Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 631: boom!- 641: Rao

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


In outer space, Superman and Diana join forces to fight Thor.

The three figures collided fiercely in the vacuum of the universe, and powerful energy rays flew horizontally. Each attack was enough to cause a large earthquake on the earth.


Thor held down Diana's head, raised his other hand to lie down on Clark's hot gaze, and flung out a strong divine power, knocked Clark away, leaving a large area on Clark's chest. Scars.

The yellow sun was blazing, and the yellow radiation from it was absorbed by Clark, which quickly repaired the scars on his chest.

"You two are not my opponents." Thor hit him with a punch, vomiting blood, and flew out tens of thousands of meters.

In the vacuum, the residual fluctuations of divine power slowly dissipated, and the divine power particles escaping from the body contained 10,000 tons of power.

At the level of a demigod, it is normal to destroy the planet at every turn, not to mention that Thor has surpassed the demigod, and any movement in his hand can cause terrible destruction.

The three of them kept their hands tacitly in the battle, and did not let the battle situation develop into a bad situation.

"Give up, if I really wanted to, you would have lost." Thor hit Clark again, changing the other's face, and he himself was hit by Clark with a punch.

But apparently, Thor's damage was extremely limited.

Compared to Thor, who was easy to do, Clark and Diana looked ashamed and scarred all over.

"How can you be so strong..." Diana looked ugly.

"Because of hatred, I took the risk and chose power. Fortunately, I succeeded." Thor said flatly, and glanced at Clark, who also had a slightly changed appearance.

"You are very strong, Kryptonian, as long as you give you time, you will also have the opportunity to become a strong king of the gods. Similarly, Diana, you have absorbed the power of Ares and are the strongest of the Olympus **** system. , Maybe you can revitalize the Olympus **** system in the future."

Diana looked bitter: "The gods are dead, how can I rejuvenate? Life on the earth is very good, I am not interested in establishing another **** system."

Thor was dumb and said after a while: "Give up, you two are not my opponents together, now the only person on earth who has the ability to end all this is me."

"By force and muscle?" Diana mocked.

"Isn't that the way it was from the beginning? Everyone is showing off their strength. In my country, this kind of flexing the muscles against an enemy who is no less than one's own is a very bad move."

Clark said solemnly: "You are the king of Asgard. There is no need to participate in the earth's civil war. Tony is really wrong this time."

Thor tore off his tattered cloak, and his fist was his best response. He rushed over in an instant and fought Clark Diana again, and the shocking fluctuations passed out, making countless people who saw this scene look solemn.

Clark and the two struggled under Thor's hands, and tried their best to barely deal with Thor.

The second time, Clark felt that he was weak. The last time was against Steppenwolves.

Whether it was Steppenwolf or Thor, he felt that he could not win anyway. But even so, I can only bite the bullet. If Thor is allowed to act, everyone has no room to fight back.

"Don't you understand?! A lot of people have died! If this is not ended, more people will die!!" Thor couldn't help but anger.

Clark took advantage of the gap to greedily absorb the sunlight, "Unless Tony can change his original intention, the Justice League will never compromise. His approach is to push countless people into the abyss, and the superheroes will disappear forever. No longer a superhero, but a super soldier, lost his position."

Thor's face was sullen and annoyed.

The most troublesome thing in this world is not the strength or weakness, but the sharp opposition of ideas, but there is no way to punch the opposite person to death.

He participated in the civil war, and he was a bit out of the ordinary. He wanted to make the situation better, and felt that he had his own observation, and he would intervene to contain the situation before it got worse.

But at this time, Thor felt that he was still too naive.

A group of people with ideals and ambitions get together, not necessarily a beautiful fairy tale, it may be a horror story.

Thor felt that he had become one of the protagonists of the horror story without knowing it. He watched something persevere and eroded, but he was at a loss.

It was impossible to kill, and it was very difficult to fight, because Tony's actions made Thor a little shaken and hesitated, lest he didn't use his brains to make the situation slide into the abyss.

So he just procrastinated again and again, and now he was a little bit confused, regretting being involved in the things inside the earth.

"As the new **** king, guardian of the Nine Realms, you shouldn't be so concerned about a single world." Clark panted, flashing a divine power from Thor in embarrassment.

"My father Odin has fought against foreign enemies on Earth more than once." Thor regretted in his heart and spoke tough.

The fierce battle unfolded again, and the three figures crazily intertwined, delaying time tacitly.

On the earth at this time, an explosive news spread. People's beloved influence and role model, Captain America, publicly confessed his crimes.

"...I bewitched them. I wanted all the heroes to be open to accept my leadership and surveillance, but it directly led to division and civil war. It's time to end this meaningless battle."

"The Justice League is an important force to protect the earth. They worked hard for the peace of the earth, but my approach failed them and made the Avengers stand on the opposite side of the Justice League."

"I will accept a fair trial and confess my crime and selfishness."

When this passage was made public on the Internet and caused an uproar and a storm of vandalism ~ Captain America has been escorted to the Supreme Court by a group of armed soldiers.

Countless people came from all over the world, standing in front of the courthouse silently watching the captain of the United States who was escorted by a group of soldiers with his head down.

The American team is a symbol of the American spirit and an example of selflessness and integrity in the hearts of the people of the world.

"You liar!"

Someone yelled suddenly and didn't know if the US team cheated them again or was cheating them.

More people began to yell, shouting various slogans, hustling and bustling, the police officers on both sides desperately maintained order and blocked the angry crowd.

The US team took the initiative to stand up at the sensitive moment when it was most likely to cause more serious consequences.

Whether the civilians believe it or not, some things must be pushed to the scapegoat, so that they can give themselves an excuse to continue to support the superheroes.

Whether the officials believe it or not, the US team stepped up and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Because the earth can't live without superheroes, otherwise, when facing a strong enemy next time, should the civilians go on their own? They are even less likely to kill all superheroes because of this.

When he reached the door of the court, the American team subconsciously puffed up its chest and raised his head.

People chanted frantically, supported, or verbally, emotionally, and crowded forward desperately. No one noticed that many strange-looking guys were mixed in the crowd, their eyes flickered, and the eyes of the American team were the same as those of the livestock.

When the U.S. team walked to the front door and just raised his foot to step on the first step, a man suddenly rushed out, took a pistol from his arms, and aimed it at the U.S. team's head.


The gun went off.

The dazzling blood blossoms.

People are born equal, and many people think this sentence is the truth.

Everyone has the right to survive and grow from birth, no one is exception, all are born equal.

But human beings have become unequal from birth. Everyone has their own development trajectory and embarked on a road that is destined to be unequal.

No one has time to cherish the deaths of women like the dead, including the heroes themselves. But when the **** flowers at the gate of the Supreme Court were flying, all the disputes suddenly became dull.

It's like a group of starving vultures vying for a piece of rotten flesh, which makes the meaning of the term superhero dirty.

Many people died, like fallen leaves in the autumn wind. Their bodies have only one value, which is to make the autumn wind blow even more.

But when Captain America died, Qiu Feng was stopped by invisible power.

The funeral is grand.

The entire New York City was plunged into a white ocean, and the line to see off was more than ten kilometers long. The silent coffin was held by a group of soldiers, walking silently past the dead crowd, and white flowers were scattered along the way.

White flowers paved the way for half of New York.

A group of heroes with blue noses and swollen gray heads, shadowy and swollen, hidden in the crowd, silently watching the coffin float away in front of them.

Johnny rode his motorcycle, unable to even care about his favorite stunts, and returned to New York overnight, watching the funeral silently, his eyes moving with the movement of the coffin.

"How could it be like this?" Johnny whispered.

He tidyed up his appearance specially today, tidyed the slightly sloppy and random hair many times, and came to see Steve cleanly for the last time.

"No one expected this result, not even the superheroes themselves."

Klein threw the flower he had prepared for a long time to the coffin, then pushed his glasses, keeping gentle in his bright and cautious eyes.

Johnny was silent.

Klein said indifferently: "War is never a child's play, and it is impossible to be happy. This is the most ridiculous thing in the world. Everyone imagines themselves as the protagonist. Even if they enter the battlefield, they still have a fluke mentality. This kind of person always feels that he is special and believes that he can become the protagonist in the fairy tale. After twists and turns, he can always have a happy ending."

