Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 533: Dirty

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."—Tupac Shakur


? Somewhere in the universe, a brilliant palace.

"you failed."

Death wore a black robe, strolling in the world, seemingly interested, and said something casually.

It was like patting the head casually at a wild dog she raised.

Thanos didn't say a word, his face was cold, sitting on the edge of the hall, silently looking at the stars.

When he awoke from the darkness, he knew that he had lost, but he was resurrected, resurrected by this woman who had entangled him for a lifetime.

Resurrection means that he has the value of being squeezed. Thanos has always been aware of this, but he has always been able to figure out what death wants.

Death was barefoot, her appearance was still what Thanos liked, her cyan lips picked up, and she came to Thanos' eyes, leaned over, and her eyes met.

But this time, Thanos still did not move.

"Now you can tell me what you want to do," Thanos asked calmly.

It's as if the madness not long ago didn't exist at all.

Death licked his lips, approached again, leaned close to Thanos' ear, and said softly, "You can't give what I want."

"I will grab it back for you."

"But you failed."

Thanos looked at death quietly.

"I know your potential, you are stronger than any life I have ever seen, and also more dangerous..."

The luster in Death's eyes flowed, but when he looked closely, it seemed that countless souls were wailing.

In countless universes, she, who holds the authority of death, has been entangled with Thanos, this is not without reason.

The death of one of the five great gods will not be so boring. If it is just to find toys, why bother to spend so many hands and feet in the infinite multiverse?

It even means a little bit of bashfulness in it.

In countless universes, death is entangled with Thanos, with him being born, with him growing up, with him becoming stronger step by step, and gradually leading him to the direction she wants to see.

Unfortunately, it still failed.

Occasionally there are more successful experiments, but death still cannot be satisfied.

But no way, Thanos was the only special individual she found.

"You have a strong adaptability that surpasses all individuals, Thanos, I never told you that." Death danced around Thanos, and the bright moonlight rose like a dancing wizard.

In the past, if she was willing to do this, Thanos would be extremely happy, but now, Thanos' eyes fluctuated a bit, watching death quietly.

"Inestimable growth, countless possible miracles, and strong adaptability that can't even match you on the day of destruction."

Death stopped, stood on tiptoes, stretched out his hands, and gently held Thanos' chin, but in the bright pupils, the extreme coldness of indifference made people unable to ignore.

"But I lost, I lost to an enemy who looked more terrifying than me," Thanos said.

"That's just what it looks like, Thanos, I know your potential." Death said, "You know, the realm of gods is very lively recently, because a troublesome thing rushed in, even Darkside was defeated Up."

"Ancient Destruction Day, an artificial weapon, a monster that even the only gods are afraid of."

"But I am not afraid. Although that weapon is powerful, and although it has evolved at an amazing speed, I have a more powerful weapon in my hand, a humanoid freak that can be controlled by me and has stronger growth."

"It's you, Thanos, I promoted your birth and fixed your existence in the entire multiverse, so that you will be born in countless universes."

Death spoke softly, like a naughty whisper to his lover.

But Thanos knew that it was fake. If death could talk to him so softly in the past, even if he knew it was false, Thanos would chase after him like a madman, abandon his dignity and plead, even if he wandered around like a dog.

As long as death can smile at him, a few words are enough.

Until he died in an unprecedented battle and was resurrected.

"When I was born, the purple skin color was repelled by the tribe. My mother picked up a scalpel and killed me at first sight."

Thanos said in a low voice.

"I did it, I made you special." Death said.

"But I let you down, I can't even beat an earthling."

"No, Thanos, you succeeded." Death said softly, "You have strong adaptability, you can adapt to all weapons, and anything is loaded on you, you can always maximize their power. Come out, this is the greatest potential, even the only **** can't compare to you."

"What do you want me to do next?" Thanos asked.

"Go kill Downey." Death said quietly.


Thanos got up and headed in the direction of Cybertron once again.

He does what death tells him to do. This is his only life meaning.

It is also what death expects to see.

Fierce fighting broke out again, and Thanos was smashed into flesh with a punch from Downey.

When he opened his eyes again, Thanos saw death quietly watching him smiling. It was the most beautiful smile, better than anything that Thanos had ever seen.

Thanos was silent for a moment, got up, and once again, headed towards Cybertron.

He didn't ask about death anymore but silently did what death wanted him to do.


Once again, Thanos was killed.

When Thanos opened his eyes, stood up in silence, and went to Cybertron again.

In just one month, Thanos was killed by Downey three times. Every time Thanos was resurrected, Thanos became more taciturn, those eyes, the tyrannical mood faded and became silent.

Every time, Death will stand silently, looking at his back, staring at him silently, as if expecting.

That biting cold gaze made Qiang Than Thanos feel an instant throb.

For the fourth time, Thanos came to Downey.

He was greeted by the indifferent Downey.

"Waiting for me?"

"I estimated the time, you should also be here at this time. UU reading" Downey said indifferently.

"Then let's start."

Thanos said in a low voice as if he was talking about what to eat for the next meal.

But Downey had a headache. The enemy who was not afraid of death was the most troublesome.

This time, Downey didn't kill the killer, but retreated suddenly. A large number of Krypton Legions surrounded him, looking at Thanos with a murderous aura.

"Although I don't know what death is thinking, my instinct tells me that I can't go on like this."

Downey waved his hand and pointed at Thanos: "Kill him!"

Numerous Krypton warriors surrounded the past, fired their gaze, and hit Thanos hard, and then commanded Hante to play in person, with strange eyes, and finally succeeded in dividing Thanos into corpses.

"the fourth time..."

Downey frowned, too lazy to look at the anxious Hunter, and turned back to Cybertron.