Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 550: Earth assembly

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Go as far as you can see and you will see further." —Zig Ziglar


? The highest warning quickly spread all over the world, without deliberate concealment, let alone stupid fooling, the war legion-like demon army from the Apocalypse has launched an all-round attack on the earth.

The killing unfolded. These monsters with independent personality and wisdom had human-shaped bodies, slightly hunched back, and rickets, and on their sad backs grew wings that were harder than a knife to facilitate flight.

Their entire bodies are a combination of biology and machinery, and they wear metal round helmets on their heads, similar to the headgear worn by pilots of World War II on Earth. Two round black spectacles are directly connected to their brains, quickly calculating and collecting everything they see.

Every demon possesses terrifying computing power, a super physique, and not low intelligence. They are a mass-produced army used by the Apocalypse to sweep the multiverse. The weakest chicken-like demons are more brave and good at fighting than superheroes without superpowers on Earth. This is based on combat skills, physique, experience, computing power, and experience. All-round rolling.

Every demon can match the almighty warrior. They are proficient in all tactics, from detection to processing intelligence, from guerrillas to storming attacks.

The powerful execution power of the machine and the cold mentality have made the monsters a nightmare for countless planets.

And now, they have become a nightmare for people on Earth.

Countless fighter jets took off, countless war bases opened, and the newly developed energy weapons were no longer hidden and tucked away, they were all armed to soldiers. With anxiety and expectation, people expect their soldiers to attack the incoming enemy head-on.

But the ending was magnificent. The ranks of ordinary people formed by the earthlings were bloodbath by demons.

A demon-like person only needs to slam his head and hit it, and he can knock dozens of people into pieces. The energy weapons of the earth soldiers blasted the demon-like body, but also made the demon-like fly upside down, almost without injury.

Not to mention that such demons also hold firearms made by Apocalypse in their hands, which can crush the earth in technology.

The earthlings discovered to their horror that everything they were proud of was completely vulnerable to these creatures with the same appearance.

A large number of corpses were paved on the ground and turned into bones. Tens of thousands of demons are rampaging on the earth, but few can stop them.

The weakness of the earth made the demons extremely excited, and piercing screams came from their mouths, expressing excitement and mania.

In the past, have they ever been such monsters as cannon fodder? On the larger battlefield, they are just the cheapest consumables, an inconspicuous member of the army of billions.

But here, on the earth, they are almost invincible!

The demons were crazy, howling excitedly, grinning hideously, carrying out massacres, and constantly destroying the resistance base on the earth.

"Not enough, go on! You humble scumbags! This planet will become my subsidiary planet, and I want you to occupy it within a month! Otherwise, you will die!"

Steppenwolf squeezed a demon-like squad leader by the neck, roared, and smashed him to the ground severely, stepped out with his big feet, stepped down, puffed, and stepped the demon into the ground.

No way, the planet Earth is too fragile, and the ground is too "soft".

Steppenwolf felt even more unlucky and directly lifted the axe and chopped it down, slashing the demon to pieces.

The captains of the other monsters dispersed in a rush, fluttering their wings frantically, driving their respective teams to speed up their attacks on the earth.

The bad-mood Master Steppenwolf personally searched for the whereabouts of the mother box. There are none on earth, so someone must have taken them away.

Apocalypse Star has a total of four mother boxes, three of which were placed on the earth of the main universe, to facilitate countless Daxede clones to fight in the multiverse to find the anti-life equation.

As a result, the mother box was taken away by an unknown bastard, and he mastered the method of using the mother box skillfully, which was incredible.

"The mother box is the treasure of the Apocalypse, whoever touches it will die! I will find him, and then kill him!"

Steppenwolf raised a long-handled great axe, his huge body was extremely deterrent, and the unique dark power of the Apocalypse star spread unscrupulously, alarming one organization after another.


On Paradise Island, Queen Hippolyte looked sad and looked at the warriors who were also gloomy below. She took a deep breath and reluctantly said: "The powerful enemy of the Apocalypse returns. Paradise Island needs to send powerful soldiers. To protect our planet. To protect mankind and the earth, this is the meaning of our paradise island."

Antiop looked miserable: "The gods have abandoned us, do we still travel our duties?"

"Shut up, Antiop! As my sister, I don't allow you to blaspheme the gods!"

Hippolyte was furious, but soon she looked weakly at the pale-faced compatriots, and slowly closed her mouth.

Not long ago, a terrible crack occurred in the statues of the gods, and the entire paradise island high-level people fell into a huge panic, praying day and night. Even Downey came to ask for the mother box and gave it directly, too lazy to entangle too much.

What's more terrifying is that not long ago, the statues of the twelve Olympus gods were all shattered, and the terrible message that this conveyed was a nightmare at all.

The gods are dead.

Queen Hippolyte tried hard to cheer up, gritted her teeth, and said in a deep voice: "In any case, we Amazons are all members of the earth and have an obligation to protect this planet, not for others, not for the gods, but only for ourselves! "

All the high-level officials raised their heads and looked at the queen who was speaking outrageously in surprise, but no one refuted it.

The queen stood up and took the sword at hand, "We have defeated a powerful enemy of the Apocalypse, this time too! Amazon warriors will never give in! Never!"

"Contact Diana immediately and ask her to organize her companions in the human world. We need more fighters."

" You go to Kunlun Mountain and look for the Jade Emperor, Thunder Lord, Immortal Dragon, and the new generation of iron fists. They can no longer escape."

"Your Excellency Phillips, immediately coordinate all the Amazon fighters to fight, and remember it is all! Including me, you must accept your command."

"Antiop, immediately go to the Sanctuary in New York to find the mage of Kama Taj. The Supreme Mage is a powerful combat force."

A series of orders were issued, so that these Amazon warriors who regarded honor as their life cheered up some spirits. It's better to have something to do than to hide on the paradise island and blame yourself.

General Phillips solemnly said: "Your Majesty, the power of the earth alone is far from enough. I can feel the terrifying aura of the guests from the Apocalypse. We need stronger reinforcements."

"I will contact the Green Lantern Corps and ask them to send reinforcements, just like the last time, to join forces against powerful enemies." The queen nodded.

"Not enough," Phillips uttered two words.

"I know what you want to say," the queen said. "Someone can't wait to contact Downey."