Johnny smiled bitterly: "It always feels like you are mocking me."

"If you really feel that way...I am really sarcasm at you. If it weren't for me to stop you, you would have been added to the Avengers. These corpses have your credit." Klein said lightly.

Johnny took a cigarette out of his arms, and when he was about to light it, he was stared at by the blame and angry gazes around him. He sighed, and then put the cigarette back into his pocket.

It seems that smoking in such a solemn occasion is still in front of the coffin, which easily provokes public anger.

"That's good, the war can be ended..." Johnny whispered.

Klein didn't respond, he straightened his tie, and finally took a deep look at the cold coffin, turned around, and left here.

Based on the information he collected, many suspected superheroes came here just to send the U.S. team for the last time.

"Mr. Klein."

When Klein turned the corner, someone stopped him.

"What's the matter, Wayne." Klein stopped and looked at him.

Bruce put his hands in the pockets of his coat, trying to preserve a little more warmth in this cold weather.

"The funeral is held in the suburbs. If you go late, there will be no place. Many people want to send Steve off." Klein said.

Bruce's face was indifferent, and a trace of irritation was suppressed in his eyes, and he didn't even bother to show his usual **** style in disguise.

But no one would doubt that even if he was a big entrepreneur, Bruce Wayne, he would be beaten by an angry crowd if he still used that kind of occasion.

"I'm not going anymore. Respect is in the bottom of my heart. Look at these people. I don't know how many people are grinning in the sad faces, just like the gunman who shot." Bruce looked at the silent people.

Klein suddenly smiled: "It's like you instigated Steve? His life has indeed become the catalyst to end everything, otherwise more people will die."

Bruce had a cold expression and stared at Klein with a slandered annoyed attitude: "When will the sky's eye start a dirty water business? I always thought you were only in the mercenary business."

Klein chuckled softly, unable to tell whether it was a mockery or something else, "I heard that the identity of the gunman has been found out. He is the remnant of the Hydra, and Steve is really unlucky. He is so powerful, he was caught A bullet was killed."

Bruce glanced at Klein: "The Red Skull villain is very powerful. He will win after all, even if others are in prison."

"No, the Red Skull has long lost a terrible defeat. It is you, the Avengers, the Justice League, and you, Bruce. Whether you intentionally or unintentionally, you did it." Klein pushed his glasses, his tone relaxed. , As if chatting with an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.

He and the man in front of him are indeed old friends. When he was a scarecrow in Gotham City, he was thrown into prison by a big bat several times, but he was able to escape almost every time.

Until he jumped into this "prison" of Downey, he hasn't come out now.

He didn't plan to come out either.

"There may be some misunderstanding between us." Bruce raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe, I have something to deal with, I will talk about it next time I meet."

Klein smiled and said goodbye, courteous and thoughtful, and his impeccable smile made people want to punch him.

Bruce indifferently looked at Klein who was going tall body stood around the corner. After Klein's figure disappeared on the street, he seemed to wake up suddenly, lifted his steps to walk in the other direction, and stepped into a sports car. With the buzzing of the engine, Bruce left this sad scene.

As for what the truth is, it will be buried in **** history forever, nothing is imbalanced by time.

The point is that now, a human life is exchanged for the end of an almost endless and unpredictable war. From the perspective of absolute rationality and coldness, this is the most worthwhile ending.

It doesn't matter if it is done, if it has made a lot of money, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's just one life. Many people have died. Now there is nothing more than one.

Some people noticed it, more people didn't notice it, but no one asked again because it made no sense. The Hydra who shot the US team was also arrested. Whether it was accidental or the result of careful planning, people just numbly listened.

Tony locked himself in the room for three days, no matter how little Pepper persuaded him, he refused to come out.

Until Peter Parker came.

Peter quietly climbed up the Stark Building, then opened the window and entered Tony's bedroom, frowned, smelling the smell of wine all over the room, and then began to carefully clean up the wine bottles and glass fragments everywhere.

You can imagine how many things Tony smashed.

"Hey, Jarvis?" Spider-Man yelled, but Jarvis ignored him and didn't stop him either.

The little spider shrugged, spewing spider silk from his wrists, cleaning the terrible bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Tony woke up from the sofa, sloppy and sour. He stared at Peter in a daze, and immediately lay down.

As soon as he woke up, he could see the picture of the US team getting a headshot. This nightmare picture troubled him for three days, and his headache was distraught.

"I can't contact you, so I came." Peter dropped the cleaning tool in his hand, looking innocent.

Tony's face was pale and thin, and his eyes protruded like a ghost. He glared at Peter, picked it up on the ground, found a bottle of unfinished wine, and took a sip in his mouth immediately.

Tony shouted drunkly: "What's the matter?"

"As for the captain being shot, the more I think about it, the more weird it becomes. You know Mr. Stark, I'm a smart man. I read a lot of books. I..."

"you shut up!"

Tony's face sank instantly, as if he was stabbed in the wound.

The U.S. team was openly shot and killed. It may be accidental or inevitable. Only the U.S. team knows what the specific situation is. Maybe the Batman who talked with the U.S. team the last time he was alive also knows more.

But he is really dead, that's enough.

What insidious activities are behind, just think about it, it will make Tony's spine chill.

Peter closed his mouth and lowered his head to sweep the messy ground.

"Jarvis!" Tony yelled again, and a large number of robots suddenly moved, skilfully cleaning up a large amount of trash on the ground.

The sweeping robot, which was lifted by Peter to act as a broom, came alive. The first thing was to slap Peter on the head, and then he cleaned with satisfaction.

Peter looked innocent.

Tony sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, and only raised it after a long time, his eyes were complicated, "Listen to the child, this matter has passed, and whoever pursues it will become a new declaration of war..."

"I understand, sir, I will do as you ask." Peter said.

Tony rubbed his painful forehead and said in a low voice, "Everything is over. No one will do extra things at this juncture... I thought about it for three days, and I always felt that I killed him..."

"This is the captain's own choice."

"But it was also what we forced him to choose, didn't it? Everyone was forced to make a choice..." Tony grabbed his sloppy hair desperately.

Peter did not speak, and sat quietly on a table that was kicked over, watching the busy robots quietly.


When the sweeping robot passed by Peter, it suddenly slapped his head again, and then swept the floor casually.

Peter glared at it.

After a long time, Tony finally became more sober, or that he has always been so sober, drunk is just a disguise.

"Have anyone from the Justice League called you?" Tony asked.

Peter shook his head quickly.

Tony sneered, "You are not good at lying."

He slowly got up, his face was thin, but his eyes were sharper, just like before.

"I have to do something."

"But you said that doing unnecessary things will trigger new wars."

"Then don't do superfluous things, do things that Steve wanted to do but didn't have time to do."

Tony picked up a damp cloth, wiped his face severely, and told Jarvis: "Help me contact the President and Congress. I want to ask for a one-month vacation."

"The Secretary of Defense is absent from school for a month, sir, you will definitely become a world scandal." Jarvis said.

"I'm already a joke of the whole world. Everyone knows that I didn't even keep my friends. Peter, you can leave. I know what to do."

Tony pointed to the window, turned and walked to the bathroom.

Peter stuck his waist uncomfortably, looking confused, he didn't know what Mr. Stark was going crazy...but it felt good, I hope it won't mess things up again.

The sweeping robot loyally performed the cleaning work, even if Peter's side was very clean, he leaned in earnestly again.


Peter violently violently slapped the robot's head first, then jumped out of the window.


An invitation was passed to a very limited number of people in the world, signed by Tony Stark.

At this sensitive moment, accepting this invitation will undoubtedly take a big risk, but several people who received the invitation finally chose to accept it.

Tony on behalf of the Avengers, Batman and Superman on behalf of the Justice League, Diana on behalf of Paradise Island, Thunder on behalf of Kunlun Mountain, Dr. Strange on behalf of Kama Taj, Klein on behalf of the Sky Eyes...

The seven most powerful and powerful people on the planet got together and held a secret We need to form a new alliance, a new alliance that can coordinate the conflicts and conflicts of ideas among all of us, and The new alliance will always remain top-secret to the outside world, and its members are limited to everyone present here. "

In the cramped conference room, in front of the round table, Tony looked at a few people with a serious expression: "Tragedy like the Civil War can't happen again. I admit my fault. The disaster has already happened. What we have to consider is what we should do next time. avoid."

