Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 524: Magic chain

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"It must be nice having someone care enough to cry over you." – Himeno


?The strongest team under Thanos, the Dark Order, and his most trusted general, the Five Obsidians, are not in the Cybertron Galaxy.

The huge vibration spread throughout the universe.

This universe is extremely vast, but at the same time, it is also extremely small.

Matters involving the survival of many demigods have spread throughout the universe in a very short time. The endless demigods in the Cybertron Galaxy have suffocated countless lives.

And it is not necessarily all the power that Downey has. Some people speculate that there are more demigods dormant.

This is true, because the thirteenth ancestor didn't even move, and several Omega mutants also ignored the Dark Order. Domam was playing with soy sauce throughout the whole process, from the seventh level of Agalath Sanctuary. The archmage didn't even bother to show his noodles.

This old mage is working with Downey to study the mysteries of magic and divine power with top scientists such as Jack, Sasser, and Su Rui.

As long as these two power systems prevailing in the universe are breached, Cybertron will have its divine power system and magic system.

No longer need to be controlled by others.

The most direct reality is that even Downey himself has been using the power of the Trinity Emperor Weishan, including the golden portal, a series of rarely used but very practical mirror magic.

If one day in the future, Emperor Weishan asked Downey to do something, would Downey listen or not? Don't listen, Emperor Weishan will guide you on the path of being strong. After enjoying the blessings of others for so long, but not helping, it is not reasonable.

Moreover, as the source of Downey's magical power, Emperor Wei Shandi wanted to force Downey to do anything, I am afraid it would also cause huge troubles for Downey, such as making Downey's magical power restless.

Although the character of Emperor Weishan does not need to be doubted, what about other sources of magic?

Especially the source of chaos magic behind Wanda, the ancient **** Kesen, a frenzied deity.

"...According to the content of our analysis, the existence of the source of magic has a huge control over the life downstream of the magic."

The seventh-level old mage looked very old, with gray hair, sitting on a chair with a cane. But no one can ignore his horrible magical fluctuations.

"When I was in the Sanctuary of Agalas, I was also studying the source of magic. Although the strength of the magician increased, except for a few special circumstances, I had to study and become stronger by myself, but the upper reaches of the magic chain are more powerful The suppression does exist."

"The closer the life is to the source, the higher the authority, the higher the degree of understanding and control of the magic chain, and it can even directly affect the magic particles in the body of the downstream mage."

The crutches tapped the ground softly, and the old mage's face was calm. The others fell into contemplation and were very touched.

This is a brand-new door. To be honest, the people sitting here, apart from Downey and the old mage, have no connection with magic at all, let alone understand and analyze it.

Downey himself had guessed about this kind of magic chain, but he hadn't studied it in depth.

The reason is very simple. One is that there is no strength, no time, and no talent reserve, and the other is to know more about Emperor Weishan and the nature of the Trinity Emperor Weishan.

In the beginning, shortly after taking over as the Supreme Master, he had been in close contact with Emperor Weishan in the form of a soul.

"Which **** does the magic of Nayagalas Sanctuary come from?" Downey asked.

"From ourselves, generations of noble archmasters have gone forward and worked hard to perfect the magic system. When they die, their souls and bodies will become the nourishment that complements the magic chain."

The old mage has a serious expression with a pilgrim's clean face: "The original archmage, the founder of the Sanctuary of Agalath, has discovered the most basic and primitive magic through research, and even the fundamental It's not magic, but it did open a door."

"In the following millions of years, we have continued to supplement and improve from generation to generation, and finally turn ourselves into the magic power of the Agalath Sanctuary, achieving a complete inheritance."

Downey nodded: "A very heroic way of inheritance. You have realized the authority that can only be touched by the gods in the body of mortals. It's amazing."

This kind of inheritance of creating a system by oneself is well understood.

Just as primitive people have awe of sky thunder and flames, they are worshipped as gods. But one day, after a thunderstorm, a primitive man was surprised to find a flame that had not burned out. Then the primitive man carefully preserved, studied, strengthened, and passed it on to others.

This has been passed down from generation to generation, drilling wood to make fire, flint and steel to make fire, friction to make fire, high temperature to make fire...

The history of mankind's control of flames has begun. With the transmission of knowledge and practice, mankind's familiarity and control of flames have been continuously improved until today's human civilization has been established.

Today's human beings can ignite a lighter with just one hand, but no one regards flames as gods to enshrine and only thinks that flames are nothing more than ordinary things.

This is essentially the same as the inheritance method of the Agalas Sanctuary, the magnificent history of wrestling with heaven and the earth.

Many magic families on the earth today, although generally low in strength and weak in their inherited magic, they are indeed in the form of a family and develop themselves from generation to generation. They use blood, master, and apprentice as the hub to link themselves to people related to themselves. As an important structure of the magic chain itself, it is constantly evolving.

Although it may not be able to grow, it is actually developing.

"I can't make an evaluation for the time being. I need to conduct in-depth research to determine the nature of the magic system and the possibility of establishing a cybernetic magic system."

Jack opened his hands, very calm.

This is a whole new energy system, and its level of complexity is even more complicated than that of technology because magic can enable the five scums to confine the gods, keep pace with countless ancient gods, and become a **** who controls the life and death of countless universes. There are too many things.

"No matter how difficult it is, you must persist." Donny touched the handle of the chair and knocked unconsciously.

The Mobius Chair gave Downey a huge amount of knowledge. Every minute, every second, every word spoken by everyone present, countless possibilities will be analyzed, and countless knowledge of the multiverse will be instilled into Downey's mind.

The more you study, the more you understand how difficult it is to build a strong system yourself.

If there is no ambition, it's okay to say that building a similar magic system will be overwhelming.

But Downey wanted the end of this magic system to exist at least at level 8. This coefficient of difficulty was very high and scary, it was simply the difficulty of breaking through the wall of superb power head-on.