Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 616: Civil War (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Captain America finally signed it.

He touched his empty arm and fell into a long silence, with a trace of confusion in his determined pupils.

Is this decision right or wrong?

No one knows, no one knows this until the results come out.

Tony watched Steve sign and let out a long sigh. Get Steve done, then everything is not a problem.

"Where is our god?" Tony tilted his head and asked Thor, who had changed his appearance.

"I will not sign, I am the king of Asgard, I will accept your command because you are my comrades in arms. But I will never accept the command of the earth, the nature is different." The height is close to three meters. Thor said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, Lord God King, you have the final say." Tony put away the files indifferently, glanced at everyone present, and walked out of the meeting room.

"Mr. Stark!" Spider-Man caught up and stopped him. "I signed this document. Will my aunt be in danger?"

Tony looked around, then put his hand on Spider-Man's shoulder, "Trust me, kid, your family will be best protected. Are you going to be all right without seeing me and Pepper? We had a very comfortable life. ."

"I believe you, sir, in fact, I will sign because of you..." Spider-Man said hesitantly.

Tony looked at him for a while, then patted him on the shoulder again, "Everything will be fine."


At the same time, in Gotham, the pouring rain was pouring down, and the billowing clouds covered everything, straight to the soul.

Several figures stood on the top of a building, and the pouring rain slapped them all, and they couldn't shake their bodies at all.

"It was so decided. We, the Justice League, will never sign the "Superhero Registration Act". The reason why superheroes are superheroes is that they pursue justice. But when this powerful justice is placed in the sun Next, everything will be different."

The huge cloak was photographed by the heavy rain and clung to Batman's body. The pupil behind the mask was as calm and sensible as ever, and he looked down at Gotham City under the rain.

"Conflict will definitely arise. When some people choose to compromise, then those of us who are unwilling to compromise will be hostile and targeted." Diana said solemnly.

"Then let them come, we never fear all unjust behavior," Superman said calmly.

"Will we fight the Avengers?" The Flash scratched his chin.

"We will not take the initiative to conflict with them, but if they take the initiative to find us, everything will be different," Batman said hoarsely.

The Flash was silent for a while and finally sighed without saying anything.

Accept the bill and everything will be put under the sun, which is too bad for the Flash. He is not afraid of anyone, but his relatives and friends are different and will be killed by crazy criminals.

Batman stood quietly for a while, moved away first, jumped out of the building, and opened his wings like a ghost in the dark.

"I will go to negotiate with Tony. He wants to be Minister of Defense and should not tie irrelevant people to his chariot. If he insists on following the government's will to force prepared."

Batman's voice came from the rain, was blocked by the sound of rain, and became intermittent as if it was deliberately blocked by something in the dark.

"It won't go to that point." Superman comforted the comrades around him, smiling faces with great affinity, but the worries in his eyes could not be concealed anyway.

The bad situation has long been calculated by Superman countless times, just hope this will not become a reality...


Murphy's law proves that the more worried the situation will become reality.

Iron Man became the Minister of National Defense and issued a public statement that the "Superhero Registration Act" is responsible for the safety of the public, and every superhero must accept the bill. At the same time, the bill will strictly follow the principle of confidentiality, and all information will be sealed with the highest level of confidentiality.

Of course, keep it secret or something, just listen, whoever really believes it is a fool.

In front of a group of super criminals with superior combat power and wisdom, any so-called secrecy is ridiculous.

Moreover, it is a secret kept by the government, which is almost equivalent to being undefended.

As soon as the news came out, world public opinion exploded immediately.

All the scenes that people of insight do not want to see, seem to inevitably appear and quickly slide into the abyss.

The increasingly strong smell of gunpowder and the aggressiveness from certain officials have pushed things into a worse situation.

Civil war is inevitable.

There is no right or wrong in this incident, it is a division of ideas in the true sense.

Iron Man is right. He doesn't want the power of the superheroes to get out of control, and he has made his identity public a long time ago, and he has the ability to protect those close to him.

Batman is also right. He is the dark knight, always walking in the dark but yearning for the light. He will never disclose the identity of Batman, and he is skeptical of everything.

It does not matter whether it is right or wrong, it is purely a gap between ideas and cognition.

As Downey said, no one knows how many people will die...including both and they would not expect how many people will die...


Downey sat in the Mobius chair, receiving a lot of information from the chair. Everything that happened on the earth could not escape Downey's monitoring.

"It's going to be a fight in the end..." Downey had a flat face.

Let's fight, the talks fell apart, and the two sides could not compromise and could only use force to solve the problem.

The heroes on Earth use force to solve problems. Similarly, Downey also needs to use force to solve problems.

The four-in-one mother box floated slowly under Downey's control, and then, the intense white light flashed, and the entire mother box began to expand wildly, and a terrifying black barrier continued to spread, strongly enveloping the entire main universe.

The barrier of the mother box flashed thunderously, enclosing the main universe inside, protecting it from strong enemies to the utmost extent.

The long white dragons roared and broke into Downey's body, covering the surface of his body, raising Downey's breath infinitely, and the howling ocean boiled, rendering the blood territory like daylight.

Downey controls half of the power of the mother box, which is already a very astonishing number, enough to give Downey an incomparably powerful strength without using the core X energy.

Downey was ready for the attack on Sannomiya.

In the rich blood domain, a terrifying demon aura is quickly approaching, and the Sannomiya demon flies toward the main universe with a gloomy face. The hideous teeth and head horns set off the strongest demon, blood-red as lava. Kind of horror.

Along the way, Sannomiya, whose heart was on fire, destroyed several irrelevant universes, and the explosion and blood energy were mixed together.

In front of his line of sight, at the other end blocked by countless universes, the main universe is vividly visible.