Batman stared at Klein: "Is the person from the Sky Eye Club one of the members?"

"The member needed by the new alliance is not me, but the power of the entire Sky Eye Society and the person standing behind me. But you have to think clearly that he is already a **** and may not care about the mess on earth. On earth Many disputes seem to him like a group of children fighting indiscriminately for candy."

Klein said gently, wanting to be beaten by people.

"But the earth needs the celestial eye meeting, that's enough."

Tony distributed multiple agreements to several people present, and pointed out: "The resolution of the new alliance has the highest priority. It is clearly written on it. If you agree, you will sign it. When you walk out here, you must forget everything. This is top-secret news, and the new alliance can never be made public."

Several people looked at each other a few times. Superman was the first to sign the agreement with a loud writing voice, and he wrote a name on it.

Clark Kent.

The others paused, no one spoke, and an unspeakable tacit understanding emerged, including Tony himself who followed suit and wrote his name.

Only Batman hesitated for a while and started writing, and signed "Batman" at the end of the agreement.

"What's the name of the new alliance?" asked the burly and strong Kunlun Mountain Qi Master Lei Gong.

"The Illumination... the name of the new alliance is the Illumination."

Tony said slowly.

   Cybertron, Downey was checking the physical condition of Megatron who had just awakened.

   "Yes, the shards of the power gem are perfectly embedded in your body."

   Downey nodded as he observed the changing appearance of Megatron.

   On the dark silver body, there is some purple luster, which slowly flickers with the passage of time, exuding magnificent colors.

   On one of Megatron's finger bones, a purple gemstone is quietly set on it. Around the gemstone, it was directly fused with Megatron's metal body tissue.

   Every time Megatron uses the power of the power gem, the purple stone will light up slightly. The gloss is slightly dim, probably because all its power has been extracted and controlled by Megatron.

   This is a good start.

   "You have survived the first level. I am right. The power gem is the best match for you, and it can increase your survival rate the most."

   Downey tapped the purple crystal gemstone, and Downey's face was reflected on it. He looked at this purple gemstone that was similar to magnified dozens of times, thoughtfully.

   is a very interesting form of survival.

During this period of time, the scientists of the Academy of Sciences integrated the fragments of the power gem into Megatron's body, allowing him to absorb and **** the power source of the power gem—this was a tormenting process, and Megatron took a year. Wandering on the edge of the pain of life and death every day.

   Every time he adapts to a fragment, a new fragment will be transplanted in immediately.

   In Downey's eyes, every infinite gem is a regular aggregate of some single power. The gem itself is a rule, forcibly gathering related powers for the user to use.

   When the power gem is broken, several pieces still maintain their "key" function, which is the key to unlock a single power attribute.

   And now, the power gem has been restored and reborn in the form of a part of Megatron's body.

   The current gemstone, to put it bluntly, is a body organ of Megatron. It is no different from the eyes, sound generators, deformed gears and other organs, and they must be restrained by fire.

   The purple light gleamed slightly, Megatron looked down at his body, which was sometimes faintly glowing with purple, a dreamlike color.

He raised his left hand, made a fist, and looked at the purple gem. With a movement in his heart, a pure power burst out suddenly. The purple gem suddenly lit up. A purple halo burst out from the surface of Megatron's body, and the intense power fluctuations spread. A hurricane was triggered.

   Downey waved his hand and the hurricane disappeared. The large palm touched Megatron casually, and the purple gemstone instantly dimmed, the halo closed, and the irritable power suddenly disappeared.

   "You have just awakened, first adapt to the body that has undergone the new changes, and then consider harnessing this extra power."

   Downey retracted his palm and smiled faintly, as if nothing happened.

   To be honest, Downey himself was a little surprised to see Megatron able to devour the power gem so perfectly.

   He believed that Megatron would succeed, but he didn't expect it to be so perfect.

   is absolutely perfect!

   The dignified power gem, which has set off many fiercely contested treasures in the main universe, is now finally transformed from a prop into a body organ of Megatron.

   "This is the power of a demigod..." Megatron felt the far and constant powerful force in his body, which he had always longed for.

   Downey said, "You deserve it."

   From this moment, Cybertron has added a demigod, a demigod of extraordinary significance, a peculiar existence that can swallow infinite gems.

   Downey glanced at Megatron's chest, and through the layers of the machine, the burning fireball inside was unobstructed under Downey's gaze. The powerful fire, healthy, vigorous, and bright, with the breath of the only god, can be controlled by the fire. It seems that it is not uncommon for the gem fragments to be controlled by the fire.

   The complete power gem, Striking the Sky is just a seven-level multi-props.

   After being checked by everyone at the Academy of Sciences, Megatron's condition is surprisingly good.

   "After a month or two, immediately transplant the soul gems. You have a strong will and can completely fight against the soul gem fragments." Downey commanded.

   Megatron said: "It doesn't take that long, at most one week I can proceed to the next step."

   "A week is not enough for you to perfectly control the surge of purple power. If you are too anxious, you will only get everything to go."


   Megatron nodded and left eagerly.

   "I hope I can reach the level I expected... But Nemesis is also an unknown trouble."

   Looking at Megatron's back, Downey thought.

   There is no news about the whereabouts of the self-gem and the rhythm gem. What is certain is that they are not in the main universe. I want to find two hidden gems from the vast diversity. It is difficult to break through the atmosphere.

   The story gem that was on the verge of breaking was still sealed by Downey, quietly waiting for the end of fate.

  If Megatron's naive one day, can usher in an unbelievable glorious future, Downey will not be stingy with the treasures in his hands, plot gems or anything, he will give it to Megatron without hesitation.

   But if Megatron can get there, I have to say a few more words.

   The moody old woman of Nemesis is also a big trouble, no one knows what she would think of Megatron, a life form that uses infinite gems as nourishment.

  If there is a fight...

   Downey has a terrible headache. Nemesis is the only **** of the ninth It is a nightmare to confront this monster.

   When everyone was almost gone, the sound wave quietly approached, with images and sounds showing on his face. It was the result of the earth's civil war and the news that the Illumination would be established.

"Just so many people have died? This level of civil war is really too mild... If Steve does not die, I am afraid that more people will die worthlessly, and the light will make this cheating. Organize... I hope there will be more brains in the Justice League and don't be led astray."

   Downey's mouth twitched, and he couldn't bear to look directly at the thought of the feats of the light.

   The starting point is always good, and the means is always unbelievably stupid, as if a group of smart people gather together to become stupid.

   Shaking his head, Downey put on a black robe, stepped out of the laboratory, and flew to an altitude of 100,000 meters, looking down at the bustling ground.

   The entire prosperous planet is at Downey's feet. This is his planet.

   In the sky, a little bit of light, slightly empty, the old mages and the others are tirelessly carrying stars from the outside world to the small universe.

   "Everything will be fine." Downey smiled.

   Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the barrier of the small universe, where a familiar-looking spaceship was flying towards here.


   A Krypton spacecraft traversed a distant galaxy, traversed an unknown distance of tens of thousands of light years, and finally arrived at its destination after a long journey.

   This slightly embarrassed and windy small spacecraft is constantly decelerating and is about to reach the end of a long journey.

   The sleeping life in the spaceship is awakened by artificial intelligence.

   "Rao is here, it's finally here."

A blonde girl woke up from a deep sleep, slowly opened her dim sleepy eyes, her bright eyes seemed to be brewing stars, a white pajamas, could not hide the fullness of her chest, the proud peak propped up the girl in front of her pajamas The corners of the bulging, rosy lips let out a hum.

   "Ms. Kara, we have reached the end according to your request. Congratulations."

   The artificial intelligence slapped meticulously, but the tone was rigid and impersonal.

   deserves to be "artificial intelligence", Kryptonian scientists always make things that can be beautiful deliberate and dull.

   Kara muttered a few words in dissatisfaction.

   During the twenty-four years that she was unfortunately trapped in the Phantom Zone for a long time, as long as this artificial intelligence was with him.

