Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 615: signature

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Our karma is the result of the total of our actions in this and previous lives, and it decides our fate." – S. R. Atchison


Downey opened his eyes and was silent.

His spiritual body was shattered by Sannomiya, and he died outside the supernatural power wall.

"How's it going?" Stephen asked.

Downey walked out of the main hall and looked up at the sky. "You must not participate in the civil war. The civil war of the heroes of the secular world has nothing to do with you. You must be trapped. This is not Kama Taj's mission."

Stephen nodded.

"I'm going to the core of the earth," Downey said.

Stephen's face changed slightly: "Be careful, that place is strange, and you told me not to explore it lightly."

"I will not go deep, just observe from the outside. If there is nothing I want, I will leave immediately without disturbing what is inside."

Downey sold it with one kick, boarded the Mobius chair, sat firmly on it, and then the white light flickered and quickly dived into the ground and disappeared.

All kinds of mud and minerals in front of him swept upwards, and Downey drove his chair toward the center of the earth.

In the core of the earth, the secret of the origin of life on earth is hidden.

A dead cosmic deity, a powerful deity named the final judge.

And those cosmic locusts sleeping in the body of the final verdict.

Four billion years ago, a final verdict went crazy, stumbled into the universe, and finally died on Earth. The life organization that broke out from him, combined with the cosmic locust parasitic on him, became the origin of the earliest life on earth.

Cosmic locusts themselves are not strong in combat effectiveness, but they can exert terrible influence on their hosts, and then control them. Even the strongest team in the cosmic **** group, the final ruling master was planted into the hands of these cosmic locusts.

That's right, the final judges of the entire organization are planted. The one who died on the earth is only one of them. More judges are still somewhere in the universe, controlled by other cosmic locusts.

If Downey accidentally alarmed the sleeping locusts in the core of the earth, the locusts in the depths of the universe would also be awakened. At that time, groups of controlled final judges would swarm.

This was the worst result, and it was the result Downey tried to avoid.

He is not interested in the final verdict and the cosmic locust itself. He is very concerned about whether the earth's core hides what he really needs.

The eighth infinite gem is the rhythm gem.

As Downey went deeper, he soon came to a place not far from the core of the earth. Downey slowed down and was extremely cautious, quietly perceiving with the power of the only god.

But unfortunately, there is no special breath.

Downey was faintly aware that many vital signs were sleeping, but there was no breath of infinite gems.

"do not have it..."

Downey looked disappointed.

It's a pity, if the rhythm gem is on the earth of the main universe, it will save a lot of effort.

But now... the multiverse is so huge that the ghost knows which universe the rhythm gem is in the core of the earth.

Downey quietly returned to the ground, without alarming the locusts, letting them continue to fall asleep.

"There is no way, it seems that I have to go to Sannomiya personally."

Downey was floating on the earth's atmosphere, looking helpless.

Regarding Constantine summoning the Sannomiya to disrupt the situation, it actually happened in the original book. In Injustice, the Superman camp broke with the Batman camp, and the two sides fought.

Constantine on Batman's side summoned the big killer of the Sannomiya, and almost killed Superman and others in seconds. As always, Konstantin is a typical killer, no matter what to bury, he ran away in a hurry after summoning the Sannomiya, and his teammates were extremely skilled.

If it hadn't been for the troublemaker running from the fifth dimension in time to save the field and block the Sannomiya, Superman would not have even been left dead.

"It will take some time to keep that **** from Sannomiya out of the main universe... This time I don't have a weapon like Infinite Gems."

Downey pondered for a moment and flew directly to the edge of the cosmic barrier, then easily passed through and came to the endless blood domain.

The viscous blood energy slowly creeps in, brewing terrible power, and if some weaker seventh level plunges in, they will be consumed alive.

But this was nothing to Downey. Although the blood domain energy was powerful, it did not pose a threat to him who had been prepared for a long time.

Downey looked around, watching the dark spheres floating quietly that were invisible to ordinary people.

Every sphere is a universe.

Downey opened his palm, and the mother box had already appeared in his hand. Gently rubbing the palm of his hand, the mother box made slight fluctuations along with Downey's control.

"This time, Sannomiya is still going to die. He doesn't have a magical tool like the Omega effect. It is extremely difficult to create an eighth-strength clone, and I die two consecutively in my hands. Presumably, Sannomiya will feel distressed to death."

Downey rubbed the mother box, with a few gleams of cold in his eyes.

It's useless to reason with Sannomiya, only fists. Or teach him with his fist first, and then talk about the truth.



Stephen called Nick Tims, Wang, and Mordor to explain the related matters. After a few people discussed, they quietly started the related magic circle to monitor all parts of the earth, focusing on monitoring the Zhenglian and ~ Honestly, the situation is not so good.

There is a clear separation between the Zhenglian and the Fulian.

The pressure of public opinion intensified, and it seems that they are being manipulated by those who are interested. Although the lurking Hydra is almost eliminated, it can't stop many people who really feel that superheroes should be restricted.

This is nothing to Iron Man, but for people like Batman, it is absolutely impossible to accept supervision.

"The situation is clear now. Bats, machos, and Sailor Moon are on the opposite side of me."

Tony is wearing an expensive suit with his hands in his pockets, quietly watching the struggling Captain America. He was talking jokingly rubbish, but this time no one laughed and everyone looked ugly.

"I want you to sign the document. We Avengers, aren't we under S.H.I.E.L.D. oversight from the beginning?" Tony said.

The US team held the document with one arm—his other arm was chopped off by Steppenwolf, and the stubborn captain refused to accept the prosthesis—he said solemnly: "But S.H.I.E.L.D. has fallen. We are now independent. Organization."

"At least this can't change the original intention of our team, can it? Okay, I know it doesn't make much sense, but Steve, keep your eyes open and see how much damage we have caused! Unrestricted power is absolutely extremely dangerous. Once you lose control, everything will be over..."

"Who can guarantee that all of us here will always stay true to your heart? Who can guarantee that it will not deteriorate?"

Tony took the document, pointed to the lower right corner, and said to the Avengers: "Sign, we are still independent. It is nothing more than an excuse to communicate with the government. Believe me, I know too well what those officials want. ."