Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 569: Flame of Greed

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! It's when… they are forgotten." – Dr. Hiruluk | One Piece


"Guys, help me, I'm going to be exhausted!!"

The Flash ran exhausted, showing a slow decline in speed.

That's right, he does run much faster than the time undead, but the time undead will not get tired, but he will.

Whenever he turned his head, the empty eyes of the Time Undead stared at him directly, making his heart hairy.

This kind of weird creature, he didn't want to entangle it anymore.

"Ice cold, Barry, extreme freezing can limit it!" Harrison said.


"No, Barry, I can't become a Frost Killer, I can't control that personality..." Catherine in front of the computer shook her head and said helplessly.

"You can, Catherine, it's not..."

"She can't, she is too soft now, unable to control a strong negative personality."

Downey's voice suddenly came. This time, instead of sitting in a chair, he directly used the portal to return to the earth, and the golden sparks slowly converged.

With an Omega-class mutant, Bobby the Iceman.

"Oh, God, help me! Help me get rid of this thing!"

The Flash almost shed tears when he saw Downey's figure.

The time undead is too dangerous and directly deprives the person touched of vitality and time.

"Bobby, use your power to freeze that thing," Downey said lightly.

From far to near, the Flash's figure turned into a red shadow with yellow thunder and lightning, with a shocking momentum. After a while, in the direction, he came, an ugly skeleton with only the upper body chased silently.

Iceman Bobby nodded, opened his hands, and quickly sprayed cold air behind the Flash. After several failures, Bobby finally succeeded in freezing the time undead and slowing down its speed.

The reason why the Iceman can be called an Omega-class mutant is because of his infinite ability to make ice, without reason, breaking the laws of physics, and exhaling cold air out of nothing.

This is a very powerful ability. When the strength is reached, the iceman can turn a blazing sun into a big block of ice in an instant. All moving atoms will be forcibly slowed down, but Bobby itself will not lose much. terror.

It is simply too easy to deal with a time undead who will not retaliate, will not be angry, will not hate.

If you fail once, try a few more times. Anyway, the time undead only loves Barry and doesn't even bother to care about others.

The undead of time was invaded by a strong cold air, the peculiar body structure began to freeze, the speed dropped sharply, and finally became a block of ice.

"Does this thing die?" Bobby put down his hand and asked.

"Who knows, maybe you were frozen to death, it doesn't really matter." Downey smiled.

The Flash sat down on the ground, breathing heavily, wailing, and rejoicing.

He is exhausted.

"Will you cross the timeline next time?" Downey looked at him with a smile.

The Flash hesitated and shook his head: "No."

"Your hesitation tells me that you will try, even if you pay a painful price, and you now know the way to deal with the undead of time."

Downey squatted down, patted his shoulder, and looked at him seriously: "You want to resurrect your mother? This is a very dangerous idea. Anyone who wants to change history will only become a part of history."

"You seem to know everything..." The Flash looked at him suspiciously.

"I have an all-knowing chair. I sit on it and study when I'm okay." Downey said lightly.

The Flash seemed to understand, but after sitting on the ground for a while, the powerful resilience given to him by the speed force had an effect, and his exhaustion quickly disappeared.

"I just want to know the truth." The Flash said solemnly.

"When you go back to that point in time, your emotions will drive you to stop the death of your mother, even if it leads to shame in history. You will not succeed, Barry, you will regret it."

Downey patted Barry on the shoulder, reached out and picked up the ice cube, and left with a confused look from Bobby.

The Flash stood there silently, in the headset, Harrison's nervous voice came.

"Barry, Barry? I suddenly lost your signal! What happened?"

"Downey is here, he helped me deal with the time undead..." The Flash was silent for a moment and said.

He did not reveal the conversation that traveled through time.

Moreover, why did Downey cut off his headset signal...? Pushing doubts into his stomach, Barry closed his mouth tightly.



In the cold cave, the steppe wolf was shrouded in darkness, and the expression on his face was uncertain.

Steppenwolf just received the memory of a dead clone, and everything that happened in the main universe was received by the body that sits on the Apocalypse Star.

Steppenwolf's face was very strange as if hesitating and tangled.

Is the anti-life equation possible?

Darkside searched for countless years and found nothing. Many people think that this thing does not exist.

"Antimatter universe, Mobius..." In the mind of Steppenwolf, countless opposing thoughts flowed.

The sensitive information conveyed by Downey directly touched the ambitions of Steppenwolf.

As for the death of a clone in the battle, it was a matter of Zhima Da, and Steppenwolf didn't care at all.

In the entire multiverse, Steppenwolf has countless clones and can create more clones and throw them into the multiverse at any time. If he goes crazy for a trivial clone, he will not reach the level he is today.

Moreover, during his long years of battle, the clones that were overthrown by the indigenous people of the multiverse are simply too many to count. There are too many, so many that the Steppenwolf body does not care about it at all.

In his heart, there is a fierce confrontation.

Will you tell his nephew? Or just go to As long as he can get the anti-life equation, he will become the strongest Apocalypse!

Ambition swelled crazily, and a flash of heat flashed in Steppenwolf's eyes.

The law of survival in Apocalypse is actually very simple, and the strong is respected. After Yuga Khan played himself on the Wall of Origin and never returned, Darkside became the strongest, so Steppenwolf was loyal to Darkside.

Steppenwolf is an existence that implements the concept of respecting the strong, and whoever is strong will follow whoever is. But now there is a chance to make him the strongest...

That is the anti-life equation, the ultimate ruining formula for the opposite of all life.

After a long time, as if hundreds of millions of years had passed, Steppenwolf let out a long sigh, got up, held the tomahawk tightly in his palm, and walked out of the cave blankly.

"It looks like we are going to the antimatter universe."

Deep greed and desire flashed in the eyes of Steppenwolf. Transformers in Meimanli