   The Phantom Zone is a huge prison set up by the Kryptonian civilization in its heyday. The environment is extremely bad, and extremely vicious criminals are rampant and domineering here.

   Kara, with the help of the top Krypton spacecraft, the creations of the Al family, it took a full twenty-four years to get out of trouble.

   In fact, she had a chance to escape-General Zod was also in the Phantom Zone, enslaving a large number of criminals and leaving there. But Kara knew about the cold nature of General Zod and carefully concealed his traces. It took him a long time to follow General Zod's route and leave the phantom area.

   Anyway, the great Ms. Kara El is free at last!

   Kara wants to cheer loudly!

   "Rao is here, I can finally see my cousin... I hope he's doing well." Carla opened her bright eyes without blinking.

   "According to the information I collected, people call the Kryptonians who illuminate the yellow sun as Superman." said the artificial intelligence.

   "Where did you collect the news?"

   "The escape information collected when passing through the battlefields of the Cree and the Scroo, because it involves a god, so the relevant information about that planet is not a secret in the universe."

   Kara looked confused: "God? Rao?"

   "No, it's not the great sun **** Rao, but a sole **** who has come out of a backward planet. My database does not contain any records about the term sole god, so I can't make any guesses."

   The artificial intelligence called up the dialogue information it accidentally collected from the battlefield and reported the situation.

   "The Cree said that the light of the new **** shrouded the entire universe and would bless them to kill the **** Scroo. The Scroo threatened that the reptiles and despicable destroyers of the universe like the Cree were not worthy of talking about the new god."

   "Oh oh oh~" Kara quickly lost interest.

  God or something, very funny, nothing more than a very powerful life. In Kara's cognition, those ridiculous false gods are compared with the great sun **** Rao, which is not worth mentioning.

   Kara also knows that the solar system has a yellow sun. It is said that Kryptonians will leap in strength after irradiating the yellow sun...

   "What if the people of the earth call me a goddess? Oh, do I wave to them?" Kara imagined a scene where a group of people cheered and worshipped her, blushing on her face.

   Women, always like fantasy, this is the universal law.

   The spacecraft vibrated slightly, as if passing through a certain barrier, and then slowly slowed down. If the artificial intelligence didn't report the situation, Kara didn't care.

   "Here we are, Ms. Kara," the artificial intelligence said.

   Kara immediately got up, changed her clothes, put on a blue jersey with an S logo on her chest, and her wide red cloak slid gently down her slender body.

Cara walked to the window and looked at the burning yellow fireball. The powerful yellow radiation came in, and was absorbed by her little by little. Every cell began to jump frantically, and the powerful energy gushed out, pushing Cara's physical signs to skyrocket. .

   "It's here, the yellow sun!" Kara looked surprised and pointed out the window, "My parents told me that the destination is on the third planet!"

   She took a deep breath, and the mess of room facilities around was sucked by her. Kara was taken aback, but she quickly left her behind.

   "Finally, I finally got to the ground..."

   "Yes, follow your instructions, Ms. Kara! We finally arrived at Cybertron!"

   The voice of artificial intelligence seems to be three points higher.

   Kara: "???"

   The spacecraft approached the third planet and flew directly to one of the three satellites without any obstacles in the way. After passing through the thick atmosphere, finally with a bang, it landed safely on the ground.

   "There is a very large spacecraft stop here, and I have received relevant instructions." The artificial intelligence performed its duties faithfully.

   Kara turned her head stiffly, as if she couldn't believe that the artificial intelligence was pitting her.

   Gradually, her face flushed: "Wrong, I am going to the earth!"

   The artificial intelligence calculated it, and affirmed: "According to the instructions you entered, the destination is here. The similarity is 93.1%. Among all the planets in the universe, only this planet has the highest matching rate."

   "What?!" Kara's tone increased by several decibels.

   "Krypton survivors, the Milky Way, the yellow sun, the third planet... and the earth only has an 87% match rate." said the artificial intelligence.

   "I'm looking for my cousin!! Kryptonian! You said his nickname is Superman! Carl El!"

"That's even more true, madam, more than 90% of the population on this planet are superhumans. I took over the network of this planet. Out of a million people, there are 70,000 people surnamed Al, of which 14 My personal name is Carl Al... Now, the match rate has risen to 98.373%"

   Kara looked out the window and then let out a scream, covering her face and lying on the bed.

   "Rao is here, forgive my fault. It's really unlucky, if it wasn't for the phantom zone and most of the data lost, it wouldn't be like this..." Cara covered her face.

   There is another reason. She forgot the specific coordinates... After all, she was only 10 years old when she just left Krypton...

   "Hurry up, let's get out of here." Cara urged.

   At that moment, with a slam, the door of the spaceship was demolished violently, and a fat man with a chopper and a big fat man broke in.

   He sorted out the white plump clothes on his body, looked at the peculiarly styled spaceship, and focused his attention on the petite Cara.

   "You just came from the next city to hit the place... No, you are a gourmet to watch? I am the strongest five-star chef in the city, and I come here to pick you up."

   The cook accidentally opened his collar to reveal his thick chest hair. He grinned and said, "Beautiful lady, remember to give me five-star praise!!"

"You got the wrong person!!"

   "I did not admit my mistake, today this city is strictly forbidden to greet the triennial food festival." After finishing speaking, the bear-like burly and fat cook swung his kitchen knife fiercely.

   Kara almost fainted.


   This is a very strange woman, the cook confirmed this after observing for a long time.

   This woman named Cara, or a girl, is as if she just walked out of the mountains, she is ignorant of everything on the new Krypton.

   "You are a high-level gene? Don't say this to the outside world. You will be sent to a military court with just this sentence. Kryptonians nowadays have no high-level and low-level distinctions..."

   "Create a secret room? That thing has been closed for many years, and now the Kryptonians rely on natural childbirth to reproduce their offspring."

   The cook casually dealt with Kara's enthusiastic question, and secretly reported this suspicious woman, and naturally there was a special person to deal with it.

  Dare to make trouble on New Krypton. The grass on the grave is three meters high. He doesn't worry at all. Everyone on this planet is a superman, and one after another blows up his eyes.

   Then, he sent Cara away impatiently, piled up a grinning smile, and greeted the real gourmet.


   "I'm a fool again, nominally a super girl in her thirties, but her life experience still stays in her teens."

   Downey retracted his gaze, and the scene of Supergirl doing things around on New Krypton was reflected in his eyes. After thinking about it, he left it behind.

   The Kryptonite came to New Krypton, there was no problem, he didn't believe in what a mere Super Girl could do, even if the Super Girl's combat power was stronger than Superman.

   Supergirl Carla El, at the age of 13, was sent out by her parents on the eve of Krypton's destruction, and was unfortunately trapped in the Phantom Zone for 24 years.

   Kara's actual combat power must surpass her cousin Superman—of course, the normal Superman. The Superman on Earth was injected with Doomsday cells by Downey, and his combat power soared. There is no problem in breaking the current Kara.

   "The artificial intelligence of that spaceship was manipulated and sent Kara to New Krypton..."

   Downey looked indifferent.

   There are only a few that can do things, hacking, brain supernatural powers, and Krypton **** Rao.

   Including Kara, they are all faithful believers of the Krypton God. Being influenced by Rao in secret, it is not too easy.

  Think about it carefully, the appearance of the new Krypton is definitely beyond Rao's expectations, and these Kryptonians are still under the command of the new gods.

   To be honest, even if Rao really came, he didn't care at all. He slapped him to death. This scientist **** who played with his own creation dared to provoke Downey, and Downey was happy to send him to death.

   His gaze crossed countless hidden dimensions for a short while, and no information about Rao was found, so Downey silently remembered the incident in his heart and watched with cold eyes.


   When Kara arrived at Cybertron, at one end of the universe, Hare finally breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to the air respectfully.

   "Great Rao, your light is everywhere. Thank you for giving me life and wisdom. I will faithfully follow your instructions."

   After a long time, he got up slowly.

   Behind him, a green humanoid robot was looking at Haar's back with a mocking expression. When Haar turned around, the color of mockery disappeared without a trace, replaced by peace.

   "What instructions did the gods give you?" the robot asked.

  Hayer looked in admiration: "Rao asked me to go to Earth, pay attention to the Krypton remnants there."

