic.

Hante passed them, took a look, then left with a sickle, and entered the planet Cybertron.

At this point, the Dark Order and the Five Obsidians have all been destroyed.

It seems that it is completely destroyed Many people have been concealed.

But they couldn't fool Downey.

When they followed Thanos' orders, they were doomed to a miserable end, because Downey would never let them go.

"My lord, I brought the sickle of General Dead Blade."

Hunt came to the deepest part of the Academy of Sciences and respectfully offered Downey the trophy.

Downey is his creator, the one who gave him life, and Hunt maintained his humility and worship from the heart.

"Very well, Hunt. Those soldiers who died, re-extract their genes and give them rebirth."

Donny glanced at Hunter without saying anything and took the sickle.

In other words, took over the body of General Deadblade.