Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 570: Night

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"There is a kind of magic here!!"

"Run away! Contact the disaster response team immediately and let the superhero come!"


The burly figure fell from the sky, like a missile, whizzing and flying with a sonic boom and descending rapidly.

Superman, who has become more powerful, still wears his blue suit and red cape, with the S logo on his chest as always, bringing a sense of security to the residents of the metropolis.

The demon that had obviously devoured enough fear to evolve, screamed angrily, and the sound was harsh, but the next second, he was smashed into the air by Superman, most of his body shattered, his awkward expression solidified forever Live, and then, Superman severely smashed his head.

Another demon was killed.

Kill one and miss one.

The residents cheered loudly and sent their gratitude and joy to Superman without hesitation.

"You have become stronger, Superman!" A citizen stood on the top of the building and shouted at him.

It is true that the new form of Superman is not very good-looking, but it is not important. For metropolitan citizens, for the earth, the stronger Superman is a good Superman. As for appearance, that kind of thing is not important.

Superman nodded slightly to the citizens he saved, and his very oppressive body took two steps back quietly. Superman said: "It's not safe here. Remember to bring sirens when you go out."

After speaking, with a bang, a large cloud of smoke was lifted, and Superman had already rushed into the sky and disappeared.

This is his rare consolation because the citizens he guards do not discriminate against him because of his changed appearance. Everyone knows that Superman fought **** battles with his enemies and almost died in battle, in the final analysis, to protect them.

All they can do is blessings.

In this way, Superman was very satisfied. His favorite thing was that the people he saved looked at him with gratitude and admiration, and regarded him as an example.

When he came to an unmanned place, he used his terrifying super perspective and super hearing ability, and the whole earth was under his surveillance range, including the satellites in outer space.

Make sure it is safe and there is no monitoring equipment.

He found the glasses he had hidden, hesitated for a moment, and put them back carefully.

These glasses are camouflage props made with Krypton Technology. Wearing glasses, people who see him will naturally see another appearance. This is what Clark needs, his other identity.

Otherwise, the relationship between Superman and Clark would have been exposed. Everything is disguised by these glasses.

Clark looked down at his greatly changed body, closed his eyes, and carefully felt every subtle change in his body. He can feel that his life factor is slowly changing, the mutation link has passed, and this slow evolution and adaptation will continue until Clark finds a brand new body that suits him best.

At that time, he will become very powerful, and the brand-new genetic template will give him even more amazing potential and growth.

Of course, this is still inferior to Superman with the life code.


Louise looked at the man he used to cherish with a complicated expression.

Now, there is only one deformed monster.

"Loise, I know you will come!"

Clark was extremely excited, striding forward, subconsciously imagining the past, and hugged her with his arms wide open.

But Louise took a step back and looked at him complicatedly.

Clark froze.

The atmosphere became dull. Both of them looked at each other silently. Gradually, the emotions in their eyes became more and more complicated and sad.

"We should have a good talk..." Louise whispered before Clark could speak.

The fast-beating heart, like a big clock in Clark's ears, hit his own heart with every beating.

"Do you want to be like the past?" Clark asked hoarsely.

"Yes, it is..."

Clark walked over, resisted the violent mood swings, slowly picked up Louise, and then flew into the sky.

They have always done this in the past, enjoying the night breeze, hugging each other, and looking up at the moon.

As before, Clark flew over the metropolis with Louise, looking down at the bustling city below, watching the crowds coming and going.

This time, they will no longer avoid taboos, nor need to be cautious, because this is the last time.

Clark hugged her and flew slowly, their figures were discovered by the crowd below, causing a huge noise.

They talked in low voices for a long, long time, as if they were afraid of disturbing something. Eventually, Clark came to Louise's door, and gently let go of Louise, as if letting go of the world.

Back, turn around, stare, and leave.

There is no parting as usual, simply and neatly.

"Clark..." Louise held back her tears, turned, and opened the door.

General Sam Lane happened to be at home and looked at his daughter with a surprised look at this time: "What's wrong, my child? The situation on the earth has finally stabilized. It's rare for me to return home. Are you... the guy Clark Kent Bullied you?!"

Louise lowered her head, quickly dropped her handbag, and ran into her room.

General Sam was furious. "I told you, as my daughter, why bother with an unreliable little reporter? He is dead! I dare to bully my daughter and I will kill him!!"

Like the roar of a bull who protects the calf, a few kilometers away, Clark couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The gloomy face was pulled up, and the old face could still be seen, but the various organs became a little swollen. Although weird, it was not ugly.

He quietly came to the top of the Lex Building and looked down at the city.

The Lex Building was acquired by the Sky Eye Society and the owner had already been changed. However, the Sky Eye Club did not intend to change its name, so the Lex Group was retained.

"In trouble?"

Diana seemed to be a casual, came to the main entrance of Lex Building, and looked up at Clark on the top of the building.

She wore a simple dress, a brown leather jacket on the upper body, a chest-wrapped shirt underneath, and jeans underneath that set off her slender thighs. Their beautiful face was painted with light makeup as always, and their red lips were slightly opened, looking at Clark.

You don't need to deliberately raise your voice. At their level, a small distance is nothing.

Clark lowered his head and glanced at Diana, depressed: "Don't you have a mission, what are you doing here?"

"There are three hundred Transformers guards in the cemetery. When I rushed over, the poor monsters who made trouble there were torn to pieces. I also just learned that the disguised dilapidated vehicles there were all killing machines."

Diana leaped to the top of the building, and tilted her head, a little surprised and surprised: "This is not like you, I have never seen you like this." Transformers in Meimanli