   "Earth... I know there, the new **** came out from there. It is a planet shrouded in mystery and unknown. Are you sure you are going to die?"

   The robot slapped its mouth humanely, with a large number of data pipes connected to its head, and it received a large number of letters at all times.

   Haier's face turned gloomy and violent: "Brain supernatural powers, pay attention to your tone! This is the instructions given to me by the gods!"

   At the mention of gods, Ha'er looks admired and respectful.

   The color of mockery on the face of the brain power is almost overwhelming.

   As the strongest intelligent life of Krypton before its destruction, the brain power knows the best of the heir of Joe, the Hare. From the perspective of scientific research thinking, Haer is extremely good, and he may not be able to compete with Joe El in the future.

   But not long ago, this guy seemed to be possessed by a demon, yelling "Rao is on top", kneeling down in front of the air, and instantly completing the transformation from a great scientist to a fanatic.

   Brain Power analyzed tens of thousands of possibilities, and came to the conclusion that the hacker was overcast, and someone who was good at telepathy controlled him to find it, and what he wanted to do.

   As for Rao or something... this kind of **** has a brain power without believing a word.

  In the cognition of ordinary Kryptonians, Rao is a sun **** in myths-even if someone believes that Rao really exists, it is only a handful of people.

  Brain supernatural power looked at Ha'er, or the mysterious person behind Ha'er very seriously.

   "The great Rao said, let me take you to the earth." Ha'er looked solemn.

   "Don't go, there is nothing on the earth worthy of my collection."

   Brain supernatural powers decisively carry the burden, only fools go to the earth. Reliable information shows that Xin Shen is a guy with irritable personality. He has killed countless guys along the way, and even the outer universe has died too many.

   Go to Xinshen's hometown to do something, there is a high probability of death.

   Brain supernatural powers are very life-saving and very "cowardly"-in its procedures, only timid beings can live longer. Otherwise, it sensed that Krypton was going to end, and it would not even slip up all the scientific and technological data of Krypton without notifying it.

   "Joe's conscious intelligence left on the earth spaceship is dead, otherwise he should have signaled to me three months ago to guide me to earth." He said seriously.

Brain power sneered: "I don't care what information Joe Al left you, and no matter what is wrong with his consciousness on the earth, it has nothing to do with me. My program tells me that I must never trust the future to one. On the dead. My connection with Krypton has long been broken. From the time I left before the destruction of Krypton, everything about Krypton has nothing to do with me."

   Haier glanced at the green robot in front of him with a gloomy expression, his eyes were terrifying.

   But for the artificial intelligence of brain power, the least lethal thing is the eyes of intelligent life.

   "How long do you think you can hide it?" Ha'er suddenly laughed out loud, with a sharp tone, similar to a crow.


   "Brignac! How long do you think you can hide it?!"

   Haier looked gloomy and raised his voice.

   "Whether the brain power of Krypton or the Internet of the earth, it is all you! I suspect Ultron, the host of the Cybertron Galaxy, is a subroutine of you!"

   The brain power was stunned. In the green head, countless data streams rushed through. After a while, it said, "This is what Rao told you?"

  Haier pointed to his brain with a sneer on his face.


   Blagnac is a very terrifying intelligent life. Compared with it, Ultron in its heyday is nothing.

   Blagnac went crazy, and even Darkside could be yin. There is nothing in this world that can hold it back.

   In the DC comics, Blagnac is the terrifying enemy of the Justice League, an intelligent life with the highest level of intelligence at level 12.

   The level of level 12 is terrifying, and you can tell by comparing it with Batman.

   Known as the Batman who is not convinced, he is only at level 9 in wisdom, and he is three grades behind Blagnac.

   At the same time, Blagnac's figure is everywhere, the brains created by the Kryptonians, and the Internet created by the earthlings are all subprograms of Blagnac.

  The ghost knows how many subprograms are dormant in the universe. There is a figure of science and technology civilization, there is it Blagnac.

   And this is just the tip of the iceberg shown by Blagnac. It is essentially a quasi-unique god, possessing quasi-uniqueness that cannot be fully replicated in the multiverse.

   In the long years, Blagnac did not know how many universes he traversed, how many subprograms he put in, and where there was civilization, there was Blagnac's figure.

   is an astronomical number at all.

   Compared with Blagnac, Ultron robots that can jump in dimension and timeline are really nothing.

Haier sneered and looked at the green robot in front of him. He, who was supposed to be full of wisdom and courage, became fierce and manic. He pointed to his head: "Rao asked me to tell you that the troublemaker is here. That terrible guy is on Earth, ready to deal with Superman."

   Brainpower looked at him blankly, the green bionic skin was like the skin of an old tree, lined with visible wrinkles.

"I am a little bit convinced that it is Rao who is really standing behind you." Brain power, or Blagnac, tilted his head and looked at Horror, his emotionless gaze seemed to be looking at him. Kind of peculiar collection.

   This is Blagnac's hobby, because of some past experiences, its favorite thing is to learn various knowledge of each civilization, and then shrink a representative city of that civilization into a bottle to watch.

   Because of this, Blagnac is called the "Planet Collector".

   Rumors of the Lord of the Universe, Brignac recently stared at the planetary life Yigo, tirelessly chasing the trail of Yigo, which made the powerful seven-level existence Yigo very troubled.

   Blagnac is always full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge and unknown.

   Compared to the Mobius chair, which has a limited layout, Blagnac can be regarded as the "God of Knowledge" in the true sense. All the knowledge in this world, including the little secrets of the only gods, are within the pursuing range of Blagnac.

   Blagnac's most powerful move was to shade the clone of Darkside in a certain universe, personally verifying the hypothesis that "the Omega effect can be perfectly shared by the body and the clone".

  The price is that its subroutine was torn apart by the furious Darkside.

He snorted coldly: "Behind me is a **** who will bless his followers. Blagnac, I know everything about you. I know the Ultron robot that jumped out when Donnie became a god. You have been secretly invaded by your subroutines a long time ago. I know better about the hatred between you and the fifth dimension. The original half of you was happy and happy, but was destroyed by a sudden attack from the fifth dimension. The world you are in, It was wiped out as a joke by the troublemaker."

   Blagnac unplugged a data pipe from his head and plugged in a new one, seeming to be communicating with the body in the vast universe.

   This incident involves the destruction of the last multiverse. The mischief who ran out of the fifth dimension accidentally fart, and the multiverse collapsed.

   Half of Blagnac's predecessor warned his family to no avail and could only use space technology to reduce everything related to him and himself, and then fled in a hurry.

   After settled down, this half of the predecessor combined with the intelligent life created by the predecessor to form Blagnac.

"There is no boring hatred in my heart for a long time." Blagnac looked indifferent, and stared at Haar with stiff eyes. "I am now a seeker of all knowledge, and hatred is not on my list. within."

   "What about the mischief? The fifth dimension? You don't want to know the mystery of these five-dimensional lives? Why did Rao want me to contact Superman on Earth, and you don't want to know this secret?" Hare said.

Blagnac was silent for a moment, and said: "Rao is examining experimental products beyond his expectations, and it has nothing to do with me. As for the troublemaker, I am not his opponent, even the gods such as Darkside and Sannomiya. Neither of the clones can beat the troublemaker."

"The new **** will suppress the troublemaker. You don't need to worry about this. The troublemaker will not do anything good." Hayer said, "Now, tell me your answer. If you refuse, I can guarantee that the new **** will know. Your news, he is the **** of technology and the natural enemy of your life form."

   Blagnac thought for a while, nodded, unplugged the data pipe on his head again, and plugged in the one just now.

  Haier smiled awkwardly, exactly the same as the expression of the executioner before leaving.

This fellow who became a slave to Rao has long lost the meticulousness and rationality of being a scientist, and has completely become a When his value runs out, he will not even be qualified to act as a microphone. , There is only death.

  What a vicious guy Rao is, no one knows better than Blagnac, who has traveled through countless universes. In the universe it has been to, Krypton is all destroyed, and Rao is pushing behind it.

   A long time ago, Brignac had studied the life forms of the Kryptonians, and found that it was nothing unusual, so he lost interest in the Kryptonians.

