Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 548: Batman v Superman

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to bed with satisfaction." —George Lorimer.


? Gotham City, an extraordinary battle is unfolding fiercely.

Batman wearing an exoskeleton armor is slightly bloated and burly, but he is full of deterrence in the pouring rain. Every movement seems a bit "slow", and the dark night can't hide the horrible blue light in his steel headgear.

With a bang, Batman smashed Superman's face with a fierce punch. With the blessing of a new generation of exoskeletons, the power index has exceeded two tons. This number is not high, and it's not a big deal in front of a million-ton Superman, but at this time Superman is unprecedentedly weak, and his combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of an adult. Two tons of power cracked half of his face on the spot.

When Superman was punched heavily, his face was suddenly distorted into a terrible angle under the attack of his fist. A large amount of skin broke on the spot, blood splashed out, and the whole person flew out.


A rapid and difficult gasp, like a torn bellow, came from Clark's mouth. Superman was lying on the ground, half of his face was smashed and bloody, and he was breathing hard with his mouth wide open, breathing the declining oxygen.

His eyes were wide open, an unprecedented sense of weakness surged into his heart, and all the cells in his body screamed sorrowfully, his head hummed noisily, and his vision was quickly blurred.

The large area of ​​cell death, the cells that should have been filled with energy comparable to the power of a nuclear bomb, completely lost their vitality in just a few seconds and turned into corpses.

"You are not a god, never were you! Humans are!"

Batman's blue electronic pupils cast a cold sight. He raised his steps, his pace getting faster and faster, his heavy body stepped on the ground, and each step caused a small range of vibrations on the ground.

"The people in the metropolis regard you as the savior. This does not mean that you are their god. In this world, humans are far better than you! You, a Kryptonian, an outsider! You cannot save your home planet, But humans can save their home planet!"

Batman grabbed Superman's large cloak, grabbed a corner easily, and then slammed it **** his shoulder. Superman was swept up without any resistance and crashed to the ground.


Another mouthful of blood came out with difficulty, and Clark's eyes were dim, and he felt like he was dying.

For the first time, he was so close to death.

"Stop... Bruce... we need to talk." Clark exhaled each word and then began to breathe in again to prevent himself from suffocating.

Batman's face was cold and he dragged Clark forward in the pouring rain. His eyes covered with light were silently watching the large amount of data on the small screen in front of him. The data changes are caused by every action of this suit of armor. He silently remembered them all in his heart.

Huge raindrops hit the ground across an altitude of 10,000 meters, but only a few centimeters high of spray.

When countless raindrops gathered together, lightning flashed and thunder, and heavy rain like a tsunami rushed down, as if to destroy the whole world.

Batman looked up at the sky, then took out a special iron chain and put it around Superman.

The Edman alloy iron chain should be able to bind the guardian of the metropolis.

"You told me to stop guarding Gotham, but you commanded others to practice your will with a high attitude, you know, it's disgusting."

Batman put a gun containing kryptonite on the ground. The heavy armor made his every move look very laborious and consumed a lot of physical energy.

Circle after circle, Batman bound Superman into a ball.

Every action made a heavy gasp.

Although his armor is also equipped with an energy system and a driving device, it is only an auxiliary means, mainly relying on Batman's operation. The fierce battle originally consumed his enormous physical energy and energy, not to mention that the large amount of data that was beating rapidly also required him to think and process.

Compared to War Armor, he believes in himself more, which is the same as when he hardly uses advanced artificial intelligence to directly assist in combat.

In terms of technology, Batman is not lost to Iron Man. It is not difficult to build a strong artificial intelligence that rivals Jarvis. As long as the program is set, it can help him solve all aspects of problems, whether it is life or battle.

However, he did not do so.

He couldn't believe in artificial intelligence, and he was more reliable, so he didn't envy Iron Man's high-intelligence armor at all. Instead, he kept a wait-and-see attitude.

Man can conquer the sky, this is the truth that Bruce firmly believes.

Rely on artificial intelligence to solve problems? That's okay, that's what the New York City dude did. But what if one day cannot even rely on artificial intelligence?

You have to rely on yourself.

Human beings are the greatest miracle, and they can defeat all enemies, whether they are gods or demons.

At the same time, this picture was quietly transmitted to multiple directions on the earth, and many people looked at the unexpected picture dumbly and fell silent.

Batman, the mortal, fell on the ground with one hand and the powerful Superman, which left them speechless.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Pepper Pepper said to Tony.

Tony comfortably held a glass of wine, looked at the blurry picture as if watching a blockbuster, and said, "No, they didn't want to kill each other. It was more of a fight caused by ideas and spirits...well, a fight? That's right, that's it, when the fight is over, the problem will be solved."

"Then who should listen to whom in the end? One side of the conflict of ideas should always win, right?"

"It's very simple. Whoever wins proves that whoever has a better idea should listen to whoever." Tony raised his eyebrows and looked a little casual, but in fact, he has been nervously watching the progress of the situation.

"It seems that the annoying guy Bruce won...Well, I took back my words." Tony said.


After Batman tied Superman, he let out a long breath and slowly raised his head.

He met Superman's complicated eyes.

A huge sense of crisis rose, impacting Batman's nerves. He quickly reached out and grabbed the weapon beside him, but this speed was the same as the turtle speed in front of Clark, who was free from the influence of the kryptonite gas.

The long arms left a black shadow in the heavy rain. The black shadow has not dissipated, and the weapon has fallen into Superman's hands.

"Bruce, we need to talk." Superman took a long A large amount of oxygen gathered, directly triggering a small hurricane, which lasted for just a second and then disappeared immediately.

Then, after a few seconds of exhalation, a storm was created and several abandoned houses were blown away.

This unprecedented satisfaction made Clark feel alive.

Batman's face was gloomy. He has calculated the efficiency of Superman's absorption of sunlight and estimated the killing efficiency of Kryptonite on Kryptonian cells-don't forget, he also stores the Doomsday virus in his belt, which is a more high-end thing than Kryptonians. Batman has a deep understanding of the Kryptonians.

But there was still a mistake, and Superman recovered much faster than him.

Superman did not act immediately, but looked at the stiff-faced Batman seriously, and said solemnly: "Your method of defending Gotham City is problematic. Cruel torture and killing will only bring more vendetta and hostility."

Batman said indifferently: "If I don't be cruel, it will lead to more crimes."

kill? This kind of stuff...he started it a long time ago.