Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 582: Emotional spectrum, central lamp stove

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


We are all the villains in someone else's story because life is not a Disney or Marvel movie.


? In the laboratory, the screams of the parallax monster are terrifying and terrifying.

   Waves of intense fear spread out crazily, causing some people discomfort.

   is just, it is just a little influence, it has not changed its destiny in the slightest.

The tenaciousness of the parallax monster did not make it better, but it greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of Sasser and other scientific lunatics and continued to increase their anatomy and research.

   The body fragments of the parallax monster were chopped off little by little and turned into free fear energy, which was extracted by the scientists of the Academy of Sciences to study the magic of the emotional spectrum.

   "It looks like it's going well."

   Downey walked in here with a smile on his lips.

   "The progress is really good, give me a little time, I can make a yellow lamp furnace." Sai Tianjiao, one of the thirteenth ancestors, said lightly.

  The lamp furnace is the aggregate of the single energy of the emotional spectrum. It is the central battery of all monochromatic lamps. The user of the lamp or the lamp must periodically recharge the corresponding central lamp, otherwise, the ring will stop operating because of the loss of energy.

  The ring is like a mobile phone, and the lamp is like a superpower bank.

  The energy for the lamp is the emotional spectrum itself. Just like humans use sunlight to generate electricity, a thorough study of the emotional spectrum is needed to make the lamp have energy, and then the lamps can obtain energy.

   "A very magical creature, it is itself countless kinds of unconscious fear emotions. Unlike the demon-like, the demon-like devours fear, and the parallax monster itself is fear."

   Master Titan touched the metal beard, and narrowed his eyes, staring at the imprisoned parallax thoughtfully.

   Sai Tianjiao and Master Titan, the two demigods who are in the Academy of Sciences to guard against parallax, eventually did not hold back their curiosity and participated in the research with their own hands.

   These two were originally knowledgeable ancestors, and their participation greatly promoted the speed of scientific research.

   "Our research on the contours of the emotional spectrum has been completed." Sai Tianjiao, who is a female in appearance, said.

   "What the **** is the emotional spectrum?" Downey raised his eyebrows.

"A tangible energy that can break through the dimensional barriers is connected to the emotions of all life entities in the multiverse. The relationship between the emotional spectrum and the Lantern can be understood as the relationship between the wall of speed and the speed." Master Ti said.

   Every speed person who has mastered the speed force, every time he runs, also charges the wall of the speed force.

  The lantern man wearing the ring also obtains the high-level authority to visualize a single emotion from the emotional spectrum, and in turn bless his own emotions, so that his spiritual will becomes a part of the emotional spectrum in a short time.

"Very peculiar energy, the emotional spectrum is everywhere, and it is one of the most universal energies in the universe. The person who puts on the ring has the authority to communicate the emotional spectrum, and the person who takes off the ring will lose the authority to load the emotional spectrum. "

   "The role of the central lamp furnace is to exist as a base station for a huge and scattered emotional spectrum. Rings with corresponding colors will be allowed to be qualified to use the emotional spectrum from the base station."

   The jack put down the equipment in his hand and explained.

   "Understood, this is a very generous energy. Anyone can use it as long as they know how to use it." Downey nodded.

   "This is very majestic knowledge. Fortunately, we have a parallax monster. We can directly extract its body fragments and transform them into a rough yellow lamp." The jack rubbed his hands and was very excited.

   If you want to master the knowledge of the emotional spectrum from start to finish, the ghosts know how many years it will take, unless they directly rob the OA star and plunder the fruits of the little blue people's labor.

   A more convenient way is to cut the meat directly from the lamp beast.

   The parallax monster roared, and its size shrank a lot, listening to the group of guys outside discussing how to dissect it, angrily surged.

   Those ferocious eyes stared at Downey, if it weren't for Downey, he would still be free, still wandering freely in the endless sea of ​​stars.

   "You are looking at me with that kind of gaze, I'll dig your eyeballs down. You fix it once, and I'll dig it once." Downey said seriously.

   The parallax monster immediately lowered his head and diverted his gaze, but the resentment in his eyes could not be concealed.

   "If you can cooperate obediently, I will give you a chance to be free," Downey said lightly.

   His purpose of catching the parallax monster is to hold the yellow ring in his hand, and the power of fear will become a sharp blade in Downey's hand. When this goal is achieved, the usefulness of the parallax monster is greatly reduced.

  Kill, it's a pity, imprisonment, a bit wasteful.

  Slavery is undoubtedly the best way. As for whether the parallax monster was willing to be enslaved, and how he planned the rebellion, this was of secondary importance.

   If even the parallax monster can't resist, it would be a failure. Instead, it is Downey himself that should reflect.

   "Make a yellow lamp furnace immediately, Optimus Prime and Howl each need a yellow lamp ring," Downey ordered.

   Immediately afterward, a large piece of body was severely cut from the parallax monster, and the dissipated fear energy was extremely strong, accompanied by the screams of the parallax monster, which was quite infiltrating.

   "I need someone to go in and accept the erosion of fear." Sai Tianjiao said.

   Downey nodded Calmly walked towards the swept yellow swathes, violent tremors broke out, surrounded Downey, the only living body, and then slowly gathered.

   Downey silently felt fear, which was a very destructive emotion, and then he was personally controlled.

   Scenes from the past emerge, and every trace of worry about the future is magnified. Downey calmly felt the scenes in his mind, until all the fears burst out, covering him completely, turning him into a golden cocoon.

   Inside, invisible to outsiders, in Downey's hands, fear is crazily compressed, with Downey's spirit as the core, moving by the specific laws of the emotional spectrum.

   For the first time, Downey is so close to the emotional spectrum, within reach, watching the endless colorful curtains hit, sometimes colliding and sometimes mixing.

   When the colorful lights faded slowly, all the scenes returned to their original state, and Donnie's hands suddenly had an extra lamp.

   is about half a meter in length, showing a rectangular parallelepiped as a whole, and the exposed inside is a trophy-like structural core.

   Fear of the lamp furnace, shaping.

  The cocoon was completely shattered and absorbed by the central lamp. When the last ray of fear was removed, the yellow lamp held by Donny became extremely quiet.

   "It's done, it's easier than I thought."

   Downey carried the lamp stove, put it on the ground with a bang, and said casually: "I will start building the yellow lantern ring immediately. I need a Spectral Legion that belongs to Cybertron."

  All the people present nodded solemnly, staring at the chime-shaped lamp stove intently.