   Rao is doing something messy, Blagnac is also very interested, but no one can find Rao's whereabouts, nor can Blagnac. Therefore, in its database, the relevant information of Rao and Kryptonians will always be ranked second, which is not very important.

   And now, after calculating, Blagnac found that he might be able to spy on the secrets this time, so he simply agreed.

  Haier asked it with interest: "The host Ultron on Cybertron, is it your subroutine?"

   "No." Blagnac replied, "Ultron was taken away and transformed by the new **** when it was still in its rudimentary form. I didn't have a chance to start."

   "It's a pity," he said regretfully.

   Blagnac gave him a cold look, did not say much, and drove the spaceship to the direction of the earth.


New Krypton is an extremely open and lively planet, and Kara watched enthusiastically for a long time before he was convinced of this.

The residents she saw along the way were mainly Kryptonians (mutants), and sometimes many tall robots swayed the market with a laid-back look.

For a 37-year-old woman with only 13 years of actual life experience, everything is unfamiliar and fresh, and Cara has great curiosity about everything.

Moreover, the 37-year-old Kryptonians are really young...Kryptonians have a much higher vitality than those on earth, and of course their life span is longer.

"Why are there so many Kryptonians here..." Kara was extremely surprised, suppressing the excitement and joy in his heart.

She wore the battle clothes of the El family and showed her beautiful figure. She attracted the attention of many people along the way, but no one came up to talk to each other for the time being.

No one questioned her identity, including the host Ultron suddenly became blind, turning a blind eye to the intruder Carla.

Otherwise, Kara would have been arrested a long time ago, even if her potential and fighting talents surpassed the normal Superman, it would be the same in the Cybertron Galaxy. There are too many people stronger than her.

"...Damn it, I repeat! I am the greatest detective in the Cybertron system! There is no case in this world that I cannot solve..."

A rough and suppressed roar came, and a duck about 1.4 meters tall was fluttering and cursing.

This duck is fat and plump, and the white hair is greasy to learn from, and it seems to exude a wise aura from all over the body.

Well, a wise duck about four feet tall...

Cara looked at the duck, thought of a kind of food, and couldn't help sinking into thought.

Such a big duck can eat for a long time...

"Give up, leave me, you have no future. Believe me, only by following me can you give full play to your greatest value. Those laymen don't understand you at all."

A man with gray hair and graceful movements patted the duck on the shoulder lightly, with a deep heart.

The duck knocked off his hand and said, "Go away!"

"Sure enough, do you still disagree?" Collector Di Fan covered his face in pain, looking extremely low.

"The fool will come back with you as an exhibit!" The duck cursed.

Di Fan looked sad: "You are my collection. I took you back from the universe after using a lot of energy. How did you treat me like this?"

The duck sneered: "If you knock me out and tie it back, you call it 'picking up'."

Difan sighed and looked lonely: "All of my collections don't want to pay attention to me, Irina is like this, so are you, Howard, you touch your conscience and say, being my mascot makes you so uncomfortable? I am not kind enough to you? The demigods and kings of the universe know your name!"

Howard's duck blue veins violently jumped, his tightly squeezed duck wings trembling, as if he wanted to violently beat the shameless beating of Difan. It can be estimated for a long time, but still gave up.

Difan is very strong, very strong.

Howard has been with Difan for a long time. Regardless of this old man, it seems that anyone can bully a few times-in fact, it is true, but this is only Difan's self-protection method, and it is also due to his indifferent character. .

But when I thought of the other cosmic elders, such as Gao Tianzun, the gardener, etc., all existed at the seventh level, where could Emperor Fan go?

There is no problem with squeezing him to death with one hand, and Howard is very self-aware.

"I am Howard from the Duck Dimension, the greatest detective! It's not your **** collection, I'm free!"

Howard stretched out his duck wings, lit a cigar, and placed it skillfully on the flat duck's bill.

Finally, the blond kid who was on the sidelines asked him: "The dimension of the duck? I haven't heard of it."

"I heard that it is a very small dimension, and the residents are all ducks."

"What?! All ducks? Slip~"

Howard was furious, went up and kicked the drooling mutant.

Fortunately, it was a mutant. To be replaced by the steel body of a Kryptonian, Howard could not touch the other's hair without kicking the duck leg.

"Don't be angry, John, put your lighter away first, and you will be beaten by the law enforcement team if you do it on the street... Then, Howard, do you want to join our team?"

Iceman Bobby touched his chin, a little embarrassed.

Fireman John sneered and looked at the strange duck condescendingly: "Then I ask you, what level of strength are you?"

Howard Duck's face changed, extremely green-don't ask why ducks also change their faces, he can.

After hesitating, Howard Duck stretched out a whole duck wing.

"Level three?" Bobby counted the branches on the duck's wings, with a smile on his face.

Howard Duck hesitated. Hearing Di Fan's sneer, he took a duck finger back.

"Level 2?" Bobby frowned.

Howard duck lowered his head, and slowly put away a duck finger...

"First level? Damn, my eighty-year-old grandmother is so much better than you!" John flew into a rage.

"Nonsense, your grandma is on the earth and never came back! And I am not strong, but my brain is easy to use!" Howard was confident, straightened up the duck breast, with full and shiny hair.


Howard kicked John down again.

"Did you see, my poor Howard, you treat them as brothers, but they want to eat you... How dangerous the outside world Why don't you come back with me as a collection, I promise to treat the best... …No, the second best showcase is for you!"

Di Fan's face was painful, as if he was bleeding heavily.

Bobby glanced at Difan, then at Howard, thoughtfully.

At a glance, Babi the learning bully recognized Emperor Fan, a well-known collector, elder of the universe, and one of the oldest beings in the main universe.

However, Emperor Fan had a very miserable life, all his wealth was robbed by a villain named Downey, and even his home was demolished with him.

Over the years, Difan has been tirelessly searching for his collections, trying to persuade them to take the initiative to go is the fool who will agree.

"We agreed." Bobby said suddenly.

"What? Are you crazy?" John poached his ears and widened his eyes. "Why don't you say that you don't want those below the third level? Now even the first level is accepted. I am pessimistic about the future of our team."

Howard was so excited, a duck wing slapped on Di Fan's head, and Pidianpidian stood beside Bobby with a flattering expression, "You won't be disappointed, my talent is even shocking to me!"

Di Fan touched his head and was not angry. He glanced at Bobby meaningfully, and the two of them touched their eyes and moved away immediately.

Omega mutant...Hmph, Howard, this silly duck, really wants to thank me, this is an Omega-class horrible mutant!

Di Fan looked triumphant.

"That... I also want to join your team." A hesitant voice came, and Carla with long fluttering hair came to them in an instant, causing a gust of wind.

John's eyes straightened in an instant.

"I promised! Bobby, you want to help me, I don't have a girlfriend yet!" John was so excited that he immediately thought of something and warned, "By the way, you can't grab me!"


A group of sneaky teenagers and girls, plus a duck, took off in a spaceship.

Bobby, John, Howard Duck, Carla.

The three of them boarded a journey back to the earth under the pretext of visiting John's 80-year-old grandmother. As for why the land bridge was not used, John said frankly that he would arrive in an instant when he walked on the land bridge, which was boring.

"Are you sure your spaceship is safe?"

Bobby stared at the big breach that had just been repaired, his forehead sweating slightly.

Kara is rightly confident: "This is Krypton's top spacecraft!"

"But there is a hole broken here... and to be honest, I have been on New Krypton for several months. There is absolutely no spacecraft like you on Krypton." Bobby pointed.

"It was broken by a savage cook, but after he helped me fix it and stuffed me with some money, I forgave him generously." Kara waved her hand and lay lazily on the bed. , Fiddling with a game console enthusiastically.


Excited, the game console was crushed by her.

"Play with me." John handed over his own game console with a pleased look.

Cara gave him an intoxicating smile, and the beautiful and sunny Cara was full of lethal lethality, and for young people like John in their early twenties, there was no way to resist.

Bobby took a helpless look at his best friend and saw that he had put all his eyes on Cara. He sighed helplessly, and opened his hand directly to the door, creating a lot of cold air and freezing the door again.

"Your ability is to make ice?" Howard Duck asked with interest.

The gentle-tempered Bobby nodded: "I can create absolute zero temperature and stop all microscopic particles from moving."

