Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 601: dead

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


It will do no good to fight with hate in your heart. – Yugi Muto from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh!


? "As long as you join the Apocalypse, I can give you the priority to use the mother box, and the grace between you and us will be wiped out."

"Do you want me to serve that famous tyrant?" Downey looked playful.

"You have to understand that not everyone can be a tyrant. In addition to strength, they must also have skills and talents. Those fools who don't have the ability to kill people will be dead long ago." The Wasteland Wolf said coldly.

"If I refuse, will you list me as a mortal enemy?"

"If you still occupy the mother box, we will hunt you first. The mother box is a treasure of the Apocalypse and must not be controlled by outsiders." Steppenwolf said.

Downey was lost in thought.

Surrender to Darkside? To be honest, this is a very awkward move. No one knows when Darkside went mad and dissected him.

The tyrant's temper is really untrustworthy, it has nothing to do with strength and wrist.

As for the mother box... To be honest, although Downey controls the mother box, in fact, his authority is only about half. To further seize control of the mother box, a lot of time and knowledge is needed, at least X energy Let me figure it out.

This is research that even Apocalypse has spent hundreds of millions of years without completing.

"Let Darkside talk to me, let him come to see me, and I will return the mother box to him personally." Downey suddenly sneered.

"If you really want to die..." Steppenwolf also sneered.

Due to the fact that Darkside's clone can share the Omega effect, its combat power is far stronger than his Steppenwolf clone. No matter how bad it is, it is infinitely close to level 8. Downey, the new god, is currently only a level 7. Hard to shake Darkside positively...

Steppenwolf carefully estimated it and found in astonishment that it seemed that Downey's chances of winning were not low.

The plot gem, coupled with the unknown flame but also the only prop...

Steppenwolf's mood suddenly became very bad, and he waved his thick arms, "You can do it yourself, you know what to say and what not to say."

Abandoning these words, Steppenwolf grumbled and decided to leave.

As a result, Downey stopped him, drew a golden spark, and took out a... sickle and a large group of wriggling meat.

"I said, it's only one shot to kill half of the people. I'm talking about it."

Downey looked at Steppenwolf very seriously, exposing his eyes to murderous intent, "Trade belongs to trade, and war belongs to war."

The so-called transaction is the news of the anti-life equation that Downey conveyed to Steppenwolf and promised not to tell Darkside.

But this doesn't mean that he will let go of Steppenwolf and kill them easily, which is also good.

Killing this steppe wolf would kill exactly half of the people.

"You can't do this." The steppe wolf's face changed, and the anger surged and roared.

"I can. The moment you appear in front of me, you are already an enemy."

Downey sneered, slapped the sickle pretending to be dead, and slapped it roughly with the wriggling mass of meat.

Immediately afterward, a test tube appeared in the palm of his hand and slammed into the meatball.

"Steppenwolf, have a good journey."

Downey smiled strangely, then pointed his sickle at Steppenwolf, carrying a billion tons of energy index, and tossed it out like a spear.

The huge lightning struck the Steppenwolf first, causing the Steppenwolf to stagnate for an instant. Then, the huge mass of flesh slammed into the Steppenwolf, almost shattering his body.

The meatball squirmed frantically, and the sickle wrapped inside suddenly changed, and a will awakened from its deep sleep.

"Whhhhhhh, my General Dead Blade has finally waited until today! I know! My plan of pretending to be dead is perfect, no one knows my secret! Even Downey was deceived by me!"

"Freedom! This is the breath of freedom!!!"

"My General Death Blade, that's how I hang it!!!... Hey, who the **** are you?"

The new General Deadblade smoothly lost control of the unconscious meat group, reorganized his body following the meat group's instinct, and looked vaguely at the Steppenwolf that was almost cut in half by him.

In the beginning, their Dark Order attacked Cybertron under Thanos' orders but was destroyed by the group, and General Deadblade was also killed, but because his body was a sickle instead of a body, he slept in sleep. Until now.

Sorrowful screams and scolding roared from the wasteland wolf's mouth. In a rage, he severely pinched the unformed Deathblade general with his sturdy arms and was about to tear him to pieces with his last breath.

It is a pity that he has no strength anymore. He was half-dead by the lightning from the mother box, and General Dead Blade passively gave him a fatal blow.

Once again, Steppenwolf died in Downey's hands again.

Then, without waiting for a new body to take shape, Downey immediately threw them together on the star of Apocalypse.

"Well, this is enough for half..."

Donny sat in a chair and scanned the remaining guys indifferently, "Go away, let you die today, and wait for you to return to your hometown and tell you the life of the world, the **** who spared your life. Only, the great Cybertronian God!"

"I want my name to resound in the multiverse from now on."

"I want my glory to be praised by every life from now on."

"Go away, you humble rubbish!"

Downey showed his teeth, and the icy voice was accurately transmitted into each individual's mind, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, bombarding them fiercely, causing them to vomit blood.

Many surviving lucky bugs hurriedly fled, fled the universe in embarrassment, and returned to their respective worlds.

They will never forget that a new **** slaughtered them like a dog. The bones of 2,142 strong men laid the dignity of the new god.

The whole tattered universe was on the verge of collapse and suddenly fell into silence for a while.

Life is extinct, blood is poured back, their physical collapse and the universe is heading toward death.

But more terrifying than death is death that controls death.

Bang bang bang...

"Nice Downey, it's amazing."

Death appeared silently, like a ghost, with a large black robe similar to Downey's dress. The face under the hood showed pale bones, and countless souls were wailing.

"I've been waiting for you, death." Downey grinned, and sat on the Mobius chair peacefully, with his hands crossed and leaning comfortably on the backrest, calmly watching the man responsible for maintaining the balance of the multiverse. The top god.

"Everyone who waits for me and embraces me will fall into my embrace, even you, Downey. You are better than I thought, and the speed of evolution has exceeded my expectations, but this is not counted. The better you are, the more gratified I will be."

Death beckoned, and Thanos suddenly appeared beside her, her burly purple body, with a silent expression, that Ruowu's cold and numb gaze.

Then, Death gently stroked Thanos' strong chest, like a close lover. With a light force, she stabbed her hands in, blood splashing, and red flowing down like a pouring waterfall.