Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 549: We have no guardians

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it." —Lou Holtz


? "Bruce, I know you are influenced by Downey and think that killing and gore can solve the problem—"

"Shut up, I've never been influenced by that guy! I'm just looking for the most effective way to save this erosive city!" Batman cursed hoarsely.

Yes, Gotham City is eroding, and all kinds of supercriminals emerge in an endless stream, making the determination like Batman exhausted.

Then, he started killing.

Although it is not a direct killing face to-face, such as smashing the throat with a punch or exploding the head with a shot. He uses more indirect methods-such as exploding the fuel tank of a high-speed car with one shot.

As for the death of the criminal in the car... that's not his Batman needs to care about.

Downey's thoughts are affecting him, or more accurately, the cruel reality forces him to change his old thoughts.

Eight years ago, Downey came to Gotham to kill and kill the local gang. He distributed weapons to the poor and encouraged them to start a revolution.

Then Gotham City was stable for five years, the crime rate was the lowest in the United States, and it was one of the safest cities. It created a miracle in public security. At that time, the mayor arranged by Downey was even awarded the president's medal.

Then gradually messed up again

Batman went into battle again, thinking that Downey's method had failed, he planned to use his method to manage the city. As a result, the situation did not get better, but it was still deteriorating day by day.

Those criminals who have been arrested and released have deliberately dealt with Batman again and again. After each failure, they will enter the prison, to sum up their experience and gains and losses. After thinking about it, they will escape from prison again and find Batman to experiment with a new method of crime.

This made Batman doubt his old ideas, and his methods gradually became fierce, moving closer to Downey's style.

But this still can't curb the increase in crime rate. This sinful city has returned and it has become like the situation eight years ago.

The increasingly cruel methods violated the law and were criticized by the experts of the Notre Dame watch, successfully attracting the attention of Superman next door.

Then the two started fighting.

At present, Batman can hold Superman violently by relying on the kryptonite dug from the bottom of the sea, but without the kryptonite, he can't hurt Superman at all.

"Violence won't solve the city's problems, Bruce, stop it and change it another way." Superman stared at Batman.

"You should tell the Avengers about this. The way they treat criminals is to kill. But you have to talk to S.H.I.E.L.D. and other governments first, telling leaders not to kill criminals, and then the Avengers will listen. Yours." Batman mocked.

The issue of reconnection is very troublesome because they accept the government's employment to solve the crisis, and kill a few criminals in the process.

Although Fulian had been led by Tony to withdraw from S.H.I.E.L.D. and become a non-governmental organization after the Qitarai incident, everyone knows that this is an illusion, and Fulian has been under the supervision and cooperation of the government.

They are like killing people on an order, just like those policemen and soldiers.

"I will negotiate with them, Bruce. The Avengers are acting in the name of official collaborators. Although their actions are excessive, they have not violated the law. But what are you doing now? Lynching? You have violated the law seriously. The law you stick to, you are influenced by Downey's thoughts."

Superman is unrelenting and solemnly said: "I am building a new alliance different from the Avengers, acting as a true civilian, independently and freely maintaining the safety of the earth. Because of this, I will be stricter with myself. You cannot abuse lynching to kill people."

"I hope you can join me, I hope you can join my team, the Justice League needs your wisdom," Clark said sincerely.

Batman paused, and his mind was instantly covered. The guys who were fighting each other a few minutes ago now want to talk about cooperation again?

Want to form a new alliance different from the Avengers?

All kinds of conspiracies flashed in his mind, subconsciously, Batman frantically wondered whether there was some unknown terrible conspiracy hidden behind Clark's words.

But he didn't notice what was wrong.

In his investigation, Superman seemed to be such a person... Super strong but kind, punish evil, and promote good and broad-minded.

It's just... why do you always feel so awkward, Batman has never encountered an opponent like Superman.

"Give it back to you, I hope you can make good use of it. When one day I change, you will use this to kill me." Clark put the kryptonite gun into Batman's hand.

Batman's face froze, and he looked down at the gun with the kryptonite cylinder in his hand. He only needs to move his fingers to launch a new gas tank and completely bring down Superman.

"...I understand, I will think about your words seriously."

Something in Batman's heart was touched, he was silent for a moment and put away his gun. He was really at a loss for this kind of guy, let alone no way to continue.

At this moment, the voice that had been ambushing Arrow rang in Batman's headset-Superman also heard it with super hearing.

"Guys now is not the time for the two of you to talk about your ideals... I have received the highest alert from the Avengers! A powerful enemy has invaded the earth!"

Arrow's voice panicked when he was pulled by Batman to help. As one of the best friends and life mentors of the Flash Barry Allen, Arrow and Batman have a good relationship in reality, and the two companies also have a lot of business contacts.

A small piece of kryptonite was tied to Arrow's arrow, originally aiming at Superman all the time just in case.

But the terrible news Tony sent him completely disrupted all the arrangements. The battle between Batman and Superman is not worth mentioning in the face of powerful enemies.

The Green Arrow's stern voice sounded: "It's the Apocalypse Star! The enemy from the Apocalypse Star has invaded the earth!!!"

The voice just The big buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and it was extremely harsh on a rainy night.

The shadowy figure flew at an astonishing speed, revealing a large amount of darkness in the already gloomy night.

That day Qixing's unique feeling of heavy depression, once again descended on the earth, and the people who had been pressing far away couldn't breathe.

This time, they brought true doom and despair.

"Get ready to fight immediately! Afu, contact the Avengers, I want to get detailed information about the enemy!"

Batman said quickly, then turned to look at Superman, and dropped a sentence: "It seems that I will join you again anyway."

Superman looked at the dark cloud-like army of monsters with supervision. He could see through the biological tissues of the monsters. The enemy's powerful body structure made Superman's face extremely ugly.

"This time, we don't have any guardians," Superman said solemnly.