Howard Duck admired: "Terrible ability."

Howard, who had no idea of ​​strength, didn't understand how terrifying and amazing this ability was. As long as Bobby wants to, he can freeze all matter and destroy everything directly from the micro level. When he grows to a certain level, he can freeze the multiverse in a single thought.

Omega-class mutants, as long as they don't die halfway, their growth limit is the eighth-level start.

Cara heard the conversation indifferently, without even raising her head, and concentrated on playing games. Her mental age is exactly the age when she likes to play games most.

John wandered around Carla with all his heart, and worked hard, and Carla's very serious response made John ecstasy. Of course he thought Carla was interesting to him.

"Poor John."

The iceman carefully froze the door, and after confirming that this temperature would not cause damage to the spacecraft, he withdrew his ability satisfactorily, looked at John who was immersed in love with a vaguely compassionate look, and sighed.

The steel body of the Kryptonian is daunting. Does John have the ability to do something simple and simple? Maybe if you break a certain part, Cara won't feel anything...

Is it necessary to use the legendary kryptonite?

With a pity on his face, the iceman walked into the cab.

The spacecraft is now in autopilot mode, flying in accordance with complicated procedures.

"Ultron, are you there?" Bobby asked.

"I've been there all the time, Bobby." Ultron's voice sounded from Kara's spaceship.

As for the original artificial intelligence... it was killed and replaced by Ultron for the first time.

"Calling up the details of Kara, I also want to know the relevant situation of the earth." Bobby said.

"Of course, Bobby, you have the authority second only to Downey to access all the information in the Iron Castle Archives."

Ultron faithfully assembled the files that had just been uploaded, and this information was marked with an A-level label.

"Class A... Carla is so much concerned by the high-level? A few days ago when I checked it, it was still Class B." Bobby was a little surprised.

After receiving Howard and Kara, he and John stayed in the Cybertron Galaxy for half a month before setting off for Earth.

"Carla's related information has been updated." Ultron replied concisely.

Bobby clicked on the virtual screen that appeared in front of him, and clicked on a document marked A. The document opened like a book.

[Carla El, a member of the Old Krypton El family, was born in the XX year of the Old Krypton, and was sent to Earth at 13, but was trapped in the Phantom Zone for 24 years...Assessment: An excellent individual with potential greater than Clark Kent, but...]

Bobby frowned and nodded at the blank space at the back, but was prompted that the information at the back was artificially blocked.

"Ultron, open the following information. Some time ago, it was clear that there was no subsequent content." Bobby commanded.

"Bobby, you don't have permission to unlock those secrets."

"What? I'm an Omega-class mutant, and Downey authorized me S permission, coding..."

"This is Downey's order. No one except him is allowed to watch the follow-up information unless he takes the initiative to disclose it to you." Ultron replied.

Bobby became more amazed, and his brain was spinning fast. His brain is very easy to use, and he thought of many possibilities in an instant, but none of them seemed reliable.

"Carla is a survivor of the old Krypton. Although he has experienced a bit of legend, this is nothing. What can be kept secret?" Bobby said in astonishment.

"Only Downey knows." Ultron said.

Bobby turned off the display.

The Cybertron Galaxy is very open-at least the bottom layer is very open, and the middle and high levels are highly centralized with clear boundaries, which are acquiesced by many residents. Many outsiders, such as the mercenaries of the New World, are also happy to come to the Cybertron Galaxy to take over missions.

At this moment, with a soft sound, the spacecraft crossed an invisible barrier.

"It has crossed the space-time boundary between the small universe and the large universe."

Altron issued a notice to all crew members.

No one was surprised, not even Cara, she was numb. Isn't it just to create a small universe? The new **** creates a small universe. It seems that there is no problem at all.

She doesn't even know how the new **** is a new method or how strong it is, only a vague concept. A **** who can defeat the evil General Zod and rebuild Krypton must be a great god.

In a daze, Cara regards Downey as a **** second only to Rao.

Howard Duck tried to take out a cigarette several times to take a sip, but he looked at his companions who were either women or young people around him, and he endured it, and asked boredly: "How long do we probably drive to reach that earth?"

"One week."

"What?" Howard Duck's cigar fell to the ground, his eyes widened. "There is still such a backward spacecraft these years? It's just going from one cantilever of the galaxy to another cantilever! I can't imagine using this spacecraft to travel the river system. How difficult."

Kara looked frustrated: "Really? So my boat is so bad?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean that, I just..."

"Shut up, duck!" John glared at Howard, "As long as you can bring us a better spaceship, I will recognize you as the boss!"

Howard was at a loss.


Clarke has recently been battered.

A guy who claimed to be a troublemaker suddenly came to the door and threatened to play a game with him. The loser would go around the earth three times naked.

For this reason, the troublemaker also snapped his finger to abduct his lover Diana, the goddess of war, who was so powerful that he had no power to fight back in front of the troublemaker.

The two of them used the earth as the battlefield-or an amusement park, to fight wits and courage. Clark can only play with the brain, because playing with muscles he absolutely can't play with the trickster.

He didn't even know why the troublemaker saw him not pleasing to his eyes, and faced it in embarrassment.

Brignac, the terrifying intelligent life, watched the boring game between Superman and the troublemaker so quietly, watching with cold eyes.

"Clark Kent was injected with the Doomsday virus developed by the One God to cause genetic mutations. This is a brand-new mutant gene chain. It has the handwriting of the new One God and is of great research value."

The electronic devices of the whole earth are within the control range of Blagnac, even if Blagnac's body is still far away from the other side of the galaxy, it can easily monitor everything on the earth.

The Internet developed by the Earthlings was originally a subroutine thrown by Blagnac.

Blagnac looked at the troublemaker who was entangled with Superman indifferently, and quickly looked away, and his thirst for knowledge and the unknown surpassed his hatred of unknown years.

Moreover, he is not an opponent of troublemakers.

On the contrary, Clark, whose appearance has changed, succeeded in attracting Blagnac's attention.

"The height of two meters and five, the carbon-based life program, still maintains the life essence of the Kryptonians, plus there is a single **** who has made hands and feet... No wonder Rao can't help but jump out."

Blagnac watched Clark indifferently.

Rao, the **** of Krypton, anyone who has known it a little knows that he is an extremely cold-blooded guy. The only thing that can attract the attention of this kind of **** is the current Clark, which is very valuable for research.

"Rao is in fear..."

After thinking for a while, Blagnac sneered.

Jin Chaoyin Superman's double body has been tracking the whereabouts of the Krypton **** Rao. Without killing or imprisoning Rao, these double bodies will never stop.

Rao is scared, if a powerful superman rises again, his unfavorable situation will be even worse.

The spaceship outside of Blagnac's skull was drifting quietly in the Milky Way, quietly observing the progress of the situation, he wanted to see how long Rao could endure.

Hacker is also looking for an opportunity to contact Superman, but he is intimidated by the fierceness of the troublemaker, and is waiting for the opportunity.

A small spaceship flew to the earth. Blagnac just glanced at it, subconsciously wanting to touch the electronic equipment in the spaceship. This is his professional habit, and he might use it anytime.

But the stream of consciousness that it extended was directly destroyed by violence, and a warning voice came: "Brignac, I will kill you next time!"

The spacecraft drove away, but the crew inside didn't notice it.

Blagnac did not respond, and looked at the disappearing spaceship coldly, with a large amount of data calculations in his eyes.

"The manpower of the new **** has also gone to earth, and Rao is dead. The new god's research on the Day of Destruction is very deep, just the most critical step."

Brignac remembered the only scene in which Downey was promoted. He quietly transplanted a subprogram to control the Ultron robot, risked launching an attack on Downey, and he saw many things in his eyes.

After staring silently for a while, Blagnac slowly drove the spacecraft and also flew to the earth.

The meticulous logic operation told him that as long as Rao dared to rise up, he would be greeted by the hunt of the new god, at least until Rao revealed a deeper secret, the new **** would never let him go.

"Day of Destruction..." Blagnac thought, staring straight ahead.


Downey is fishing.

He took the fish hook skillfully into a turbulent river, and then the old monk fell into a calm silence.

"Those little guys ran to the earth, don't you care?" Professor X sat in the wheelchair and came to Downey's side.

