Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 525: who are you!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I've had enough of watching people die in front of my eyes." – Aki Hayakawa


? "In addition to the magic system, the divine power system has to start from scratch, but compared to the magic system, the construction of divine power is relatively simple, although it is only a negligible point."

With a wave of Donny's hand, twelve guardian knights with a height of 20 meters landed in the huge open area.

[Name: Knight]

[Affiliation: None]

[Body:??? (good)]

[Height: 20 meters]

[energy:? ? ? (abundant)]

[Tinder:??? (good)]

[Special Skill: Supernatural Power]


"These Transformers contain divine power. They were made of Destroyer materials after I dismantled Odin's Destroyer armor. Compared to constructing a magic system, I know a little bit more about the divine power system." Downey said.

"Divine power is the power on which the major gods depend for survival. Every outstanding **** possesses a unique divine power that belongs to the divine power system in his body."

After thinking about it, Downey added: "Of course, the gods I'm talking about are worthless plural gods like Odin and Thor. They are not the only **** in the realm of gods. The two are not comparable at all."

The only **** is just an adjective. It is a kind of honorific to describe those powerful, unique, and noble beings. It doesn't matter whether you like or hate this name.

Such as Odin, Zeus, and Jade Emperor, it is the divine power system that Downey said. Asgard has a special divine power of Asgard. The core nature of the power used by Hela and Thor is the same. The way of expression is different-Thor likes to play thunder and lightning with a hammer and axe, and Hela likes to throw big swords around.

You can say that Odin, Hela, and Thor belong to a divine power system, but you can't say that Odin and Jade Emperor can pee into a pot.

Although both are divine powers, Odin's divine power and Jade Emperor's divine power are like the difference between water and oil. They are both flowing liquids, but they don't mix together.

Of course, Zeus from the house next door may be playing with mud, and he can barely be seen as a thicker "liquid", which is what it means.

"Divine power is a hub that combines multiple characteristics such as genes, blood, and power core. From the perspective of complexity, divine power is undoubtedly more complicated than magic."

Downey explained, "Except for magic with a special inheritance method, most magic, as long as they have a certain talent, can basically learn it. This property determines the super universality of magic—a kind of magic that is second only to technology and With the universal ability of genetic mutation, a mage who has the qualifications to teach disciples can even teach tens of thousands of magic apprentices."

In the universe, magic is indeed a supernatural force with wide spread, that is, a genetic mutation can compete with barely suppressing magic, just like Spider-Man.

"But the divine power is not good. Except for those closed divine systems, I haven't seen any life in a remote corner where everyone can master divine power to become a god."

"Divine power is a supernatural power that very few people can play. Ninety-nine percent of geniuses can't get started at all. It's not that there is no opportunity. Even if the opportunity is placed in front of them, it is useless. They don't have the qualifications, or qualifications, to practice divine power. "

Downey stretched out his hand and flicked a finger slightly. The twelve divine power knights let go of their power. A wave of magic erupted, a force far heavier and harder to analyze than magical energy, and unscrupulously waited for Downey. The influx of people is not lethal, but the "heavy" sense of substance still draws the attention of the people present.

The heavier sense of sight, the larger particles, and the roughness that is harder to control. This is divine power.

Su Rui, the genius girl who was taken away from the earth in a threatening manner by Downey, was also attracted by the divine power at this time and fell into deep thought. Although she has no supernatural power, she can still feel the suppression brought by the divine power.

"I have an idea." Su Rui murmured.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Su Rui felt the gazes one after another, her heart tightened, but her good qualities quickly restored her composure: "We don't need to make divine power a universal power system. This is too restrictive, and its practicality is not as good as magic. The universality of the system speaks for the problem."

"This can't be described by practicality." The old mage nodded and shook his head. "The divine power system is extremely narrow, but its strength and specialty cannot be denied. A weak divine system is enough to easily wash away countless equally weak ones. The magic system."

"Therefore, stronger combat effectiveness, fewer defects, and a more complete but harsh inheritance method are the root causes of the divine power system's restriction." Su Rui's eyes brightened and continued, "I prefer to treat the divine power system as A special technological device' that is transplanted into some people's bodies in the form of genes-in infancy, the body has the seeds of spiritual power for spiritual practice."

"Then the question is, how do we get the original divine power?" The old mage thought for a while, frowning.

His knowledge of divine power cannot be said to be absent, but it is indeed not much.

"I am the original power."

Downey spoke plainly, and the chair of Mobius sitting down was still flashing light at a fixed frequency, transmitting knowledge for Downey.

"These twelve guardian knights will be the entry point for us to build the divine power system. By studying the secrets of the Asgard divine system, using myself as a model, we can obtain a complete divine system that can be passed on from generation to generation."

"I will become the supreme **** king of the new **** system, and also the first generation **** king."

Speaking these words in the posture of the only god, Downey had no psychological pressure.

Just kidding, if even the One God is not qualified to support a huge, complex, and heavy divine system with one hand, then go and die, there is no need for the One God to exist.

"Your pressure will be very high. In the initial stage, all the second-generation gods are unable to carry the divine power. They will transfer the pressure to you alone. If you cannot bear it, you will collapse. It will collapse. During this period of time, I have studied the myths of the earth, and countless large and small gods have been annihilated in the long river of history."

The old mage raised his eyes and reminded him.

"As long as I survive the initial stage, I'm ready. Cybertron must have its**** system."

Downey slowly got up, "The old mage and the jack are responsible for the construction of the magic system, and I, Shockwave, and Su Rui are responsible for the construction of the divine power system. We directly start from two directions. Pay attention to the disclosure of the usual phased results. Maybe we can Be inspired."

A sickle appeared in Downey's hand, and Downey looked down. The sickle was lying quietly in Downey's hand, like a real dead object.

Downey sneered, without saying much. Since General Deadblade wanted to play, Downey didn't mind playing it because he was short of experimental materials.

"For the staged artificial celestial experiment body, you should be used as the material. I hope you can hold it for a while and don't die too early."


Just when Downey was planning to construct a large-scale magic and divine power system, in a hidden dimension of the universe, a terrible fire was already burning.

The world is wailing and the gods are bleeding A **** who has passed down the magnificent mythology in the universe, lost his voice in front of the powerful enemy, blood spilled into the sky, screamed bitterly, and fell from the sky.

Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Athena... the gods fought **** battles, but they still couldn't stop their decline.

The entire Olympus **** system, which has escaped for thousands of years, has strong combat power but is extremely weak in front of the enemy. The gods who are proud of their **** system have been defeated and slaughtered one after another.

Zeus, the **** king of the Olympus **** system, is naked, with bone scars all over his developed muscles. The terrifying divine power of the whole body inspires and provokes the tremors of the entire dimension. The power between the waves tears the sky and destroys Earth.

But the chaotic power kept bursting deep into the bones, destroying the body and soul of this king of gods.

Zeus was defeated again, lying on the ground, his eyes red, his **** mouth opened, and he screamed frantically.

"How can you be so strong! You can never be the Tianjin Wengxing of the Wonu God System!!! Who are you!!!"