Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 581: Extreme green light

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Villains are people with actual feelings; in their minds, they are often the heroes fighting the villains who have wronged them.


? "I am willing to accept this result."

   Optimus Prime raised his head and said calmly.

   Ganser raised his hand slightly, pointed his finger like a matchstick, and the energy shackles tied to Optimus Prime's wrist disappeared on the spot.

   "You are free, Optimus Prime, you know what to do." Ganser took a deep look at Optimus Prime.

   He believes that Optimus Prime is a smart man.

   Optimus Prime silently walked towards Downey.

   "Then, let's say goodbye."

   Downey was expressionless, the chair burst into white light covering Optimus Prime, and disappeared in the next second.

  The pressure of horror disappeared suddenly, and the seven guardians relaxed and let out a long sigh.

   "Gunther, why not expel him permanently? He created the troublesome enemy Senistor for us, and he should be kicked out."

   "He is still from Downey's side, and he is too good, and he is supported by many people. If this guy can control the Green Lantern Corps, we will be in a bad situation."

   asked the other little blue people rushingly.

   Ganser glanced at these companions, and a trace of disappointment flashed through his eyes: "Is there a difference between a permanent expulsion and a temporary expulsion?"

   The other six people were taken aback.

"Even if it is a temporary expulsion, it is up to us to decide when he will return? If we don't let him return to the OA star for the rest of our lives, what is the difference with a permanent expulsion? I do this to avoid a direct conflict with Downey. The right is still in our hands." Ganser explained.

   The other guardians nodded.

   Ganse suddenly felt so tired, the more emotional he became, the more headache he was. These companions were uneasy. The absence of emotion not only didn't make them smarter, but rather stupid, because they like to think about problems straight away, and in a layman way, they just like to go rashly...

   But I am also used to it. They have done too many Sabi things in these tens of billions of years. If they hadn't mastered the emotional spectrum, they would have died long ago.

   Well, the first light who generously gave them the knowledge of the emotional spectrum is also locked in the Shadow Cabinet, and I don't know if it is dead.

  The thought of this made Ganser's heart even more tired.

   And he did it so that he could relax with Downey, and Downey from the province directly attacked the OA star and started killing him.

   On the face of it, no one can resist Downey sitting in the Mobius chair unless he bleeds heavily and reveals his cards, such as the lamp of origin.

   "I propose to officially launch the plan of the Supreme Lantern Ring."

   There was a moment of silence, and Said slowly said, "We need a group of stronger Lanterns as the inspection team to review all other Lanterns' actions."

   The other guardians nodded indifferently, and the resolution was passed. Only Gan Se whispered, but after all, there was no objection.

   Supreme Lantern is a group of machines that only knows to execute commands. It is a combination of the existing Lantern and the abolished First Army.

   After Fu Rong was banned, the little blue people felt that all emotions were unreliable, so they created the First Legion. The members of the Legion were powerful robots named "machine hunters".

   As a result, there was a restless guy named Karona in the little blue man. He firmly believed that emotions are useful. Doing taboo experiments, the bang led to the birth of the antimatter universe.

   The center of the antimatter universe, Kovad's star, is actually the dual planet of the OA star in the main universe.

Kalona still ignored it. To prove the usefulness of emotions, he went on to frantically modify the instructions of the robot hunter, which directly caused the massacre in the 666 sectors of the main universe. Countless galaxies were killed by hordes of robots. Only five life forms survived.

   Related news was reluctantly blocked by the little blue people, and many insiders couldn't get through the time and died one after another.

   Then the First Army was abolished, and the Green Lantern Army began to be established. The ambitious little blue people were deflated by Darkside before they settled down and dispelled their ridiculous ambitions.

   The Supreme Green Lantern Project is to combine Green Lanterns and Robot Hunters to create a group of living robots!

   is to transform the existing Green Lantern into a cold living machine!

   This is the Supreme Green Light!

   is a cruel living experiment on my loyal dog!

Optimus Prime is just a fuse. The little blue people have always had a great sense of guard against the Green Lanterns. The changeable and unreliable emotions are deeply imprinted in their cognition. It is difficult to change. Their attitude towards the Green Lanterns The research on containment and control has never stopped.

   The Supreme Green Lantern is their latest achievement. The transformation of Green Lantern into a living robot is simply the best plan.

   At least in the eyes of the little blue people, there is nothing better than this plan.

   "Then start selecting staff immediately. I am very worried that Senistor will retaliate against us."

   "Yes, Senisto thinks we killed his wife, but it has nothing to do with us."

"let's start."

   The little blue people said one after another.

   They looked at the thousands of lantern men on the square in the distance, their gazes were extremely cold, as if they were watching a group of pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.



   "How does it feel to be a prisoner?" Downey teased.

   "Not so good." Optimus Prime answered honestly.

   "They just kept you in custody for a few days, think about Senisto, that guy still doesn't know what his heart is twisted into."

   Downey shook his head.

His wife was The hometown was different, and the subordinates who were loyal to him were killed, but Senisto couldn't get revenge right away...Hate will accumulate, especially for Senisto's character. For the determined person.

   "When he comes back next time, he will bring back a Yellow Lantern Corps, biting OA star like a mad dog," Downey said.

   Optimus Prime was silent for a while, and the device in his hand was connected to Cybertron's secret network. After looking through it, he asked, "The parallax monster was caught back?"

"Yes, the people from the Academy of Sciences are dissecting the parallax monster. It will not take long to create a yellow ring. I will give you one at that time, the yellow light Optimus Prime, tut tut." Downey strolled around, looking around. Optimus Prime.

   Ten fingers, ten rings... Two wrists and one on each, perfect.

   As for driving multiple rings at the same time, Downey didn't worry at all, as long as he had a strong will, he could do it. Among other things, now Donnie can use it freely if he puts a ring on himself.

   But by manipulating a variety of rings, the spirit is greatly affected by different emotions, if you are not careful, it will backfire and even conflict with each other.

   For example, wearing a green light of will and a yellow light of fear at the same time, fear is the greatest enemy of will, what should I do? Without a strong will and an accurate analysis of the self, the different emotions that erupt are enough to turn people into lunatics.

  The closer you get to the depths of the Academy of Sciences, the more obvious the fear that emerges from the bottom of your heart, as if there is something terrible in front of you.

   "It looks like they are doing well."

   Downey's eyes lit up.