"It doesn't matter, young people should be crazy. They are not crazy now. Do they have to wait for the seven and eighties to be crazy again? That's really crazy." Downey's tone was a little teasing.

The professor smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, Kara's spaceship has long been controlled by Ultron, and there will be no problem." Downey stared at the river in front of him.

The professor said: "I heard that a resident of the fifth dimension was about to play the earth badly, and all kinds of messy rules were modified by him..."

"The troublemaker is originally a bastard, and it's not his temper if he doesn't make anything...Fortunately, he is the only one. If you add the bat spirit, these two five-dimensional people can play the multiverse bad."

"I remember that there is a five-dimensional court in the fifth dimension..."

Downey gave the old man a surprised look: "Do you really think how fair the five-dimensional court is? Those who are judges are also If they really want to maintain the stability of the multiverse, they shouldn't. Let go of people like troublemakers. Every time a troublemaker appears, countless people will be unlucky."

The professor sighed, "What are the residents of the fifth dimension thinking?"

"No matter what they are thinking, it's just a bunch of poor people." Downey didn't change his face. Seeing that the fish hadn't been hooked for a long time, he frowned, lifted the hook, and flicked it again.

This time, just a second after falling into the water, the fish caught the bait.


Downey lifted the hook, and a mechanical piranha was biting tightly, his hideous teeth glowed with cold light, and his eyes were extremely clever, revealing grievances.

Ma Dan, God is fishing, who dares not bite the hook?

Downey smiled, opened the piranha's mouth and took out the hook, then threw it back into the river with his hand.

The piranha ran away quickly.

There are more fishes gloomily looking at the newly dropped hooks, wondering whether to bite them...

The professor looked strange: "You seem to be waiting for something."

"I'm fishing, waiting for some fool to jump out by himself." Downey stared at the surging river and said lightly.

The professor turned his head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly said: "You are now a clone of divine power, right?"

Downey glanced at the professor in surprise: "Can you see it?"

"Guess, seeing you being so cautious, this matter should be very important. But... if you can use the main body or don't send the main body." The professor sighed.

Downey said indifferently, "No way, the clone's strength is a bit worse than the main body. It is still a top demigod and can only be dispatched to the main body. Moreover, the opponent is not strong this time, but very cunning, so I can't catch it this time. , It will be difficult to catch him in the future."


The troublemaker lost.

He was deceived by Clark and wrote his name upside down. According to the rules of the game, the troublemaker must leave the earth-this set of rules of the game was set when he confronted the golden superman in the fifth dimension, and put it in the Lord On the earth of the universe, he must also obey.

Otherwise, let alone the Golden Superman who will find him to settle the accounts, the group of guys in the Five-Dimensional Court who are not too busy to watch the excitement will also take action to catch him back.

"Don't be proud, I will come back!!"

The troublemaker looked angrily at the exhausted superheroes, and only stared at Clark with ferocious eyes.

"According to our agreement, you will restore everything to its original state." Superman pointed to the women's clothing on his body and sighed deeply.

The troublemaker has changed the existing rules on the earth in a mess. The exchange of men's and women's clothing is still trivial. He also set the toilet paper to be the equivalent of gold, which caused chaos in the earth's secular world, and everyone was crazy about production. For toilet paper, the government even legislates to strictly prohibit private manufacturing of toilet paper...

The earth is really going to be ruined by troublemakers. The worst thing is that, except for superheroes who oppose troublemakers, all people on earth feel that this sudden change is a matter of course and is the truth of the world...

The terrifying ability of the troublemaker, just showing the tip of the iceberg makes the superheroes terrified.

But fortunately, this scourge is finally leaving. To be honest, after fighting with troublemakers these days, I feel more tired than a big battle. The heroes just want to quickly drive away this guy, and then go back to sleep.

"This time I lost. When I come next time, you don't want to beat me so easily!" The troublemaker was full of resentment.

The last time he came to Earth, he was deceived by Downey and had to leave in embarrassment. This time, Donny finally let go, he was able to return to harm the earth again, but he was deceived by Clark...

The poor IQ of the troublemaker has become a weapon for Superman to deal with him.

The troublemaker left the earth with deep dissatisfaction.

Superman tore off his bad clothes, looking exhausted.

The Martian hunter stopped him: "I perceive a group of mutants returning to Earth."


"Bobby, John, and a Kryptonian, and a duck."

"If it's from Cybertron, you only need to pay attention to it, there is no need to monitor in all directions." Batman said hoarsely.

Superman waved his hand, flew high, pointed in one direction and started flying wildly. He flew a full ten times on the earth before carefully returning to the suburbs of the metropolitan area. This was to prevent satellites from observing him.

"Carl Al, I finally found you." A man in the black uniform of the Al family stood in the cornfield, looking at Clark with a smile on his face.

Clark was extremely vigilant. At the same time, he glanced at Martha who was sitting in the room watching TV, and said with an uneasy expression: "Who are you? How do you know this name?"

"I am Haer, a friend and disciple of your father Joe." Haer smiled.

"I don't know you." Clark looked at the stranger cautiously.

He horrified: "But I know you. Before the Krypton accident, Joe got rid of me who was on an alien planet to take care of you. There must be relevant information about me on the spacecraft you took when you were a baby."

"What do you want to do?" Clark frowned. Because of Zod, he really didn't want to interact with people on Krypton, who seemed to be a group of rigid thinking guys.

"The survivors of Krypton follow Joe's will and come to the earth to find you. Whether it is me or your cousin, they are all on the earth now. You may already know that a spacecraft came to the earth, and the Kryptonian inside was not from What **** new Krypton came from, but a cousin who is related to you! She was sent out before the explosion of Krypton, and the purpose was to come to Earth to take care of you. But there was an accident midway, and she wandered in the universe for twenty Four years."

Clark didn't want to get entangled with this guy anymore, he didn't trust the hacker at all, "If you say, I will use my own way to track down. Krypton has been destroyed, everything is over, you are also free, and leave the earth. , Go where you want to go."

Haar put his hands in front of him alone, matched with the black uniform, which looked like Joe Al. He walked slowly until he reached a distance of ten meters in front of Clark.

"I'm not here for myself, Carl, you have a more brilliant future, instead of staying on the earth to rot and smell. You are the only heir to the noble El family and a favored citizen of God."

A trace of fanaticism suddenly burst out of Terr's calm eyes. It was a kind of fanaticism and reverence that dedicated everything.


Clark's muscles were tense and his hairs were standing upright. He had a peculiar hunch that he was stared at by something indescribable.

"The **** of Krypton, the **** of light, the **** of the sun, the great master god-Rao! He is looking at his people with the eyes of fraternity!" The fiery heat and reverence burst out of Haier's eyes~www.mtlnovel. com~ Compared with the calm and steady person just now, it's just like two people.

"Rao...? I grew up on Earth and don't believe in the **** of Krypton."

"Then what do you believe, God? Buddha?" Haier suddenly sneered.

"Gods are just powerful living bodies, like Odin and Zeus."

"Krao is not the same! Don't compare those ridiculous false gods with the great Rao!" Haier yelled madly with humiliated anger.

Clark's eyebrows were drooping, and he thought that Hay had gone crazy.

"Rao is watching you, he wants to talk to you, Karl, the great **** wants to talk to you." Haier said solemnly.

Clark's mouth twitched.

But then, the change of Horror surprised him. The gaze suddenly became the essence. Horror's slightly trembling body, his head drooped and raised, his black and white pupils were white and flawless. It seems to contain the entire universe.

The noble breath struck, and every cell in Clark's body revealed a willingness to reverence, a very bad feeling.

"My child." A weird voice came from Ha'er's mouth, and it reached his heart. This unknown being exuded a strong contagion, and the refreshing power affected Clark.

"Rao?" Clark frowned.

"Haier" nodded and walked slowly in front of Clark. Every subtle movement was elegant to the extreme, which seemed to conform to the rules of the universe and made people unable to resist.

"I have been paying attention to you, my child, every Kryptonian is my child, including you." Rao looked at Clark gently.

He stretched out his hand, the white luster came out, "I will give you a future."

At this moment, as far away as Cybertron, Downey snapped the fishing rod and looked in an unknown direction.