Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 602: Parasites

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


It is at the moment of death that humanity has value. – Archer from the anime Fate Series


? Thanos' chest was torn open on the spot, a large number of internal organs began to pour out, and the scene was bloody.

Downey watched the scene calmly and compared him to more than 2,000 gods who had killed him in one breath. This is nothing short of a trivial matter.

But Downey obviously didn't plan to wait until the enemy was ready.

The huge mother box barrier was pressed down on its side, and the layers of terrifying thunder on it roared towards... Thanos.

The terrifying scene of ruining the heavens and the earth was actually intended to blast the little Thanos into scum.

"You want Thanos to take away my godhead, and then use my fruits to become a powerful quasi-only god, don't even think about it."

Downey sat on a chair with a translucent flame in his eyes. The turbulent fire source directly connected to the mother box in a detached manner, controlling the mother box to destroy the enemy unscrupulously.

The movement of death suddenly stopped, and the black robe had no wind. The white lightning that struck was blocked by the invisible barrier. She tilted her head and looked at him with hollow and dark eyes: "You guessed it?"

"I have dissected all five Thanos corpses. Thanos, a mutant life with perfect genes but breaking through perfect barriers, has the possibility of carrying everything. In order to create a mass-produced weapon like Thanos, A lot of effort was lost, right?" Downey sneered.

Thanos and Destruction Day are two different types of biological weapons.

Destroying Japan is an evolution in nature. Even if it is the ancient day of destruction that even the only gods are afraid of, its infinite resurrection ability is essentially a kind of super evolution, and it has evolved to the point of ignoring death itself.

The essence is the same as when he evolved to ignore the magma and the explosion. The essence is evolution.

And Thanos is a carrier and platform that carries external forces. No matter what the mess is, it can be loaded on Thanos, making Thanos extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that Thanos is absolutely mass-produced. It is the cheapest and most effective biological weapon, not to mention that Thanos' life and death are absolutely controlled by death.

It is difficult to say which Thanos or Ancient Destruction Day is better, because the upper limit of Thanos's body is not high, and the external force obtained is strong, and Thanos is stronger. The Day of Annihilation is an infinite evolution, and theoretically, there is no end to the future.

At least no one can see the end of the evolution of the Ancient Destruction Day. Before touching the tangible and intangible life barriers that may or may not exist, everyone will be in awe of the Ancient Destruction Day.

Death did not make a sound, and with a strong force, Thanos was completely killed.

From beginning to end, Thanos remained silent. I don't know when it started, he became more and more silent, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Maybe death knows.

Maybe you don't even know death.

Death stretched out the bones of his hand, slender and white. With a gentle pinch, the soul left behind after Thanos died was drawn out.

"I am the **** in charge of death. All non-unique multi-beings, no matter how noble, are under my position and obey me."

"When you kill one after another multiple beings, you will inevitably be contaminated with the breath of death, which is also my breath at the same time."

"Your formed gods, there are countless dead wailing, now, I will put a soul in you again."

Death took off his hood, revealing his petite white-bone head, and in the bottomless and deep eye sockets, little ghost fire was beating. She stretched out her hand gently, moving softly, fearing that it might be alarming, the soul in her hand drifted towards Downey.

Downey frowned slightly, and he felt something special in his source.

That is something that belongs to him and can be influenced by others.

"How many years have passed, I don't know how many years I have been waiting for. After restarting, again and again, the multiverse has never been born with a new only God. Every new era, I am looking forward to and longing for it, but every time It all disappoints me."

"Until I found you, Downey."

"Do you know how excited I am?"

Death made a creepy chuckle, seeming to be laughing and crying again.

"Excitement has an ass, my godhead, no one wants to take it away," Downey said indifferently.

"Even Darkside has had the experience of being shattered by Dark Walkers, resulting in incomplete Godhead, let alone you a newly promoted only god?"

"Then you try."

Downey coldly watched Thanos' soul suddenly disappear, and then appeared in his gods strangely, grinning.

The mother box roared and rolled over, used to suppress death, and the world-destroying scenes of lightning and thunder occurred frequently, but many times it was avoided and blocked by death.

After repeating it many times, death still failed to resist and died.

Downey didn't expect to completely kill death by relying solely on the mother box, and this was just a clone, and the body didn't know where it was hiding.

Sending out Thanos, this clone is actually meaningless.

In the Godhead, countless vast forces are rotating at super high speeds, every minute and every second, billions of hours pass by, and massive energy particles are handed over, collided, and united with each other.

This endless vortex is Downey's godhead and the source of all the strength of Downey.

The soul of Thanos appeared here and was wiped out by the only force that madly attacked from all directions. Rao is the strong will of Thanos, and can't help showing an expression of pain.

He grew his mouth wide and let out a silent growl. In the Godhead of the One God, he is too small, as subtle as an ant, suffering the rejection and destruction of the entire world.

Downey opened his left hand, expressionless, and wanted to use the power of the story gem to make corrections.

But there was a crisp sound, and a slight crack appeared on the appearance of the plot gem.

"Sure enough... the plot correction power of the plot gems has become my subsidiary force, and it is only a marginalized force in my godhead. It is impossible to modify the contents of my godhead with plot gems."

"Moreover, the mission of the story gem has been completed."

Downey looked at the widening crack in his hand without any surprise.

Think about it carefully, why is Downey the only one? Why can he surpass countless restarts, countless epochs of geniuses, beyond the terrifying existences of the quasi-unique level in the realm of gods, and become the only god?

The plot gem has exerted great efforts to urge a single **** to come, which is already extremely difficult.

Infinite gems are never invincible, even if they are unique plot gems, they have their limits.

The eighth level is the limit that the story gems can affect, and acting as the driving source to give birth to the sole **** Downey, the difficulty is more than that of the eighth level!

The eighth level is not uncommon. For example, the four Omega-class mutants on Cybertron, such as Wanda and Iceman, are also multi-life, but as long as they are cultivated, their future combat power will also start at least at level 8.

But the only **** is too terrifying, the essence is eternal and unique, eternally unified, and the potential is even harder to estimate.

To be honest, it was a surprise to Downey that the plot gem could last until now.