Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 563: I saved it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Don't worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward" – Izuku Midoriya | My Hero Academia


The Steppenwolf licked the blood splashed on his face. He was very familiar with this kind of blood unique to Kryptonians. In the past countless battles, he tortured and killed unknown Kryptonians.

He has also come into contact with Rao, the **** of Krypton, who is not strong, but has a very cold temperament. The reason for destroying Krypton is also very funny: he wants to see what he does without the "sun". Admirer's reaction.

At the birth of the Ancient Destruction Day, a big pot was about to be buckled on Rao.

Countless gods suffered a great loss on the Ancient Destruction Day. They watched the Ancient Destruction Day sweep through that era, so they vented their anger on Rao and determined that the birth of the Kryptonian mutant creature of the Ancient Destruction Day was Rao's. Handwriting.

In fact, Rao was also aggrieved in his heart, because he could not survive the day of ancient destruction, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he decisively ran away and hid in the corpse of the first firmament that was besieged by the eternal gods, and got into the just born. The multiverse of the universe is deeply hidden.

At that time, when the multiverse was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt by angry gods, a **** named the Flash was born and built a wall of rapid force with one hand to protect the multiverse.

All the gods in the realm of gods are on the blacklist of the wall of fast power, forcing these gods to enter the multiverse as clones. If the main body enters, they will be trapped by the wall of fast power. People are quick and conscious to talk, they don't beat you or scold you, and they built a prison with almost no borders for you. The ghost knows how many years it will take to get out of the prison.

Then there is the time of Rao's game. With Rao's figure, the Krypton in the universe is an end to annihilation.

Anyway, in Rao's eyes, these Kryptonians are all beasts, and the multiverse is just a large pasture. After killing a batch, new beasts will be born.

What Rao did not expect was the strong rise of Jin Chao and Bai Yin Chao. The strength, wisdom, vision, experience, and foresight of these two guys are all top-notch. In addition to strength, other indicators are comparable to the only gods. .

The most embarrassing thing is that Rao can't beat these two guys. His role is more like a "scientist" who is good at genetic experiments.

He is the creator of the Kryptonians, but who said that the creator must be awesome? Back then, the first sky was so hung, the entire divine body was a universe, and the first universe in history. It was not a slave created by him, but the Dark Heaven God Group, which turned against the water and pitted it fiercely, which eventually led to his war. dead?

Taking eternity again, eternity is modeled on the new and colorful deity group created by the dark deity group. The most powerful one named the Sleeping Deity can easily break eternity.

The next thing is very simple, the destiny of countless superman does has since escaped from Rao's control, and they have begun to have their own destiny - or the destiny that Jin Chao Bai Yin Chao arranged for them.

Although Steppenwolf did not fight directly with Jin Chao and Bai Yinchao, he killed the Bronze Superman. Out of curiosity about Jin Chao and Bai Yinchao, he also deliberately killed many ordinary supermen and wanted to study it. What comes out?

As a result, he gave up, and Superman was far less useful than an army of demons.

It is no exaggeration to say that Steppenwolf's research on Superman is far stronger than Downey, much stronger.

"Tell me, tell me... Rao's situation... why does he want..." Superman said intermittently.

"Have you ever seen a beekeeper who breeds bees keep their hands when harvesting honey? Even if the bee colony reacts and desperately blocks it?" Steppenwolf laughed, and the strong sound wave shook the eardrums of Superman and the others.

"You have a high racial talent. Your race has many powerful individuals, but no matter how strong it is, it is for Rao."

"Kryptonians open their mouths and shut their mouths and are the pious and awe-inspiring expressions of'Rao is above' and'the benevolent and fraternal God of the world', but your **** just treats you as lambs and regularly kills a batch of meat to eat."

Steppenwolf sneered sarcastically.

Steppenwolf is very disdainful of Rao's approach and wants to graze meat sheep but still wants to be praised by the flock. Changed to the style of the Apocalypse, and slashed it up with an axe directly. How could it be so laborious?

I created you to kill you. Do you have any opinions? Have? Holding back.

Well, this is the style of the Apocalypse Star, this **** is not bothered to hide it.

"You are too weak, Carl, so weak that you don't even have the qualifications to know the truth-but I told you, you can understand that this is the gift of Lord Steppenwolf!"

"Come on, call out, 'The merciful, compassionate, and tolerant Steppenwolf Lord is here' I'll listen."

"Make me happy, and I will let you go."

Steppenwolf laughed and said, but he didn't leave his hand at all in his hand. He raised his axe on the spot and chopped off one of Clark's arms in one fell swoop.

Clark let out a muffled snort, his consciousness blurred. The speed at which he absorbs the yellow solar energy is far behind the speed at which he loses.

Every part of his body was bleeding crazily. Clark had already become a blood man. If his body had not automatically absorbed the energy of the yellow sun, he would have died if he replaced it with someone else.

"This shouldn't be true, you're lying..." Clark growled, every word seemed to be squeezed out of his broken throat.

Although he grew up on the earth, his knowledge of the history of Krypton comes from the information his father left him... But Clark'is very clear about what Rao means to Krypton.

The myth has collapsed, and the faith has collapsed completely.

Although he didn't believe in Rao so much.

Hunter got up and slammed a punch in the face of Steppenwolf indifferently, his movements steady and calm.

"Aren't you shocked? Your **** gives you the meaning of survival, which is to slaughter you and eat meat." Steppenwolf looked at the Kryptonian with interest.

"I don't care because my **** is never a Rao, I haven't even heard of the name."

Hunt said indifferently, retracting his painful fist, and continued to raise his other hand, hitting the steppe wolf's face severely.

"Then who is your god, Downey, or someone else?"

Steppenwolf looked at Hunter who had punched his face with a punch and retracted the fingers that hooked Superman. The free hand hit Hunter's face with a punch, and Hunter's body was smashed into the air on the spot Hundreds of meters, half of his face was almost beaten.

Steppenwolf laughed strangely and looked at the mess all over the ground, "This planet will become my genus, and all of you here will become my slaves."

"No matter who comes, I can't keep you guys!!"

"Coincidentally, my thoughts are opposite to yours. I'm in Baoding today for these brainless fools."

A white light flashed, and the chair of Mobius appeared, and Downey sat on the chair condescendingly, looking down at Steppenwolf like a god.