Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 534: newborn

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."—Harriet Tubman


?Hunt walked into the secret room of creation with a majestic look.

This is of course not the original small one. Now there are 100 creation chambers of different sizes on the entire Krypton planet, and there are even more sealed chambers on the main star Cybertron for backup.

As the military commander of the new Krypton, Hante has the right to freely leave any secret room of creation.

"General, a new life form has been cultivated and perfected."

Rosente, the great scientist on New Krypton, with a serious expression, introduced Hante.

He pointed to the humanoid creature in the training warehouse, frowning, and said in confusion: "General, are you sure you want this failed product? I can cultivate an individual with a more beautiful appearance. Wisdom, strength, speed, toughness, Potential and will are top-notch, and very suitable to be your personal guard. But this one in front of me... I personally think it is a failure."

Rose couldn't help reminding him, disregarding Hante's faint twitching expression, and pointed to the individual with the skin of a dry old tree in the cultivation warehouse.

In Rosent's eyes, this thing is a genetically flawed scum.

Hante twitched his face and said indifferently: "Remember what I told you, I have a great use. In addition, this is the highest military secret, if you reveal it..."

"Relax, General."

Rosen nodded and turned to leave under Hunter's sign.

Hante touched the cultivation warehouse and sighed. This body was made as close as possible to his "premortem" style.

"Thanksgiving is crazy, and Downey is crazy too. It's better for me to leave this ghost place as soon as possible."

Hunter, or ebony throat, muttered in his heart, shivering severely.

Five times!

In more than a month, he saw Downey kill Thanos five times with his own eyes!

The first three times were by Downey himself, the last two times were besieged and killed by the Krypton Legion, and once by Wanda, Lianna, and others.

Every time Thanos was killed, he could always be resurrected inexplicably, and then came to Cybertron to die.

Simply unreasonable!

Ebony's throat has long been frizzy, and this weird scene makes him restless.

Fortunately, the body he secretly arranged was completed, and then he only needs to shift his mind and destroy the weak will in this body to replace it.

"Kryptonians' mental resistance is so bad, but it's really convenient for me."

Ebony Maw greedily looked at the body in the nurturing warehouse. As long as he occupies this body, he will be able to possess his soul, maintain his original magic and spiritual abilities, and even possess the powerful physique of a Kryptonian!

He knew very well that the Kryptonians born under Downey's command had no genetic fetters! Every individual can develop freely after adulthood!

This means unlimited potential!

"I will fill in the shortcomings of the Kryptonians and absorb the racial advantages of the Kryptonians. My ebony throat will also have a new life and a more glorious future, ha ha ha... As for Thanos? I think about it, I will be the master, He will be a slave!"

Rao's ebony throat is deep in his mind, and he can't help but let out a cheerful smile.

No one knows the power of the Kryptonians better than him!

"This is mine, the brand-new me, the me who has the aptitude to become a god, will get a new life!"

Ebony throat greedily touched the nurturing warehouse, staring at the body inside with wide-eyed eyes. Then, the powerful mental body gathered and quickly separated from Hunter's body.

Downey knew his little movements very well, but he was too lazy to manage. Hante was darkened by the ebony throat, which was nothing to hide under Downey's gaze, and it did not surprise Downey.

Even the powerful Doctor Strange can play with Ebony Maw at will, enslaving them in all directions, not to mention the Kryptonians with obvious racial defects.

The indifferent gaze that Downey occasionally swept over made Ebony Maw anxious all the time, so Ebony Maw had long since given up the idea of ​​completely replacing Hunter.

Sometimes, things can't be done absolutely.

And the robbed body, how could there be a body tailored according to his mind to be more beautiful!

My ebony throat will become a god!

Greed rushed to my heart, and the ebony throat's mental body was about to leave Hante's body.

At this moment, a will suddenly broke out, entangling him tightly.

"Why go, isn't it better to stay in my head?" Hante's gloomy voice passed into the ebony throat's spiritual body in a spiritual way.

"How come, you shouldn't wake up at this time!" Ebony throat said in fright.

Hunter's ferocious voice was mixed with intense pain, and he said coldly: "You have discovered that my mental resistance and magic resistance are very low, but you have ignored my will, but it is stronger than Zhenjin... Otherwise, why didn't the leader squeeze you to death?"

"Because I can pinch you to death by myself!!"

Hantsenhan's voice came out, and he was really angry.

As the supreme commander of the Krypton Legion, he was easily overcast... He was like a spectator watching a videotape, watching the Ebony Maw seize control of the body.

"Just by you? My Lord General you don't need to be like this. I didn't hurt you and your army, I didn't hurt any of your people. I just cultivated a body that has not yet generated a complete consciousness. ..."

Ebony Throat said gently.

But Hante didn't listen to his nonsense, he didn't even need his own body, and he slammed into him brutally, followed the reluctantly entangled mental body, and rushed to take a bite.

The ebony throat screamed, frightened, and a lot of spiritual magic was used, and one after another banged on Hante's consciousness, Hante also made a depressed snort, but his eyes were red, and he bit the ebony throat without letting go.

A single particle can cause huge damage to Hunter, but Hunter bites and swallows more crazily in return, holding the consciousness of dying together.

Downey is no stranger to the battle of souls. In the beginning, he was the only one who defeated the powerful enemy Domam and killed the No. 1 promotion.

"Hunt, I remember you!"

Ebony's throat roared, severely cutting off most of his mental body, only one-third remaining, and rushed into the cultivation warehouse at a faster speed, instantly extinguishing the consciousness that was not fully formed, and occupying it here.

Regardless of what you The brand-new ebony throat smashed the cultivation warehouse with a fist unscrupulously, then bypassed Hunter and hurriedly escaped from the Genesis Chamber.

Strangely, no one came to stop him, including the scientist Rosent, who heard the sound rushing over, just sneered at him and staggered his position to let him escape.

With the yellow sun shining, the ebony throat was full of energy and flew into the sky in a hurry.

Hante with a distorted face staggered and looked up at Rosente, who was plain-faced, his lips moaned, and a wry smile appeared.

"General, you did it, and you defeated the enemy by your own will," Rosen said flatly.

Hunter smiled bitterly: "The body you cultivated moved its hands and feet?"

Rosen nodded characteristically: "According to the leader's request, I added some messy things to it."