Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 562: You are so far from Jin Chaobaiyin

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Words are like swords. If you use them the wrong way, they can turn into ugly weapons." – Edogawa Conan | Detective Conan


sword is overrated


? "No one dared to talk to me like this for a long time."

Steppenwolf didn't look angry at all, looking at Hante, the axe in his hand-picked up, and pointed at Hante's head: "Because I killed anyone who dared to say this to me... I destroyed one after another. A universe as a graveyard for such fools."

Hunter said seriously: "Trust me, we know you far more than you think, this time, it's true."


The body of the steppe wolf suddenly moved. Wherever the figure disappeared, a huge sonic boom was generated, which turned into a powerful wave visible to the naked eye, spreading around in a circular shape, and the ground suddenly collapsed in a large piece, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

The distance of one hundred meters was surpassed in a flash, and this terrible speed could hardly be described by time.

The battle axe was raised and smashed against Hunt's head. The sharp axe blade flashed with cold light, and countless souls who had been beheaded in the past were wailing in pain.

The only **** can be defeated, but not allowed to be humiliated.

And... he will be defeated?

The corners of the grinning mouth were wide open, and the long sharp teeth collided. Steppenwolf destroyed too many universes and saw too many idiots.

This time, it was the same.

Hante's face changed, and the muscles on his legs immediately exploded with full strength. Because of the sudden overload, the muscles of the two legs suddenly swelled in a big circle, and the place wrapped in the black armor became bumpy. Uneven, magma-like blood flows quickly.

The axe slashed across, the light flashed, and the sharp sound came out afterward.

Hante retreated a few hundred meters away, looking at the huge scar on his chest, the sweat on his forehead rolled down like a waterfall.


On the chest, the black battle armor was cut with long cracks. This new type of battle armor developed from the battle armor worn by General Zod, at this time, was like paper, from the huge crack to the surrounding area. More subtle cracks.

Then, the pieces shattered, exposing Hunt's **** chest.

"Your strength limits your vision, Kryptonian. It is never a good thing to describe a person who is fearless. Your fearlessness is not because of courage, but because of ignorance."

Wasteland smiled awkwardly, the huge power spreading around his body almost changed the gravity of this area, making everyone present breathless.

"It seems that Downey has great ambitions. He restored the Kryptonians who should have been wiped out in the universe long ago, but that's all." Steppenwolf's cruel expression was full of blood.

Kryptonians are very common to him. If he wants to, he can create a lot of Kryptonians in a little time.

The multiverse is endless. If stepper wolves attack anyone, they can get the blood and soul of the Kryptonians, and then mass-produce the Kryptonians. This is a very easy move.

It's just not necessary.

Steppenwolves look down on a low-level species like the Kryptonians, a race that can be created with the Code of Life, which has no value worth his time wasting.

That is, Superman Clark can make him pay more attention.

With a bang, Superman who rushed over was beaten to the ground again by Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf grabbed Superman's head and lifted it up, leaning over, and sneered: "There are countless Kryptonians in the entire multiverse, and only you are a little bit interesting. Everything else is rubbish. This is also the reason why your gods abandoned you."

"Rao—the **** of Krypton and the sun **** worshipped by you, destroyed you with your own hands, and you are just a group of poor worms trembling before natural disasters and destiny. But except for you, Carl El, yours Da Ming makes me feel like thunder in the realm of gods."

Steppenwolf slammed the horrified Superman to the ground, like a toy, a pit of more than one meter was smashed out, and Superman vomited blood.

"You are very lucky, very lucky."

Steppenwolf blocked Hunt's attack with an axe and then slammed into Hunter, then indifferently flashed Wonder Woman's sword, also swung the axe, almost killed Diana, but was fortunate to be driven by Stephen in time. Transferred away through the portal.

Shou Lao roared, the huge dragon's body was provoked by the steppe wolf, and then stepped on it.

Iron Fist gathered the energy of the whole body, even at the expense of life potential, blasted the steppe wolf's body, and successfully left a wound on the steppe wolf's body.

Before Iron Fist was happy and the wound healed, Iron Fist was hacked to death by Steppenwolf on the spot, and the body was divided into two.

"I have abused and killed you in many universes. Your perseverance and courage are indeed good, but they are still not enough. They are too far away from your outstanding double body."

"If there is no golden superman who becomes a **** in one fell swoop, he will not hesitate to betray the race and essence from a three-dimensional life to a five-dimensional life, and be accepted by the five-dimensional king, now you cannot survive, because Rao will not let you go. The Golden Superman sold himself to the Fifth Dimension, opening up countless opportunities for you to survive."

"If there is no strong rise of Superman Silver, and he spares his life to rush into the realm of the gods to fight **** battles with the gods, all of you will be extinct, succumbing to the game of Rao. Superman Silver has paved the way for countless you with force and made you diverse The Kryptonians in the universe can live a little bit better...well, but Silver Super's strength is much worse."

"As for the Bronze Superman... the guy who wanted to copy the first two of you is also a bit interesting, but unfortunately I started faster, cut him off, and put his head in the museum of Apocalypse as my collection."

Wasteland smiled grinningly, bent over to look at Clark, who was covered in blood, reached out to Clark, pierced Clark's flesh with a fingernail, puffed, flesh and blood splashed, and then lifted Clark with a little effort. stand up.

A lot of blood flowed down and stained the ground.

"Many of your double bodies are also very good, the Supreme Little Superman, the Superman of Matter and Anti-Material...but you are far from it. You are the worst of all Superman I have ever seen.

"You should have a brighter future. If the Bronze Superman hadn't died, maybe you and your duo might become gods no less than mine. But unfortunately, the multiverse has restarted countless times. Only Jin Chao and Bai Yinchao can do it."

"And if the level of the two of them is placed in the realm of the gods, they are just very lowly goods, which can only be barely supported."

"Tsk tusk tusk, maybe Golden Superman is watching you right now, seeing you with his own eyes being torn to pieces by me, but he didn't dare to stop it."

"Because he is very clear and dares to intervene, even the fifth dimension can't keep him."

Steppenwolf enjoyed this process very much. He looked at the remnants and defeated soldiers on the ground, then nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand, and with a slight force, he tore off a large piece of Superman's flesh and blood, and he heard Superman's screams in his ears, revealing a happy expression.