Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 630: What is your opinion?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Tony has always felt that he can grasp reality because he has wisdom and status beyond ordinary people.

He wanted to control reality and control the bad situation when he encountered it, but reality was like a little girl who did not dare to be humiliated.

Had it not been for the king of God Thor to crush a group of Justice League men, the Avengers would have been defeated.

"Registration bill..." Tony scratched his hair, extremely irritable, and sighed long.

It's not easy to be the Secretary of Defense...

Sensitive Tony noticed that some of the heroes within the Avengers seemed to have begun to hate fighting, and they were more willing to fight super criminals than fighting against Zhenglian.

The sky in Gotham City was still gray, dark clouds rolled in, and the darkness that poured down made people very irritable.

In the Bat Cave, Batman is carefully adjusting his armor. In this empty and dim cave, dozens of suits of suits are listed, ranging from the most common bat suits to exoskeleton suits, shark suits, Fenrir suits... There are many more unnamed. Model.

"Aren't you tired? You are repeating the same work every day, checking your equipment again and again." Robin drove the chariot and rushed in, a sudden brake, and the friction between the tires and the ground produced an unpleasant smell of burning. .

Batman calmly turned on the air purifier.

"On the battlefield, only the weapon in your hand is the most reliable. It can save your life."

Batman said hoarsely, and continued to look at the Fenrir armor in front of him, "Don't you bring your friends out to breathe?"

He stretched out a finger, flicked the eye of the armor, and made a crisp sound.

"Hahaha, you found all of this..."

Robin smiled awkwardly and opened the Bat Chariot.

"Long time no see, Steve." Batman didn't look up, and continued his work indifferently.

The U.S. team, with one broken arm, got out of the Batmobile, looked at the bat cave at the fastest speed, paused for half a second on the huge dinosaur model, and said, "I just saw it half a month ago."

"At that meeting, someone died."

"Not this time."

"It's not your decision." Batman closed a large part of the armor and let out a long breath before turning his head to look at the uninvited guest.

It was an extremely stupid act to bring outsiders into the bat cave. Batman glared at Robin with extremely dissatisfied eyes.

Robin opened his hands: "Don't worry, no one is staring. I have always paid attention to this. This is what you taught me. I just want this damn, meaningless war to end, and we can't die anymore. "

"It's not you who have the final say." Batman stared at him.

Robin raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, okay, you can beat me, but wait until after the talk..."

Batman stopped speaking and looked at the American team that suddenly visited. Under the calm and indifferent appearance and demeanor, the muscles have already tightened, like a beast ready to go.

He will always be vigilant towards anyone, even his closest comrade-in-arms-in Batman's view, trust and vigilance are always two different things. This point must be clearly distinguished.

He trusts his comrades, but at the same time maintains vigilance and vigilance against powerful comrades.

The Dark Knight has always been like this, with this attitude towards his comrades, not to mention the American team in a hostile camp.

In his opinion, Robin, an idiot, was fooled by the US team, and he could actually do the stupid thing of taking the enemy to his home base.

This has nothing to do with the position and the heart, it has nothing to do with the brain.

"You can end this meaningless war, Batman, we all have the ability to stop the expansion of the war." The US team said quickly.

Batman said indifferently: "You started the war, you messed up everything, and you are also the culprit of all problems."

"Tony's starting point is good. He wants to make powerful heroes controllable..."

"This starting point is wrong! It is controllable and uncontrollable. It is never a person or organization that has the final say. Tony says that it is controllable and it is controllable? The government says it is uncontrollable, and Tony also says it is uncontrollable?"

"When every face hidden behind the suit is exposed to the sun, it is a huge disaster. No one will be a superhero in the future, because heroes also have family and friends, and they don't want family and friends to die. All Heroes will choose to disappear."

Batman came to the opposite side of the U.S. team. At 1.88, he was obviously shorter than the U.S. team. The cold eyes behind the mask were colder than the iceberg.

The US team looked painful: "Yes, I know, I have always known the consequences... That's why I came to you. All this must end, and our only strength can no longer be consumed internally."

Batman stared at him for a while, and said indifferently, "What's your opinion?"

"Someone must stand up to take responsibility and end this terrible situation. I am willing to take responsibility for this." The US team solemnly said, "No one is more suitable than I have prestige, ability, and status. , Both a soldier and a one is more suitable than me."

Batman didn't speak.

Indeed, no one is more suitable than the US team, whether it is character, status, reputation, the US team is worthy of people's trust, and only his dedication can make everything come to an end.

However, trust...

Batman frowned without a trace. This practice of building an uncertain future on his personal character made him subconsciously vigilant.

"I think..." As soon as the US team spoke, it was interrupted.

Batman stared at him with a pair of eyes: "You have to be a prisoner and a hostage. This is my lowest bottom line. If you are not strong enough, you can kill you with a single bullet. In the reunion, your combat power It's the bottom, anyone can beat you, there is only this way for you to end."

The American team nodded silently.

Robin blew a whistle happily, but quickly retreated from the cold gaze that looked at him, and closed his mouth obediently.

"The Avengers lost..." the US team whispered.

"The source of your members destined you to lose." Batman shook his head.

The Avengers, most of them are a group of people who have close ties with the government and the military.

The American team, Natasha, Tony, and others will not talk about it. The first generation of Ant-Man and the Wasp were government employees, and the second-generation Ant-Man was the son-in-law of the first generation...Many people couldn't get rid of the official shackles from the beginning.

But the Justice League is very different. They both hide their true identity. This means that many heroes who have grown up from the folks tend to join the Justice League in order not to expose themselves to protect their family and friends.

After a long time, the Avengers can't afford the Justice League.